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I Wouldn’t Stop Immigration if I Could

Posted by Bob on January 6th, 2006 under Bob, History, How Things Work

Gradual integration always scared me a lot more than busing.

Back in the early 1960s it looked as though those who wanted an end to the the white race — and I knew what they were after — had evolved the perfect strategy.

I remember in 1962, when Saint John the Kennedy sent the 101st Airborne Division in to integrate the University of Mississippi, one network announcer said, “Why are these Southerners fighting so hard? They will get to keep their society mostly segregated.”

Try to find THAT one in the Memory Hole.

Another one you won’t find in the Memory Hole.

I don’t know if anyone today remembers the Watts Riots of 1965. But at 2 am on the first night, the national broadcasts were saying, “One thing we know for certain. These are NOT race riots.”

Those who were determined to end the white race were on the perfect course with gradualism. There would be no racial crisis that people could see. Their aim was to abolish the white race in the 21st century.

So until I was in my early twenties, I watched the perfect strategy in action. Slowly, step by step, they would integrate.

The frog in the water.

The story is that a frog can be boiled to death without reacting if you put him in water and SLOWLY raise the temperature to boiling.

The white race could be raised to boiling if you could keep suburbanites from fearing they would lose money on blacks moving in. Only a few Sidney Poitiers and Harry Bellefontes would move in.

But those who had this strategy had to contend with activists.

The NAACP had never had a black president. Suddenly in the 1960s there was a black revolt inside the NAACP itself.

Black Power took over the black movement. Fanatical outspoken anti-whites took over the white movement, “The white race is the cancer of history.”

I guess you can’t put yourself in my shoes to understand what a relief that was. I was terrified of gradualism.

You see, only me and the anti-whites knew what the real game was. Nobody else cared.

As long as you got rid of the white race without threatening unionists’ jobs or suburban housing values, nobody but a few real racists like me and the anti-whites cared about the long-term fate of my race.

And if immigration is stopped, all the Pat Buchanans will say, “Now let’s ASSIMILATE with them.”

Many a working person has told me about how he used to be all for integration, but suddenly the minorities are taking his job.

Poor baby! It didn’t wait to destroy his children, it came after HIM. He would have been happy for his grandchildren to be in a third world country, but this was too much.

So I wouldn’t stop affirmative action if I could. Now that we have plenty of non-white immigrants to destroy our race here, I am more against the Buchananites “assimilation” than I am against open borders.

I have been fighting the real battle, the battle for racial survival, since I was thirteen years old.

All these people who had “experiences” with affirmative action and changed sides are lower than whale doo to me.

But I listen sympathetically because SOME of them go from just licking their own wounds to being dedicated to my cause, which is survival.

  1. #1 by CL on 01/08/2006 - 9:46 pm

    Every time I have to choose between English and Espanol, I smile a little inside.

  2. #2 by Bruce on 01/08/2006 - 10:25 pm

    > And if immigration is stopped, all the Pat Buchanans will say, “Now let’s ASSIMILATE with them.”

    You know Pat Buchanan personally, so I gather you would know this better than I, but I have wondered from time to time if he just speaks of assimilation to lull the meatheads to sleep while he does his work.

    By the way, I agree with you on gradualism being a huge threat. I’d say this is one of your better postings. There is little long term benefit to stopping immigration if we pack up after the victory and say we won the war when we only won the battle. My question to you is this: Can gradualism work for us and, if so, would putting a stop to immigration not be a step in the right direction so long as we don’t lose momentum? Or do you think we should focus on other concrete goals first. Of course the very first goal is waking people up to the dangers of the PC religion, but from there, what political goal should come next?

  3. #3 by Don on 01/08/2006 - 11:17 pm

    Absolutely right. Do I get frosted when I hear people who are presumably racially aware complain about non-whites failing to assimilate. Assimilate? Are they serious? The bigger the gulf that separates Whites from non-whites the better. I hope the Mestizos take over Texas, make Mexlish the official language, and tell the Gringos to head North. In other words, I want the multicultural experience to be a PAINFUL one. I know, I am not being nice. Sorry about that.

  4. #4 by AllisioRex on 03/23/2006 - 11:40 pm

    I’m with you my friends. Unfortunately, there will not be any political solution to our invasion and future demise. Only a military intervention in each White Countries can save us. If not, we will have to hit the streets and revolte as a last resort.

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