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Covetousness Versus Greed

Posted by Bob on June 11th, 2006 under General

One of the commandments prohibits “coveting.”

One thing specified was that one should not covet another’s “ass,” which is why so many people remember this commandment from

the million puns made from it.

But what occurred to me was that, with all the gold other things a person could covet, why the specific mention of a jackass?

I finally realized that the commandments were written, by God or Moses, in the middle of a forty-year-long WALK. To those

who were in fact WALKING, the guy on a donkey would be a man you would be very jealous of.

One thing I have noticed about leftists is that their big selling point is covetousness.

I know it isn’t fashionable, but we never embraced socialism because we were GREEDY, but not COVETOUS. The appeal of

Bolshevism was not that it would make the poor richer, but that it would destroy those rich bastards. Americans have never

been interested in revenge on rich people, they wanted to be rich, too.

Socialism was big in Europe because to the average European leftist, rich or poor, rich people all looked alike. In America

we really hate rich people who take their money from other people, but the Henry Fords, who get filthy rich by DOING

something, are our heroes.

So America has been the despair of leftists. Why can’t poor white working people hate rich people the way Europeans always


Because we lack covetousness. We want to be rich, too. But we don’t want revenge on somebody who IS rich. We want the SAME

THINGS he has, but we wouldn’t feel right taking his things FROM him.

A lot of people like to put the Ten Commandments in public places,but nobody likes to READ them.

To a socialist, there is no different between greed and covetousness. The Commandment does NOT condemn the love of money per

se. I specifically prohibits your wanting what someone else HAS.

Another commandment is said to ban LYING. It specifically does not apply to lying. It says “Thou shalt not bear falso

witness against thy neighbor.”

Unlike the Jehovists, I give JHWH credit for being able to write what he MEANS.

Telling an ugly person he looks fine is not prohibited. St. Paul said, “We must be all things to all men.” That hardly

sounds like a demand for telling the exact truth in all situations.

So Constantine changed the Sabbath from Saturday to SUN DAY, the day Persians and Mithraians — his orginal faith —

recognized as teh Holy Day. It was a POLITICAL gesture, as Paul had directed.

“Thou shalt have no other gods BEFORE ME” is another case where everybody agrees that JHWH was a lousy writer. What he

meant to say was “There is only one God, and I am God.”

He just didn’t know how to say that, being omniscient and all.

Early Christians did NOT refuse to bow before other gods because they did not exist. They refused to bow down to OTHER gods

most of them assumed DID exist.

JHWH said, “Thou shalt not kill” and then regularly ordered wholesale slaughter. Apparently he assumed people had more

sense than the Quakers.

So the Commandments say:

1) Don’t steal, don’t want to take things away from others, don’t tell a lie that will HURT somebody, kill only in

self-defense or for some other very good reason,

2) if there are other gods, put them below JHWH

So Jesus boiled the Commandments down to two:

1) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and

2) Love and honor God.

He added that this was what the Law and the Prophets MEANT.

He did NOT say that this meaning could ONLY be gotten from the JEWISH Law and the JEWISH Prophets. You will find those two

rules in Zoroastrianism and in Nordic religions.

I am 99% atheist, but I seem to be the only person around who thinks JHWH and Jesus were able to say what they meant without the help of a theologian.

  1. #1 by Shari on 06/11/2006 - 9:22 pm

    I think that all these damnable government programs have been more divisive than any civil war could be. Even relatives who wouldn’t think of stealing from you personally, will do it legally and never seem to notice. Those New York Dutch suckered for usery and some of them had to be paying for it. Well I guess you’ve said as much already.

  2. #2 by Elizabeth on 06/12/2006 - 12:54 pm


    I live in an area where displaying a Ten Commandments sign is the
    local equivalent of political correctness.

    When I tell people I’d be happy to put up a sign with the
    Sermon on the Mount on it, I get “Huh?” looks.

    The closest I’ve ever come to being an atheist was during the
    several months at a particular school in which the Ten Commandments
    were posted in every classroom. See, I _knew_ from personal
    experience that evil is, in real life, frequently rewarded.

    And I’m a big fan of the St. Francis Prayer, which is sometimes
    called “the peace prayer.” It isn’t about peace, it’s about
    being a good person, and asking God to help you be one.

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