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The Infallible Bob Fallibates

Posted by Bob on January 20th, 2006 under Comment Responses

I just gave Joe hell for saying “I could be wrong.”

Then I wrote a piece, replying to Joe, about how it I feel things deeply.

Joe kept writing “I could be wrong” because he was making personal observations about me and he was being very careful to make it clear that he was not criticizing me personally, he could be wrong.

Joe is sensitive. So I attacked his sensitivity.

The same sensitiviy I just claimed a right to.

When I say I am wrong a lot, you have to admit I practice what I preach.

Once again, all this is simple but not easy. I deeply believe that you should STOP apologizing.

But on the other hand I just said that I understand sensitivity. This simple stuff gets complicated fast.

Joe, put it another way besides apology.

This is the problem with not being a Wordist. A Wordist can cut out his frontal lobe and stick a book in there. Sometimes I wish I had the Book of Whitaker to stick in there.

Everything in science starts simple. I remember being a Discussant at an economics convention and standing in front of a blackboard full of calculus equations and making corrections.

But all that calculus was based on the words, “supply and demand,” what goes by the not-so-simple-sounding name of Microeconomics.

The whole basis of Western Science, expresed in Occam’s Razor, is simple enough:

“Cut your assumptions to the bone.”

So you get simple basic like the Laws of Thermodynamics.

So you get engineering professors standing in front of blackboards full of equations more complicated than anyone before Occam’s Razor could have imagined.

The world gets very, very complicated when you see the simple truth.

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 01/20/2006 - 7:58 pm

    I haven’t read the piece where you gave me hell yet. I’ll probably respond to that also. If you’re coming after me with a club, Bob, that’ll be fine. I’ll be able to weather the storm. It just occurred to me that the best friend you will ever have will be the person who tells you the truth. Those who jerk you around are not your friends. I’m sure you know that. They don’t care enough about you to tell you the truth. About anything.

    I think the subject of economics is a fascinating subject. I studied it to a small degree. Enjoyed the hell out of it. I can’t understand why it’s called “the dismal science.” I think that’s what I’ve heard it called.

    Now let me go find out about the hell you have given me. Are we having fun yet?

  2. #2 by Bob on 01/21/2006 - 1:11 pm

    Don’t forget that Mark just blew me out of the water for something that touched a nerve
    with him that I STILL don’t understand. If I had been as frank with him personally as I
    was with you he would have gone ballistic.

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