Archive for June, 2006

LibAnon, I was WRONG!

You see the last three words in the title above? They seem to cause a huge portion of the population acute pain. The desperatopm varies, but I do not think that, among any million people, there is any limit to the extremes a considerable number of people will go rather than utter those three fatal words: “I was WRONG!”

So when I say it, please do not put my name in for the Martyr’s Prize.

I have no trouble with it at all.

When I gave LibAnon my standard Reaganite answer that the government must not interfere except where it pays for education, I forgot another standard Reaganite answer. They oppose affirmative action, saying it constitutes government interference. When it comes to the universities I support drastic affirmative action against the professor-priesthood.

So LibAnon is saying that I damned well know that is government interference and I agree with him. This quiet little conspiracy throughout the educational establishment must not just be ended, it must be REVERSED and PUNISHED. Everything a professor has is due us in reparations. Everything every foundation that has supported this destruction has is subject to due penalties, and what is “due” is HUGE.

Government action?

You betcha!



LibAnon Sitcks to the Point

LibAnon says:

Your main point is that PC is an established religion and that professors comprise its priesthood. Aside from all of the usual problems with established religions, they happen to be illegal in this country. That is a brilliant insight, and I still agree with it. I believe that alone justifies what you were trying to do on Capitol Hill.
When I have trouble on this Blog, it’s usually when brilliant insights like these degenerate into garden-variety Reaganism. In this particular post, you seem to be lapsing into particularly vintage Reaganspeak, along the lines of “The State of California has no business subsidizing intellectual curiosity.”
Yes, I do happen to be a liberal in that I don’t believe education is at all like a “product” that is sold to “consumers”, exactly like paper clips. But that’s not my point here. Instead, my point is that YOU are, in this particular post, wandering off the main point and getting into the liberal vs. conservative weeds. The ESSENTIAL point, I think, is that PC is a religion and for THAT reason, the taxpayers shouldn’t be funding it. “PC is a religion” is a mantra we can win with. “Education is like paper clips” is not.

Comment by LibAnon


The ONLY important thing here is that LibAnon is sticking to the POINT.

In a crisis, the ONLY important point is how does our cause win, not how goes the debate?

I was the one who saved the Space Telescope, so I certainly would be the last to be able to say that I opposed government’s paying to satisfying intellectual curiosity, though I am absolutely mystified as to what that has to do with social science.


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Saleability Versus Truth

I wrote a piece below called “What Only Amateurs Can Do” dedicated to the proposition that professionals write what present-day opinion and fashion pay them for.

Simmons then asked me about his Peak Oil Theory and my reply was in this vein, as he predicted. Since 1971 the newspapers have been full of oil and the Middle East. So if you have a theory about the future or the past or hte present, you sell it by tying it to oil and the Middle East. We become even more obsessed with oil and the Middle East.

I would therefore be astounded if the real problem that slammed us in the side of the face came from the direction we’re looking at, i.e., oil and the Middle East.



Simmons and Oil

NOT SPAM I guess my “Peak Oil” babble falls into this futurology category?

Comment by Simmons


Have mercy!

I have been listening to theories on the Ultimate Oil Crisis since 1972.

It used to be the left which combined the ruin of hte West with its hoggish desire for a high standard of living.

About my twentieth theory of Oil Crisis and Hoggish Desires I sort of fogged out on that. Let me get over the FY2K disaster, and I’ll get back to the oil ones.




“Intellectual life is an infomercial.”
After making this same point on a previous occasion, you added that the solution to this problem is to subject intellectual life to government oversight, thereby holding intellectuals accountable.
I doubt it’s simply a coincidence that you once happened to serve on the Congressional subcommittee that oversees education. So I wonder: is Bob’s Blog an infomercial, too?

Comment by LibAnon

I never said “intllectual life” should be accountable to government oversight.

I DO believe that if the government puts a dime into something called “education” than that “education” has to be delivered. Exactly the same thing is true of paper clips for goverment offices.

You are talking Libspeak here. The tqxpayers should finance those who call themselves artists or intellectuals, but the taxpayer is being tyrannical if he 1) doesn’t pay up or 2) demands to say what art eeucation ARE. If I pay for paper clips, they better be paperclips.

If I DON’T pay for it, you can have all the invgellectual life you want.

The problem is, of course, that without a publically-granted monpoly and publically-paid money, all those self-styled “intellectuals” would have to do something useful for a living.

Yes, Bob’s Blog must be subjected to the same scrutiny. I pay for it, but I demand criticism.

It will be a long cold day in Hell before any “intellectual” does either of those things.


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