Archive for June 1st, 2006

Revolutionaries and Rulers

I get the impression that each revolution is made by one group and then taken over by another.

Sam Adams had a LOT to do with the Bston Tea Party and he formed the Liberty Boys. His brother became president, but Sam had nothing to do with governing once the revolution got under way.

Southern history was wiped off the books in 1865, but Christopher Gadsden had the same role in the states down here, and he, too, disappeared from history.

Patrick Henry had no role in the government. The author of Common Sense, who had most to do with gettting public opinion on the side of outright independence, was likewise no part of government.

This rule is even sharper in Europe. The revolutionaries in France ended up making Napolean emperor.

Those who overthrew the Tsar made for Lenin’s tyranny that made the Czar look childish.

I have been keeping you abreast of a running dialogue between me and the guy on Stormfront, bless his lion heart
He is a good illustration of the people who help make revolutions and then disappear.

He asked me for a statement of what MY policies would be if ***I*** had to take power.

I’ve been there.

In the end, all he was really interested in was the latest news about what Cheney planned to do in Saudi Arabia. He kept trying to get me to admit that if I was perfectly willing to force us, and nobody else, to give us oil at reasoable prices by a threat of force, I was really just like Cheney.

I think revolutionaries more or less die when the revolution occurs. Their minds are still back with how to be different from what they overthrew, certain words trigger emotions in them from the past.

In a revolution the name of hte game is that the past is OVER.

So governing AFTER a revolution is something entirely different.

When the Reagan Revolution was supposed to happen in 1981, those who had been in its making had no clue of what to do next. They ended the oil crisis right quickly and they took down the Soviet Union and they ended stagflation, three pretty good accomplishments for one political takeover, but the word on the street today is that nothing happened.

Each of those accomplishments was simply a result of ending the dumbass liberal policies that CAUSED those problems.

After that, Reagan’s crowd had no policy OF THEIR OWN.

So the “Revolution” dribbled away.

When you ask someone like me what MY policy is, I am not reading the latest scandals on how mean Cheney is.

I could take over the presidency or advise a new president after the present crowd is tossed out.

Revolutionaries can’t.

And that is a major part of world history in one quick lesson.



Let’s Stop Discriminating Against Non-Whites


Non-whites are told they should force their way into all-white communities so they do as they are told.

You, as a white gentile, can force your way into a Black Muslim community or a Hassidim community, but once the novelty wears off you are just plain living in the middle of people who don’t WANT you.

So, if you were ever nuts enough to force your way in, you will move out.

The only reason minorities forcing their way into white communities STAY is because of the whites who are fanatically anti-white.

This is an interesting crowd. They are always talking about the glories of multiculturalism and they are the first to demand that children who cannot afford private schools be bussed into the ghettoes.

But when you point out that they could just go buy a house within a mile of where they live, a house that is right in the middle of a black community, they insist that you have lost your mind.

The novelty wears off of crap like this for everybody but white gentiles.

We keep worrying about minorities moving in.

But minorities are NOT the problem.

For once I agree that skin color makes no difference.

Forget the minorities.

Make those white traitors walk the walk they talk. If they want multiculturalism, take them up on it.


Even the law hasn’t caught up with this concept:

If some white bastard wants to live among minorities, MAKE HIM DO IT.

Stop discriminating against minorities. START discriminating against traitors.

And I mean totally, completely, without mercy.

If they even say a word about how guilty they feel about living in a white community, kick them out of YOURS.

Isolate them to an extent you would be ashamed to freeze out a black person.



We’re the Only Game in Town

I wonder if you caught the undertone of JOY I felt in discussing my grouching and Mark and Shari coming back hard.

As I said, I went back to grad school for a semester in 1992 just to see how things look now. I really wondered if it would be worth the trouble and expense.


I could not believe how the process of academics turning into standard and packaged bureucrats had progressed in the decades since I was last a grad student or conducting a seminar.

Nowadays no student would DARE do anything but be agreeable.

Even a generation ago by the time you were a grad student in a seminar you were an A student and confident, even cocky. Today the sort of outright battles we had between the professor and the grad students would be absolutely unimaginable.

No professor then could even imagine downgrading a student for just plain being combative. It was a matter of honor: A professor would NEVER allow himself to be SUSPECTED of downing a grad seminar student for coming in swinging.

Now it is assumed that the professor will do just that. It is part of the modern prep for the academic bureaucracy: Go along and get along.

As in so many other cases, I am about the ONLY person who got to see the process up close and personal many years apart, and I have this unique talent of REMEMBERING.

So I CONDUCT this seminar. I don’t TEACH it.

You think I’m pretty good, or you wouldn’t BE here.

But you take no crap.

So when the crowd in the seminar I was conducting came back on me being crotchety and tasteless, my response was NOT that I was being beaten, it was a feeling of nostalgia.

And, above all, a feeling of JOY.

We are the only real seminar left.

Which means I am about the only academic left who can CONDUCT a seminar.

That is a VERY big deal to me.

I am proud of me, and I am proud of you.

In that order, of course.


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