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Who Cares What Non-Whites THINK of Us?

Posted by Bob on June 2nd, 2006 under Coaching Session

Every respectable conservative is happiest when he is outliberaling liberals.

Pro-lifers are in their glory when they are axplaing how, if they had their way, the nonwhite population of the world would triple in a few decades, and they would fight to be sure every brain-damaged child was around to prevent its parents from affording any normal children.

Another time when a respectable conservative is in a euphoria is when he is quoting non-whites who spew open hatred against whites. Thet want to get to get rid of whites, too, it’s called “assimilation” or “the melting pot” and they get delirious talking about that, too.

But liberals keep attacking HATE, so the conservatives glory in quoting non-white hate to show they are just as anti-hate as liberals are.

While conservatives are having their joy fit, nobody notices what they are saying.

The siple fact is that the liberals are right on at least one point. Non-whites worry night and day about what white people think of them. They makes laws to prevent white people from saying anything about them they don’t like. They wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat realizing there is a white man who doesn’t want his daughter marrying a black boy.

Meanwhile the fact of the matter is that whites don’t CARE what non-whites think about them or SAY about them.

Peasants worry about aristocrats who are snotty. Aristocrats consider it beneath them to worry about what the mases think of them.

Liberals are right.

We think we are better than they are.

And, from their attitudes, so do they.

  1. #1 by Twin Ruler on 06/02/2006 - 5:04 pm

    It is only called “Racism” if it comes out of the mouths of White People.

  2. #2 by Shari on 06/02/2006 - 5:05 pm


    This is true, but when some white girl doesn’t care when some coloured yells obscenities at her or her parents don’t care, something is sure the matter.

  3. #3 by Patrick on 06/02/2006 - 11:06 pm

    Whites couldn’t care less about what nonwhites think or say about them? Yeah right.

    Tell that to the millions of white kids with posters of black athletes and black pop stars plastered all over their bedroom walls.

  4. #4 by Dave on 06/02/2006 - 11:37 pm

    The non-white demands love because he cannot endure his envy. Little more needs to be said about the state of race relations.

    What I want is an orderly world. However, I do not want to impose order upon the world. Nevertheless, I will not cede responsibility for my own emotions.

    The Taj Mahal and its surrounding complex is the most perfect architecture in the world. It banishes all strangeness of proportion, yet it makes no attempt to impose order upon the world. Accordingly, I like Bob Whitaker’s mind because he has banished all strangeness of proportion from it, yet he makes no attempt to impose order upon the world. His is a genuinely superior mind.

    Multiculturalism is an attempt to impose order upon the world. The world shall inevitably resist and prevail. The religious requirement that you love the other race is a strangeness of proportion. It is beauty only to those who are vulgar

  5. #5 by Dennis on 06/03/2006 - 4:04 am

    The thoughts are only a problem, if you fear they may be true.

    Many blacks seem to flaunt the fact they have white women, so I have my doubts that it keeps them awake at night. There sure as hell are enough white liberals to defend them.

    It seems it is whites who are most offended when a percieved ‘minority’ (inluding women) are given derogatory labels? Why, because their is a suspicious that women/blacks/latinos/aboriginals whatever could be inferior. I don’t care about racial terms, because they are no threat.

    But a racial or sexist slur against blacks and women strikes deeper, because of the subconscious, or conscious awareness that there might be an element of truth.

    I’m not going to debate whether it is true, but all the ‘anti-defamation’ screeching by liberals seems to imply that they at least, fear it could be.

    Yes, liberals do think we are better, they will NEVER admit it, but their actions seem to indicate that.

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