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Posted by Bob on July 17th, 2006 under General

mderpeling says:

Does this mean I can’t use the word “hubris” in a sentence?
How about schadenfreude ?
I think I got that last word wrong.
Sort of a verbal “shock and awe” thing.
If I can use big words, my ideas must be better.
I have the same problem, a love for my own vocabulary.
If I can’t put my ideas clearly, how can I expect anybody to consider those ideas?
If I don’t allways say the same thought,
how can my audience accept the courage of my convictions?

Thanks for the lesson.

Comment by mderpelding


I was watching one of my VCR tapes and it had rerun of an old TV show called “Titus.” I am happy to say this because Truly Sophisticated People never watch television. He said something about hubris and maybe the person he was taling about didn’t understand the word “hubris. ” In another sitcom I was watching the talker was making quick translations of word sophisticated people used. The word “exotic” came up. She said it meant “ugly.”

People who don’t watch television never describe a mixed-blood as ugly. They say they are “exotic” and they honestly believe everybody takes them seriously. Buckley takes them seriously, but nobody else does. When what you say is funny on a SITCOM, you have been caught dead to rights.

But you don’t know it. And you hire Buckley clones who doesn’t know it either.

You got Schadenfreude right, it’s just that German is like old English, it’s capitalized. Us rednecks know things like that.

Schadenfreude means “hurt joy.” It means that you enjoy it when somebody who thinks he is superior to you runs into reality and gets hurt. Which happens to be exactly what I do to those who say silly things and try to cover them with “sophistication.”

There are endless pictures of John Kennedy in his tuxedo going to listen to classical music. Harry Truman PLAYED classical music. If someone made fun of Kennedy for making such a pont of being able to LISTEN to it, that would be Schadenfreude.

But no one did.

  1. #1 by mderpelding on 07/17/2006 - 9:46 pm

    Truly sophisticated people can kiss my you know what.
    Truman never rejected his machine politician beginnings.
    The “sainted JFK” actually was hit by a Japanese destroyer in a war zone for crying out loud.
    After being kicked out of a cushy Naval intelligence posting.
    His father was ambassador to the UK.
    I happen to like Bach, and other polyphonic music.
    But blacks and blonds disgust me.
    JFK’s, FDR’s , HST’s , and all their fellow travellors no longer matter.
    None of us can change yesterday.
    Every decent man I know has regrets.
    Because our gut speaks to us.
    I need your help for tomorrow.

  2. #2 by mderpelding on 07/17/2006 - 9:50 pm

    Please don’t talk past me.
    I will try to reciprocate.

  3. #3 by Pain on 07/18/2006 - 9:20 pm


    Is William F. Buckley still alive?

  4. #4 by Bob on 07/21/2006 - 5:32 pm

    Pain, was he ever?

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