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Posted by Bob on July 31st, 2006 under Coaching Session

Mark is in here fighting for the opposite of faith. Mark is saying what I believe. Mark is respectful of Shari but he objects to my expression of respect for Shari’s IDEAS.

This puts me in a bad position, because while I have the good reasons I expressed below for praising Shari, it is the Marks and the Pains who represent what I want to pass on.

Mark represents uncomprising adherence to what is simply true. Shari us loyal to the Old Testament. Once again, I don’t think you can be in doubt as to where I put my chips.

Cut me some slack, Mark.

As a matter of fact, my REAL belief is that we need, a diamong hard belief in REALITY. I am more monmaniacal than you are, Mark. Mark is a rainstorm in the middle of a desert to me. In the perfect world, I would do nothing but urge him on.

The problem here is one you may have noticed: This is not a perfect world for those who believe in the simple truth. The world is full of Sharis and Joes. Mark is a rare bird.

So I am in the position of urging Mark to get more monomaniacal while I am praising Shari.

The woods are full of worshippers of the Old Testament and the Big Book. The world is NOT full of this kind of people who understand the importance of race. I have to deal with the world as it is.

Which does not mean I APPROVE of the world as it is.

  1. #1 by Bob on 08/01/2006 - 4:53 pm

    Mark, ole buddy, you better be nice to me or I’ll tell your wife what you said.

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