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Comments (o)

Posted by Bob on January 8th, 2006 under Comment Responses

You put me in a bad mood this morning, and I’ve spent sixty-five years (March 31) becoming old enough and crotchety enough and rich enough so I don’t have to be diplomatic.

No comments. You had NO comments!

I write my tail off here, and I expect what I say to generate some THOUGHT.

If you look down in front of you will see a thing on the table that is over a foot wide and about eight inches long. It is called a keyboard. If you come out of your daze and look at it closely you will see it has cute little buttons all over it with numbers and letters and other fascinating stuff.

Look at it a few minutes and your inner child will be fascinated. You will go “Goo!” and drool a little.

As your mind slowly clears you will notice that you can push down those little buttons with the pretty lettters and numbers on them and the very same letters and numbers will appear on the shiny thing in front of you.

The shiny thing is called a monitor.

Stare at the monitor a minute or to you and you may begin to connect with something called your frontal lobe.

P.G. Wodehouse was asked how he wrote his hilarious books.

Wodehouse replied, “Well, I sit stick a blank piece of paper in my typewriter and then I stare at it until my forehead bleeds.”

The shiny thing you are looking at has the words you are reading right now on it.

You stare at these words either until you think of something or your forehead bleeds, whichever comes first.

When I see Comments (0) I figure there are a lot of bleeding foreheads out there.

Back to this frontal lobe thing. It is located just back of the blood of the blood that is oozing out of your skin.

Feel around. It’s in there somewhere.

I cannot believe a group of people can read what I have to say and absolutely none of them are caused to think of a single thing worth sharing.

If you wipe the blood off your forehead enough times you may, at long last, feel a painful sensation directly behind where your hankie is, just under your skull. There may be a noticable sound of grinding as the rust breaks in there.

As the pain subsides, if you do not actually pass out from pain and astonishment, you will read what I say and your frontal lobe will suddenly be connected to your fingers.

You push the little buttony things and something coherent may actually appear on the shiny thing. Wipe your forehead one more time. You are almost there.

It is a painful, novel experience, of course.

But if you are willing to endure all this suffering you will make Ole Bob very happy, and he will no longer feel like shoving the buttony thing and the shiny thing into an area far away from your forehead.

  1. #1 by Shari on 01/08/2006 - 4:27 pm

    Well, I’m in a bad mood too. My daughter just came for her lunch break. She showed me a picture and letter she got from a college friend. This gal went to Nepal about five yrs ago to do some mission work. She came back pregnant. She kept the baby. Well the father showed up this Thankgiving and they got married. So now, they don’t even wait for the world to come here. Meanwhile, my daughter hasn’t much of anything, but work, going on in her life. But, if it’s any help, I do a lot of thinking about what you write, and your no comments piece made me laugh!

  2. #2 by LibAnon on 01/08/2006 - 7:02 pm

    In our defense, Bob, I’ll say that your posts (especially since the New Year) don’t always leave much room for a response other than “Wow!” It’s like looking at the Grand Canyon or something.
    Speaking for strictly for myself, I find there’s often a lot of envy mixed in as well. I find myself thinking, “I wish *I* could have written that.”
    But in my more lucid moments, I realize that a gift like yours comes at a personal price, and I’m not sure it’s one I’d have been willing to pay.

  3. #3 by joe rorke on 01/08/2006 - 8:12 pm

    What’s to say? Seems like there’s two kinds of people in the world. Givers and takers. Me? I’m a taker. Sometimes I give. When I do it’s usually a load. But mostly I take. I sit back and I read you and I enjoy the hell out of it. Presently, I’m listening to “The Thread of History.” I’ll have to hear it several times to fully grasp it. It is the most difficult to grasp of anything I have listened to on your Audio Archives. Everything else is essentially lightwork. Powerful, to the point, down home but not difficult for me to grasp. It is a joy to hear such teaching.

    But I worry about you, Bob. You seem to imply that that you feel neglected if nobody comments upon output. It’s as if you’re wondering if anyone is listening. My thought is that the many thousands of people who are reading this Blog may be like me. They may be takers. Sponges. They may have nothing to say. They may just be, like me, waiting in eager anticipation of the next powerful batch of hard to come by knowledge that flows through that pen of yours. Not everybody is a magpie. Some folks, like me, are quiet. Don’t have too much to say. But we’re listening, Bob. We’re paying attention. We’re learning. Relax, sit back, light up a Camel. Have a sip or two of Rare Breed. We appreciate you. I know I do. Try to keep that blood pressure down, Old Timer. We need valuable people like you. Straight ahead. There’s a lot of work to do. Even for Old Timers.

  4. #4 by willing on 01/09/2006 - 12:02 am

    IMO,there would be a lot more comments if BW were perceived to
    be an enemy.The comments would then be merciless.As it is,
    almost none of the(posted)comments go for the jugular.There’s
    also an “intimidation” factor involved which may prevent some
    from posting comments.Few of the comments will be impressive.
    As an analogy,it would be like entering a bidding war against
    Warren Buffett at some penny arcade.Few would try,and none would

  5. #5 by Frank on 01/09/2006 - 3:23 am

    Bob ….. I luv ya! Who else could be so darned HONEST about his feelings while at the same time make so much sense?

    I “discovered” you only a month ago. It’s been a long (short to you I’m sure) journey in only six months from being “blind” to the situation we’re in to where my mind is at now. It all started when I met a “real live #@!@#& Supremacist in a social situation, and couldn’t quite believe what I was hearing, ie, that “his” people were more likely to be be intelligent than “us”; that I should read “The Authoritarian Personality” to start to understand who I was, ad nauseum. Well, those comments led me to read all of Kevin McDonald’s Trilogy on Judaism, which in turn led me to search the net. I ended up in places I thought were “off limits”, and finally found some REAL COMMON SENSE: And here I am.

    Was very glad to see you “back in action” after reading you were taking a year off. Tough job you have taken on, but we’re all so glad you are who you are.

    I’ve downloaded all your available talks and have made CD’s of them and have been spreading them around wherever I can. I know that some of it will sink in and bear fruit. I own “only” one copy of your book, but that’s already been passed around a bit too. Will soon get more, but I fear a lot of the people who would benefit from it are still not quite ready to “start thinking” yet. Dilemma!!!!

    So if it makes you feel any better, now that I know you’re “back” — I’ll check in regularly and make sure you don’t have to experience any “zero comment” moments…..don’t want a fit of apoplexy or sumpin’ simlar!

    Rest assured that, even if you don’t get a comment, you ARE MAKING A HUGE DIFFERENCE. And it’s spreading…



  6. #6 by Don on 01/09/2006 - 1:41 pm

    You have a lot of good stuff to say. It’s getting better all the time. What is it, Ginkoba or something? But stop being so bashful and wishy washy. Speak up and tell us what you really think. I can’t stand it when people lack self-confidence. Where did this come from, being the youngest child?

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