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Rice for President?

Posted by Bob on January 14th, 2006 under How Things Work

Congoleza, to no one’s surprise, is being touted for president by Republicans.

Let me make you a few predictions about that.

Republicans will go absolutely into their glory at the idea of a black Republicans candidate, the way they always do.

As I keep saying (article below), there is nobody as deliriously happy as a respectable cosnervative who is outliberaling liberals. I have seen drug addicts after a huge fix who were not as high as Republicans were when they were talking about Powell for president.

Congoleza will play with them, but she, like Powell, has the persepective her dark skin gives her. She has not spent her entire political and academic life trying to prove to everybody else, and especially herself, that she is not a racist the way respectable conservatives have.

Powell said his wife convinced him of what he himself realized: if he were elected, he would have a better than fifty percent chance of being assasinated.

Not by a racist white. By a black or a Hispanic who believed he was a traitor, which is what their owners would tell them.

  1. #1 by Shari on 01/14/2006 - 3:27 pm

    This, the first this or the first that. is really losing any shine fast. How about the first kindergartner for president? He or she would be so cute.

  2. #2 by Bob on 01/14/2006 - 3:33 pm

    Shari, dear, Gerald Ford has already BEEN president!

  3. #3 by Derek on 01/15/2006 - 8:03 pm

    So what was James Earl Ray?

    Speaking of which…every time someone asks me what holiday we have off this Monday I tell them “James Earl Ray Day”. Let’s face it: JER made him a martyr and helped their cause more than he hurt it.

  4. #4 by Elizabeth on 01/15/2006 - 8:37 pm

    I’m always impressed by people who study music (the
    real stuff — practice, practice, practice,
    music theory, music facts — not strumming on a
    guitar or pounding a drum)for years.

    It isn’t that it makes them intelligent.

    Music study for years makes people persistent.
    They learn to keep working on something until they
    get it RIGHT, not “good enough.”

    I’d been wondering why she keeps talking about
    becoming the first woman NFL commissioner.

  5. #5 by Peter on 01/17/2006 - 12:36 am

    Will there be any yellow dogs running next time around?

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