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Posted by Bob on June 19th, 2006 under General

Dressing for women is getting to be a lost art from what you see these days. Sounds as if the young Mrs. Edwards has not lost


Comment by Shari


Dani, Mrs. Edwards, is a Southern girl of the better sort.

Like other young Southern women, while the rest of the world has adjusted to Modern Thought, she has not lost a damned thing.

I was amazed that Hollywood called them Steel Magnolias. It is so accurate!

Shari did not say “A woman dressing for men is a lost art these days.” What she said was that a woman dressing TO SEND A MESSAGE is a lost art.

Shari is not very trendy. Considering what “trendy” means today, it is not something Shari aspires to.

The first thing every “trendy” woman will tell you is that women never dress for men. The trendy thing to say is that women dress for other women.

This is supposed to “defend” women against any suspicion that they are out to get men.

Well, this “women dress for other women” is true. It is true in the same sense that a male peacock does not have his feathers FOR other male peacocks. He wears them AGAINST other male peacocks. Female peacocks are colorless little birds, like us males who are not pimps.

Many women, and not just women’s libbers, would say that Dani put on that dress to send a signal to other WOMEN.

If Dani’s outfit sent a message to other women, the message was, “I am a woman with a triple w that men lust after. Tough luck if you’re NOT.”

My suspicion is that Dami was not interested in putting other women down that way. She is a young MARRIED woman. She has already GOTTEN her man.

I suspect that her motive was to show the world that her husband was a lucky man, and a man with excellent taste. If one is a beautiful woman, one wants to show the world. She sent a message: “James Edwards is a man I love who has fantastically good taste.”

I know that the worst thing you can say about a female today is that she is trying to please her man. So let me relieve her of at least part of this burden:

There was egotism involved, too. She is sexy. She wants to look sexy.

OK, we have explained that, as Shari says, Dani is a proudly out-of-date Southern female who wants to please her man and show off a bit.

But we are still left with the problem that drives women’s libbers, even the heterosexual ones, up the wall:

Who was Dani’s outfit AIMED at?

Did she really want to say to other women, “I am a woman with a triple w that men lust after. Tough luck if you’re NOT.”

That never occurred to her.

Dani wanted to get it right and she got it right.

For whom?

What Shari said was that a woman dressing to make that sort of statement is a lost art. Shari is SO right!

I am proud to say that if you ask one of us totally out-of-date Southerners “WHO did Dani dress FOR?” we would not have the foggiest idea of what you are talking about.

My feeling is that it is more insulting to say that a woman dresses for other women than that a woman dresses for men.

A real woman dresses RIGHT.

Complicated, isn’t it?

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