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mutedstrings and joe

Posted by Bob on July 15th, 2006 under Comment Responses

On “Reality Check” I got these two comments:

Even if that movie was made today, the murder of the policeman would be expected to be a shock. The movie would be a flop and audiences would laugh themselves silly. I wish they would make it today just so I could hear that laughter. Better yet, let’s set the story in Iraq. The Iraqi officer comes in and attempts to arrest Cheney or Rumsfeld and gets a bullet to the head. Boom! The crowd goes wild!

Comment by mutedstrings — 7/15/2006 @ 3:56 am | Edit This

Not spam. Makes sense to me. It’s Germany during WWII. I’m an SS General. A cop walks into my quarters and tells me that he’s got the goods on me. He’s dust. Hey, I’m a general. Who’s he? Somebody that never found out that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Plus I have lots of comrades who see things my way.

Comment by joe rorke


What gets me is how DEMOCRATIC that movie made the NAZIS look.

A quick detour: what would you expect to happen if an Iraqi policeman had tried to arrest one of Saddam’s generals when he was in power. But remember that in the 1960s the only totalitarian states were the ones the media nd the hippies dearly loved, what they called the Peace-Loving Democratic Republics.

Nobody even thought of the realities of totalitariansim. There was a quietus on that and a complete clampdown on any mention of people regularly shot at the Berlin Wall. Ther were a pictures of escapes, but never did one of the many people shot down in cold blood appear in the media.

What got me was that this policeman was shown arresting the SS General and then the alwarms started going off declaring a major emergency. THEN the general shot him. You got a hint that, if there had been no emergency, Hitler’s general, unlike Saddam’s or Stalin’s, would have gone meekly off in handcuffs!

Teddy Kennedy was on of his regular trips to the USSR, he was spaeking to a group of people who would be SHOT if they tried to get out, i.e., Soviet citizens. In the middle of his speech, HE DECIDED TO TAKE A POLL! He asked those in the audience who felt the USSR was spending too much on armaments to RAISE THEIR HANDS! He genuinely could not understand why the citizens of a Freedom-Loving, Peace-Loving Democratic Republic were infuriated at his asking that.

That really happened! Honestly!

  1. #1 by Pain on 07/18/2006 - 9:40 pm


    “The Iraqi officer comes in and attempts to arrest Cheney or Rumsfeld and gets a bullet to the head.”

    One day Bush and Cheney will say, “We were just following orders.”

    It’ll make good streaming video online.

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