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Posted by Bob on January 19th, 2006 under Comment Responses

In my piece below on why a white male might not like women, I committed the ultimate blasphemy of our established religion, political correctness.

Women, even though they are the majority, are an officially designated and protected Minority Group in PC doctrine. Just as a Jew or a black can denounce whites when he is feeling frustrated with them, a woman is encouraged to say, “I hate men” when she is feeling frustrated.

A man who says he sometimes hates women or blacks or Jews or Australian Bushman is instantly and eternally condemned to the flames of Hitlerism.

Instead of giving me all the reservations she is supposed to be obsessed with, Elizabeth just said she agreed. A healthy-minded white man sometimes just doesn’t LIKE women. A healthy-minded white woman sometimes just doesn’t LIKE women.

But I like to think that only a Bob’s Blogger would say that without reservation.

  1. #1 by Shari on 01/19/2006 - 3:48 pm

    Yes, I can understand that. I could also add that I often have the same problem liking Christians, although I am one.

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