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Posted by Bob on June 3rd, 2006 under History

Pee-Wee Gastin was a South Carolina boy who was five feet three inches tall, and he had a movie shown about his life, after it ended, on national TV.

Nobody but me remembers it, of course.

He killed a LOT of people, most of them for money. The ones he killed free were white women who had babies with black guys.

Peewee spent a LOT of time in prison, and all the anti-death penalty kept him not only alive, but in, I assume you know the prison term, the general population.

I remember one case where a HUGE black mass of muscle decided to push this white shrimp around.

Peewee looked up almost vertically at the guy’s face and said, and these are NOT my words, just a quote, “You know, I don’t LIKE niggers, and I really hate niggers with big mouths.”

I am sure said Black Hero only found out later that he had been talking to Peewee Gaskin, and that he spent a VERY restless night.

The next day said musclebound Victim of White Society caught on FIRE.

I do not know if he survived. He had THIRD degree burns over most of his body, and if you have never been around a burn ward, there is no way to explain what that means.

But, due to the efforts of those who idealistically fought the death penalty, Peewee stayed in the general population.

But Peewee didn’t seem to CARE about those humanitarians. So finally they abandoned him.

A black guy murdered a white woman and her child. This black Victim of Society was put in the same General Population with Peewee.

Nobody gave a damn about a white woman or her baby, so the grieving father had only one recourse. He offered Peewee money to the black bastard.

Once again, there is no reason you should know about ptison money, but Peewee had more than he could use in his account and it was unlikely he would ever get out to use the rest in the free world. But he took the case.

Peewee rigged up a radio for the black guy to listen to.

It had a bomb in it.

Said black Victim of society was shown in the movie talling Peewee how great the radion worked.

Then Peewee pushed a button and that Victim of White Society’s head was blown completely off.

I mean OFF.

All of the Enemies of the Death Penalty, from Dershowitz on down, suddenly abandoned Peewee, and he was exceuted, as he damned well knew he would be.

The TV movie is forgotten because it told the story exactly the way I am telling it.

We are not the only people in America who are really pissed off.

  1. #1 by Dave on 06/03/2006 - 5:56 pm

    I call types like Pee Wee “Radical Problem Solvers”. It’s hard not to admire him.

    A couple of years ago there was this white kid in Seattle. A cop tried to haul him in on a curfew violation. He wrestled the cop’s gun away and blew the cop’s head off.

    The kid said: “Just because that guy was wearing a clown suit deosn’t mean he gets to bully me”. The kid’s father said: “That kid is just too blame onery, I wash my hands of him”.

    I say: “I would never behave like that but it’s hard not to admire someone going down on a count of manhood”.

  2. #2 by joe rorke on 06/03/2006 - 7:02 pm

    No Spam. They’s guys what swears y’all hain’t gone take they guns lessen you pry they cold ded fangers offen they guns. I figgers most o them is fulla bullshit. Then they’s PeeWee. He serious. He got stones. He do the job. It ain’t jus his mouf movin. He’s a down home boy.

  3. #3 by Antonio Fini on 06/04/2006 - 10:18 pm

    This story reminded me of the lengthy article The New Yorker just ran on the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang, or as the call it in the joint “The Brand.” It seems merely flashing an AB tattoo gives the owner enough clout to take over a whole cell block.

    That’s because AB will kill anyone who crosses them, even if they go into protective custody or get transferred to another institution. It makes no difference if the victim is an inmate or a guard. And if by some miracle he can evade AB for a while, members on the outside will get his family.

    I don’t know if there’s a point to all this. But I like reading about cornered White men getting dangerous and resourceful instead of just folding like punks.

  4. #4 by richard on 06/05/2006 - 8:00 am


    Here’s what I found –

    Rudolph Tyner was already marked for death by the state, but he wasn’t dying fast enough to please some people. Condemned for the holdup murders of Bill and Myrtle Moon at Murrells Inlet, in Georgetown County, Tyner expected to drag his case out for a decade or more with appeals before he kept his date with the electric chair. He might even beat the rap, since racial aspects of the case — black gunman, white victims — added weight to his appeals. South Carolina’s death penalty statutes had been twice invalidated by Supreme Court rulings in the past eight years, proving that anything was possible. Tyner’s worst problem on Death Row, so far, was feeding his insatiable narcotics addiction.

    Outside the prison walls, Tony Cimo schemed to accelerate Tyner’s execution. Cimo was Myrtle Moon’s son by a previous marriage, bent on avenging his mother’s death. Through prison contacts, he negotiated for the hit, passed along from one convict to the next until he connected with Donald Gaskins. Finally, he had a contact who could guarantee results for a price. A maintenance trusty housed next-door to Death Row, Gaskins had free access to condemned inmates, mending broken pipes, toilets, light fixtures, anything at all. Unknown to Cimo, Gaskins also had a tape recorder, capturing their conversations for posterity — a blackmail tool as good as money in the bank if he should ever manage to escape from custody.

    Gaskins decided poison was the way to go. Befriending Tyner on his visits to Death Row, Gaskins began to slip the holdup killer junk food, marijuana, pills and heroin. Tyner received the gifts, unquestioning, and begged for more. Cimo supplied a box of candy laced with poison “strong enough to kill a horse,” but Tyner merely suffered stomach pains. Over the next 12 months, Gaskins repeated the experiment five times, spiking his target’s food and drugs with ever-larger toxic doses, all in vain. Tyner lived on, oblivious to the “coincidence” between his gifts and stomach-churning trips to the infirmary.

    Six strikes and out. Gaskins gave up on poison and decided to construct a bomb. Cimo supplied the wiring, hardware and C-4 plastic explosive (smuggled past distracted guards in the hollowed-out heels of cowboy boots). Tyner agreed to let Gaskins connect a homemade intercom between their cells. Gaskins strung wire through prison heating ducts, constructed a “receiver” for his target from a plastic cup, and packed it with C-4. The two men synchronized their watches for a test run on the evening of Sept. 12, 1982.

    At the appointed hour, Tyner pressed the loaded plastic cup against his ear and spoke to Gaskins, on the far side of the wall between their cells. “The last thing he heard through that speaker-cup before it blew his head off,” Gaskins later said, “was me laughing.”

    But the last laugh belonged to his jailers.

    Press reports initially described Tyner’s death as suicide, but there are no real secrets in prison. Snitches started talking, and Tony Cimo soon confessed his role in the plot. A grand jury was impaneled, indicting Gaskins and Cimo with two inmate accessories for murder and conspiracy.

    The state of South Carolina had failed to execute Donald Gaskins for his previous murders. Now, it was prepared to try again.

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