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Joe Does Good Despite Himself

Posted by Bob on July 4th, 2006 under Comment Responses

Joe informs me,

“You are saying that when you were sixteen almost all the veterans going to college at that time knew what I know now.”

Whay I said was that veterans always surrendered on everything and always couseled surrende. I gave RECENT examples of WWII vets declaring that their buddies died to open up the border. I talked about Buchanan saying in the late 1970s that WWII soldiers died to open Europe to third world immigration, and no WWII vet had the guts to contradict him PUBLICALLY.

None of this has anything to do with knowing what was coming.

But I don’t really expect you to read what I say.

You have good instincts, but your sole cause here is to be the bitter, pessimistic old man. I’ve met hundreds of you. The fact is, though, that you have a lot of experience. And while you would not expend one ounce of effort for our cause, yu will expend almost endless effort fighting fro hopelessness. And while you drum in the idea that all is lost and anybody who does anything is a fool, you make points and show attitudes that we can use.

Peter and other young people are getting a good look at the attitude I faced all my life. They are being vaccinated against it.

Joe does a lot for us idealists by being against us.

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 07/04/2006 - 6:08 pm

    Excellent assessment! Now you know what my job description is. Hey, it’s a job somebody’s got to do. In this case, it turns out to be me. I’m having a world of fun. I hope you are having the same quantity of fun.

  2. #2 by LibAnon on 07/04/2006 - 8:05 pm

    Creative idealists and world-weary practical men occasionally do have a true meeting of minds.
    Faraday once showed Gladstone his latest invention: the world’s first electric generator.
    Gladstone said, “It’s all very interesting, Mr. Faraday, but of what practical use is it?”
    Faraday replied, “Someday, sir, you may be able to tax it.”

  3. #3 by Elizabeth on 07/05/2006 - 1:55 pm

    There’s a name for your generation: it’s being called “the silent
    generation” because so many will not speak out — about anything.
    They got brainwashed early in life to get educated and either
    get a life-time trough-feeding job in a corporation or the
    government or to marry someone who got one — and that meant

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