Archive for July 15th, 2006

From Joe

Not Spam. OK. You win. I’ve had enough. I have never been anywhere, to any website, to any anyplace where I have heard the word “silly” used as often as it is used on this blog. Maybe it’s a term used primarily in the South. Maybe not. I don’t know. But I think it is overused here. Let’s just take a definition of “silly” from my old 1967 dictionary: lacking good sense, foolish, stupid. Calling someone or something “silly” seems to me to be a value judgment. Fair enough. Sounds almost like a smear tactic. To avoid serious argumentation I’ll just call you “silly.” That’s not my style. I’d rather deal with evidence. That is my style.

Everybody believes something. Jesus said, “all things are possible to him that believeth.” I never try to upstage Jesus. That’s a personal thing. But those Bible Belt Believers that you spoke of believed something. It’s not hard to tell a true believer from a phoney. Just look at the life of the person, know what a Christian is supposed to be and take it from there.

There is no private reality. There is just reality. OK, sometimes it’s with a capital R if you like it that way. If the believers just mentioned are wrong in their belief it does not follow that they are stupid, foolish or lack good sense. In my opinion. Anybody can be wrong. Anybody can make a mistake. In fact, I don’t know anybody who hasn’t made many mistakes. I don’t call them foolish or stupid or silly or lacking good sense. Unless, of course, they make the same mistake repeatedly.

There are many believers who say they believe who really don’t believe at all. They just say they believe and figure that’s the only requirement. Then they’ll rubber stamp the killing of anybody they think should be murdered. I hold these people in contempt because they are liars from the word go. Oh, yes, that’s right they’re willing to steal too. From anybody they can as often as they can. Then they’ll tell you they’re believers. That’s not all of them but that’s a good quantity of them. As James Dean once said to the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor as he was telling how beautiful she was, “and you know it too.”

There is no “final reality.” There is just reality. No private reality. Not your reality and my reality. Just reality.

I don’t want to live in the world that professors rule. Professors are some of the biggest horses asses I have met in my life. Once again, not all of them fall into this category. Some are outstanding. Like Kevin MacDonald for instance.

Sorry. Materialists are part of Reality. They are part of the part that Reality declares falsehood. Hey, that sounded pretty good, didn’t it? Heh! Heh! Heh! Have another drink.

Comment by joe rorke —


I don’t look in dictionaries for the meaning of words. And it never bothers me in the slightest that I am being repeititive. When anyone is pretentious, when he keeps tryuing to make his opinions sound sophisticated, I point out, over and over and over and over again that he is just being silly.

You want me to stop using the word “silly.” Believe me, THEY want me to stop using the word silly. You want to return to a world of Objective Reality, where everyone can be accused, if you look at it in sophisticated terms, of being “silly.” Every respectable conservative honors your point of view.

I don’t.

When a person says that socialism works, he is being an ass. When someone says he is libertarian and if he took over America and made it libertarian and opened the borders to Mexicans and Indians, it would REMAIN a libertarian society, he is droolingly silly. You want me to change the word. Buckley wants me to change the word. I am not ABOUT to change the word.

If you believe the universe is fundamentally different from what I believe it is, that is a POINT OF VIEW. But if you keep telling me that diversity works, you are being a silly ass. A person who insists that something works that doesn’t work there is simply no word to describe him except being silly.

You said, ” If the believers just mentioned are wrong in their belief it does not follow that they are stupid, foolish or lack good sense. In my opinion. Anybody can be wrong.” That is what Buckley says. But Orwell pointed out that the essence of truth is saying that two plue two is simply four. If you say that two plus two is not four, that is not an alternative opinion.

If you insist two plus two is five, you are reduced to enforcing it by law and terror. You are saying that two plus two is five is an alternative opinion. Two plus two is five is not an alternative opinion.

There is one thing I had in common with the Communists. They always understood that this was a battle to the death. They always knew how to exploit a Buckley or a Kennedy who took them seriously. It was only when Solzhenitsyn was saying that no one took Marxism seriously except Western professors that Communism started coming apart.

I was deeply honored when Bill Rusher told me that at a weekly editorial meeting, someone told William Buckley, “You’ve got Solzhetisyn and Whitaker after you.” Can you IMAGINE the joy of being put in that league? But both Solzhenitsyn and Whitaker had condemned his taking Soviet Marxism as an alternative “point of view.”

If a person can be just plain silly over and over and over, I can call him silly over and over and over.

Evil is evil. Silly is silly. Anyone who thinks a person who denies reality is not being a silly ass is a silly ass.



mutedstrings and joe

On “Reality Check” I got these two comments:

Even if that movie was made today, the murder of the policeman would be expected to be a shock. The movie would be a flop and audiences would laugh themselves silly. I wish they would make it today just so I could hear that laughter. Better yet, let’s set the story in Iraq. The Iraqi officer comes in and attempts to arrest Cheney or Rumsfeld and gets a bullet to the head. Boom! The crowd goes wild!

Comment by mutedstrings — 7/15/2006 @ 3:56 am | Edit This

Not spam. Makes sense to me. It’s Germany during WWII. I’m an SS General. A cop walks into my quarters and tells me that he’s got the goods on me. He’s dust. Hey, I’m a general. Who’s he? Somebody that never found out that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Plus I have lots of comrades who see things my way.

Comment by joe rorke


What gets me is how DEMOCRATIC that movie made the NAZIS look.

A quick detour: what would you expect to happen if an Iraqi policeman had tried to arrest one of Saddam’s generals when he was in power. But remember that in the 1960s the only totalitarian states were the ones the media nd the hippies dearly loved, what they called the Peace-Loving Democratic Republics.

Nobody even thought of the realities of totalitariansim. There was a quietus on that and a complete clampdown on any mention of people regularly shot at the Berlin Wall. Ther were a pictures of escapes, but never did one of the many people shot down in cold blood appear in the media.

What got me was that this policeman was shown arresting the SS General and then the alwarms started going off declaring a major emergency. THEN the general shot him. You got a hint that, if there had been no emergency, Hitler’s general, unlike Saddam’s or Stalin’s, would have gone meekly off in handcuffs!

Teddy Kennedy was on of his regular trips to the USSR, he was spaeking to a group of people who would be SHOT if they tried to get out, i.e., Soviet citizens. In the middle of his speech, HE DECIDED TO TAKE A POLL! He asked those in the audience who felt the USSR was spending too much on armaments to RAISE THEIR HANDS! He genuinely could not understand why the citizens of a Freedom-Loving, Peace-Loving Democratic Republic were infuriated at his asking that.

That really happened! Honestly!


1 Comment

Reality Check

I just checked Yahoo! and it turn out that the movie “The Night of the Generals” was made in 1967. So by the time I saw it I had had a lot more experience with totalitarian regimes and the third world than is good for anybody.

In that movie Omar Sherif was the hero, a German police official who was investigating murders done by some German generals in occupied France and occupied Poland. Finally, in late 1944, he accumulated evidence that the German general being played by Peter O’Toole had committed the murders. So he walked into that SS general’s headquarters, surrounded by loyal SS men, to arrest him for murder. He had no backup.

As it happened he walked in to arrest this SS general at the very moment when it was announced that a bomb had been planted in Hitler’s headquarters and the Fuhrer had been injured and all loyal Nazis were being called to arms to suppress the rebellion. So when the Sharif character announced to the SS general, the guy with a skull on his hat and a 9MM in his holster, guess what happened?

The general pulled out his pistol, shot the policeman, and went out to call his troops to action.

You may have difficulty believing this, but when the Sharif policeman got the bullet in his chest, his only reaction one of complete surprise, which seems to be what the movie makers expected of the audience.

I reacted with complete surpise to his surprise.

If a policeman went into a Stalinist enclave of the KGB to arrest the commanding general, what would any rational person expect would be the reaction of a general with a gun at his side? Forget the movie idea that this was at a moment of crisis. Today we are all aware of the fact that if a policeman went in alone to arrest a general in a totalitarian state, he would be shot.

I am trying to give you an insight into the mind of the 1960s. Americans then had no experience whatsoever with the real third world or with real totalitarianism. Back then a hippy was seriously considered to be a real revolutionary.

Back in the 1960s all of the media featured hippies and called them true revolutionaries. But back to our reality check. How could anybody believe that a policeman could talk in and arrest a genreal working for an absolutist dictator? By the same token, how could anyone believe that true revolutionaries were people who were always covered by the media?

You don’t go in alone and arrest generals in a totalitarian state. And nowhere on earth are true revolutionaries given constant prime time coverage. The fact that none of this ever occurred to anybody at the time is manifest in the audience’s total shock at the fact that Sharif’s policeman was shot and the SS general went on with the emergency. The same population never considered it odd that “true revolutionaries” were on every talk show.

Reality check: somebody was nuts here, either me or the American public.



Wrong Versus Silly

As a Bible Belter I lived among people who BELIEVED. Many of them believed, as CS Lewis did, that this world is an illusion of final reality. Someday, they say, this illusion will evaporate and God will come with the Judgement. I DISAGREE with them. But if their concept of reality is true, then mine is untrue.


Then there are people who claim to philosophize about the real world that I live in. They claim to be reasonable people. They claim that, in this world, socialism works and if professors ruled the world all things would be as they should be. It is very hard for me to make it clear that, at the gut level, I can respect those who BELIEVE but I can only regard this lattter group, the group that calls itself “materialistic,” to be beneath contempt.

I may think that those who BELIEVE are probably delusional. But there is always the chance that he can be right and I am in for a shock.

But there is no room for someone who thinks that water runs uphill or socialism or diversity works.

Those who say they are materialists and wish away reality are beneath contempt. They are silly. Delusional is far, far more to be respected than absurdity. I have much to talk about with a person whom I think is wrong. But there is no room in rational discussion for someone who is just plain silly.



Mr. Whitaker,
Your greatest idea is that of “wordism”.
“Wordism” is unique to white people.
In Africa, blacks fight over tribes, or if you will, family lines.
Also, resources.
On another site I stated that we need to make the term “Nazi” analogous with the other “N-word”.
Hook line and sinker if you will.
We can’t parlay with our racial enemies because they don’t speak the same language.
What we really need to do is talk to our own.
White people think conceptionally.
The PC world or “cultural Marxists” or whatever definition you wish to give them realized that language is the key to the white castle.
Genetically, you and I, Europeans, white Yankees, are closer than TUTSIS and HUTUS.
Yet you disparage your racial bretheren.
Over words.
The “Homies in the big town” don’t do that.
And you know what,
I’m guilty of the same thing.
Fighting over words.
Because I’M white.
Also, careful about the logical fallacy of arguing from authority.
Our people have a long journey ahead of us.
Unity over all.
Just my opinion.

Comment by mderpelding


Simmons USES my arguments and he seems to ENJOY the results. He is my spritual descendant and I only wish more commenters would make it clear that they are, too.

So here is mderpelding making one-sentence statements. Each on is either profound or nonsense. He doesn’t care which. They are there naked for you to judge.

As usual, the only one I trouble with is the last one, “Just my opinion.”

Hey, mderpelding, what exactly do you think this blog is ABOUT? I pay money to get your opinion. When you and Shari say “Just my opinion” the subject is that someone ELSE’S opinion is above yours. You have opinion, they have STATEMENTS or something. Who the HELL is it that you think has more than his own opinion?

When you say “Just my opinion” you are justifying those who say, “My superiors have a Point of View, all I have is the mere opinion of an infrior being like myself.” So I have aperson who has the guts and is willing to ut forth the thought and effort to make statements on the lines my life is devoted to.

Then you and Shari end with “JUST my opinion (as contrasted with the Attitudes and Authoritative Statements of my Superiors).”

Can you IMAGINE how what you consider a mere exercise in humility INFURIATES me!?

Don’t take this as a criticism, take it as a correction.

And above all, take it as a compliment.

If you read this blog, you will see that I give solid proof that Professional Opinion today makes whale doo look like it’s stitting on the top of Mount Everest. Stop hinting that whale doo is important! Just tell me what you THINK.

Because no one else does.
