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Why South Africans Have Nowhere to Go

Posted by Bob on January 6th, 2006 under History, How Things Work

I wrote this in response to a reply to my earlier piece on South Africa on Stormfront.

Here it is:

Let the old man ramble a little.

I was in South Africa and at the Washington Embassy a lot.

Once I went to a party at the South African Embassy and used the same line I had used everywhere else.

They asked me what I was doing in Rhodesia and a couple of other places in Africa. I said I was working at a sewing machine company, which is what I had said everywhere else.

This was stupid, but I had spent years saying that to people and most folks don’t know one African country from another. To say that in the South African Embassy was really stupid. It got laughs all around.

In fact, the result was a bit like a scene from a movie. One Embassy employee would talk up to another and look over at me and repeat my line and they would have a great laugh. You could see the word spreading around the room.

But I told them and every other white I spoke to in Africa something that is not, in retrospect, quite so funny.

I told them that South Africans had better start backing the white movement outside the Republic or, if apartheid fell, they would have nowhere to go.

But foreign affairs was a matter the average Boer left to his Kerk and to the National Party.

One unmentioned martyr of our movement was a senior civl service employee of South Africa who tried to act on my advice. The Washington Star had recently gone out of business and there was no competition in DC with the Washington Post.

This man took it upon himself to find funding within the South African government to finance a real, full-fledged rival paper right there in DC.

You know how hard it is tyo fire a senior bureaucrat?

He was fired.

Eventually a rival newspaper in DC, the Washington Times, was founded by the Moonies, who are conservative and violently anti-white.

The cost of setting up a DC newspaper full-scale was enormous in terms of the average corporation, but miniscule in terms of the South African budget. If South Africa had controlled the opposition newspaper in DC it could have saved the Boers.

But by the time South Africa fell, the Moonie-type conservatives and liberals had changed the immigration laws so that there was no haven anywhere for the average South African white.

In the 1970s all of the traditional immigration countries, Australia, Canada, the US, would have welcomes several million productive whites with open arms.

But South Africa did not want to interfere in other countries’ politics.
So all I got was the responsibility of ruining one career civil servant’s career — thought I may be overstating my influence.

South African whites put their trust in die Kerk and in the National Party, not in some random redneck who knew Washington politics.

They slammed the door in their own faces. I warned them and they ruined a good man.

That is on MY conscience.

My sympathy with them is all it should be.

  1. #1 by Mark on 01/06/2006 - 11:57 pm

    Jesus said that when you see these things happen you will know the end is near. I realize he wasn’t speaking about the anhiliation of the white race, but in a sense his words can be used in our plight. When we as a white race lose battles — such as South Africa — we end up winning in the long run because as things get worse for us it only speeds the time frame when whites will have to band togetether and conquer the lessor races for survival. Even a slow destruction of our race will eventually cause a time for the white race to act as a cohesive unit again.

    I have nothing to prove my point, but I would imagine this very thing has happened time and again during our many years of existance on this planet, even though there are no extant records of these happenings to learn from and reflect on.

  2. #2 by joe o on 01/07/2006 - 1:19 pm

    David Duke has become an ambassador for our race in foreign, non-white nations. Anti-genocidalists (white folks who don’t want to be genocided) have literally no support throughout the leaders of the world. His attempt is to get some. There may come a time when being white is illegal. If that happens, what Duke is doing now may give us support to survive.

  3. #3 by Scotia on 01/08/2006 - 4:03 pm

    I ask every political candidate that comes to my door to help them. Of course I get a lot less people comming to my door (politicials religious converters etc.) now that I have a confederate flag flying high.

  4. #4 by Don on 01/08/2006 - 11:35 pm

    What always amazes me is that we can go to the moon and build all kinds of sophisticated technological infrastructure, but we can’t cope with genetically disadvantaged featherless bipeds roaming about in our midst. Oh well, I suppose that day will come when social scientists and physicists are on equal footing. Soap and water, anyone?

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