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Why Gifted Children Have no Friends in Politics

Posted by Bob on January 13th, 2006 under How Things Work

Here is an exchange I just had on Stormfront:

Nordic 2005 said:

[QUOTE=Nordic2005]I also agree with David Duke that much more money needs to be spent on gifted children. The public schools, as I knew them, did virtually nothing to benefit those whose IQs were tested and known to be in the gifted to genius range.[/QUOTE]


Bill O’Reilly, whose entire “education” consists of a degree in education, has said repeatedly, I repeat, repeatedly, that no child is born with greater mental ability than any other child.

He says it’s just that ghetto children are brought up wrong.

Gifted children have no friends in politics. This is because of respectable conservatism.

Respectable conservatives only exist to provide an opposition to liberals. They only argue with what liberals say.

Liberals say that conservatives are not friends of the mentally disadvantaged. So conservatives try to prove they’re wrong by setting up NO CHild Left Behind and pushing tax credits to send black children to white private white schools.

This makes them feel really good. Nothing makes a respectable feel as good as outliberaling a liberal.

Sp respectable conservatives have no interest in gifted children because liberals have no interest in gifted children.

As long as our two-headed establishment, leftists and respectable conservatives, hold power, gifted children willl have no friends in politics.

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