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Posted by Bob on October 8th, 2006 under Comment Responses


Bob, have the white africans pulled together since the black regime is intent on killing them off?
I’m especially interested in your answer to this as this as their past failures are America’s future failures and I’m wondering if modern day whites have enough gumption to stand up for themselves in a cohesive form as you have predicted. Is there any serious resistance going on in south africa?

Comment by Mark


Your comparison is dead wrong. That is why I talked about the weakness of the Boere to such an extent. The Boere or Afrikaaners are the only whites who can be compared to Americans. I have talked my fingers off here about what is fatally wrong with the Boere. They have the Sauron weakness. They did not unite because they had put their faith in their church and the National Party. Wordism destroyed them.

During World War II American troops had to save Australia. By the time the Japanese moved towards Australia in 1942 all the Australian men were in North Africa fightig for their real homeland, Britain. And Britain was busy saving Stalin.

In New Zealand families that have been there for a century still refer to Britain as “back home.” Canadians are Europeans, without a single American attitude. They are an extension of New England, and New England has always been loyal to Europe first.

So if white countries with generations of ancestors born there, like Australia and Canada, are still Europeans, whites in Africa have about as many roots in African soil as moss does.

I don’t seem to be getting through here. The ONLY comparison to the present situation was the American South after the Civil War. Repeat, that is the ONLY relevant comparison.

Did I mention that the ONLY valid comparison to the present situation was the American South in 1865? Then let me mention that the only valid comparison to the present situation was the American South in 1865.

There is a big difference, and it is a healthy one. After the decade or so it took us to retake our country from the Yankees and the blacks, the South still had to contend with a Yankee government. This time ALL of Europe and ALL of the North and ALL of Canada and Australia are being crushed by non-whites and their owners.

Eastern E#urope is in a privilidged position. Today even most Americans who have been polled have declared that multi-“culturalism,” nobody has the guts to think of multiracialism, is a failure in Western Europe. If the rabbitty Americans can tell pollsters that, you can bet the Eastern Europeans think even less of it.

This reaction will not be limited te the South while minority-free Minnesota and Massachusetts preach about how wonderful blacks are as the North did after the Civil War. What I say will become common knowledge, as it has before.

Did I mention that the ONLY valid comparison to the present situation was the American South in 1865?

  1. #1 by Pain on 10/08/2006 - 1:41 pm


    “crushed by non-whites and their owners.”

    Maybe someone should remind Jesse that he is just a slave owned by Jews. But I don’t think he cares what happens to his as long as he gets his paycheck.

  2. #2 by Shari on 10/08/2006 - 1:57 pm

    Not Spam

    You mean those bigoted, stiff necked, unrepentent, Southerners, who were also Episcopalians, Methodists, Catholics, snake handlers, and just plain heathen? They knew it was about race then because they had the problem. So the rest of us need to realize that now. It’s no wonder the South has been so maligned. It stood against the world, whether people realized it or not.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 10/08/2006 - 6:40 pm


    Even though your post needed serious editing I have to agree our situation most resembles the South 1865. But then of course they had Forest and we have a bunch of christians who want mommy aproval most of all. Maybe someone out there could write a book about the Southern resistance post 65 without worrying about Yankee approval.

  4. #4 by Al Parker on 10/08/2006 - 8:59 pm


    Thought this might be relevant:

    ” The generation of men born in the Western world during the 1880s and 1890s was the last completely spiritually healthy generation of our kind. Every generation since then has been increasingly tainted with Judaism, applying Robert Miles’ definition that Judaism is a state of mind.

    Those who survived the butchery on the Somme and at Verdun gave us Fascism and National Socialism as a kind of moral vaccine, in order that Western man would never go through another such holocaust. They failed, in my opinion because they underestimated the sheer evil of the enemy we face. Theirs was the last generation who truly believed that good must inevitably triumph simply by virtue of being right; sadly, we now know better. Good does not always triumph over evil; if that were true then the Stars and Bars would be flying over my local post office and we’d be reading about National Socialist Germany’s Martian colonies in our newspapers.

    Generations since then have been progressively weaker, flabbier, duller, confused, and poisoned with Judaic values of materialism, ego, and selfishness. It is no surprise that we lack the strength of character our grandfathers and great-grandfathers possessed, and I have come to realize down through the years that it is in fact unrealistic to expect someone raised on MTV to think and behave like a whole, mature man.

    The entire apparatus of modern Judæo-capitalist society is devoted to denying the male his manhood and the woman her womanhood, to reducing us all to economic units of production and consumption devoid of personality, religion, culture, or personal honor. It is no coincidence that the best comrades we now have now are by and large the oldest; they were born into a lost time when moral and ethical standards had not yet completely disappeared, and they still retain some vestiges of pride, honor and personal integrity.”

  5. #5 by may contain nuts on 10/08/2006 - 9:03 pm

    Quit dissin’ on New England. New Englanders were talking about seccession way before the South (War of 1812, fer instance), and even the Whiskey Rebellion of the 1780s (which was in Pennsylvania not New England, admittedly) showed that Northerners had backbone. Not to mention the anti-bussing protests of the 1970s.

  6. #6 by Trager Smith on 10/09/2006 - 7:14 am

    Hey, Bob, is wordism a uniquely White disease?

  7. #7 by richard on 10/09/2006 - 12:34 pm


    Bob, I have a question for you – do you consider loyalty to nation states to be a form of wordism? For example, a lot of British nationalists call themselves ‘British first, nationalist second’, which often means protesting against white immigration from eastern Europe and tolerating ‘assimilated’ West Indian blacks.

  8. #8 by Pain on 10/09/2006 - 1:37 pm


    Some pretty good comments here, Bob. I like Al’s very much, although the situation is not hopeless unless we all think it is. Al put it in quotations; does that mean he got it from somewhere else (where)?

    May contain nuts has a point. Didn’t most of the population of New England come after the War Between the States? Even so, the old families of Swamp Yankees are good folk; Lew Rockwell’s site has an article on this and I have met at least one good man from Connecticut who called himself a “Swamp Yankee.” As for me, when Bob criticizes New England, he is going after historical elites like those who ran the slave trade or current elites like the Kennedys. Didn’t Bob work so well with the ordinary people of Boston during the integration catastrophe, that they made him his spokesman?

  9. #9 by Theuns on 10/12/2006 - 6:49 am

    I do not believe that the comparison of Mark is DEAD wrong, nor that 1865? is DEAD right.

    Also, the Sauron weakness, runs through all white countries, as they are all part of the same ring.

    But first, let me try and clarify one very important terminoligy, that which very few in countries outside of Germany, Holland and South Africa understand and seem not to grasp in full in this ever widening gasping for air, in most, if not all parties, organisations and movements whether aryan, whiteists, supermacists, nationalists, liberals, republicans and others, no matter where, and last but not least, also in the South African white community, in the struggle.

    When an English speaking person(American, Australian, Canadian etc) talks/writes about his or another countries people, they mention the word NATION, or totally ignore it, or call it communtiy, or people.

    But when those with a Germanic root to their language, talk about it, it is called VOLK.

    Herein lies the catch to the Sauron Ring, not just in South Africa, but also within the USA.

    I am a Boer, NOT an Afrikaner, NOR an Afrikaner-Boer or any other newspeak diatribe, I live in the RSA, but do not call it my country, my country does not legally? exsist at present, and I will stay here as many others will, not that all of them want to, nor for the same reason the Boer does, most would prefer to emmigrate, as over 1.million already have, out of a white population of 5.million = over 20% has left since 1994, but most simply can not.

    I, and many more, and even more are starting to realise this, are NOT Afrikaners, nor do we belong to the handover nation, known mainly as Afrikaners.

    The same is valid for the 1865? Sauron stigma, excuse the expression, but we learned that the fight was between 2 nations, or so it seemed, the Yankees and the Southerners, maybe they had another name at the time, but they are known today as the Americans, they are inside the Sauron Ring, and will therefore run the same course of events as that of the Afrikaaners, as they are known worldwide, had to.

    Unless they, 1865?, pull out of the ring, but this does not seem to be the case, as they are running all over as was the case in the RSA, and still, like Orania and it’s Verwoerdian Afrikaner cliché, who also want nothing to do with the Boer, will suffer the consequences of the ring.

    It is the father of their, (Oranian)Apartheid ideology, Verwoerd, who was more deadly than any anti-Boers in time, they did all they could to destroy the BoerVOLK(nation), but it still persisted, but Verwoerd delt the final and most tanacious blow af all, he saw to it that the volksNAME of the Boers, were finally wiped off the slate, and the consequences one knows, it was left to that tribe which is known as Afrikaners, to decide the future of all in the RSA, as well of the Boers, those who voted NO, even if they did not fully realise their true Identity at the time, the Afrikaner is the one who has NEVER ever had any struggle for freedom, and voted Yes, not from the Dutch or the British at the turn of the 19th century.

    They, Afrikaners(in history known as Cape-Dutch, see also writings of Gen Butler a Britain) never took part in the struggle of the Boer, in fact, it was the Afrikaner who called us by the name of Boers, and them who tried to make us the filth of the earth, who shouted ” go, go you heretics” when our forefathers started to trek north, they only followed as vultures when gold and diamonds were discovered, and were the hands-uppers during the Boer war.(note: they were forced by law to partake, but at the first opportunity, gave over, and most joined the British)

    The Boers again wanted to go back to war against the British in 1907, then came the Union with haste, as Milner warned that the British would not survive another fight agaginst the Boers, then in 1914 the Boers returned to their FREEDOM struggle, but ironically, or perhaps on purpose, as propagandists allways work, called it a Rebellion, strange that one can become a Rebel when fighting for that which was taken away from you, 1919 the Boers went to the USA to ask for their stolen independence at the then UN, but it was mostly the Americans that refused them entry, they returned empty handed.
    During WWii, the Boers again were drawn to regain their independence, and in 1948 the NP under Malan, broke the Boer freedom movement ie. the OssewaBrandwag who wanted the Boer Republics re-instated.

    During the 1980’s, the Boers again started rising to their rejected Identity, but again, they lost as the powers, de Klerk & co. had the power and with Nat Intelligence, infiltrated and destroyed the Boer struggle from within, even after stating at a meeting in Pretoria, to the Boers of the time, that if they could show that they exist in a fair amount of the population, they will be at the Codessa negotiations, the Boers wanting to go to reject their country being handed about as in the past, and only to regain their independence.

    Where was the world, the white world, those in all white countries, who today are realising that they are under similar, if not the same type of attack, yet NONE of them, at the time the Boers were trying, gave not one ounce of help to the Boers, WHY, because they also did not know about the Boers, had also been told that there were Afrikaners, and ran to the wrong group with help, I even doubt that, as there were some from the USA here, one I recall personally, but the idea of the Boer was pushed aside, one wonders why, is it total ignorance, or just that they believed all these years they were the world.

    I for one hope that the VOLK in America( whatever you call them) will come to their senses before it is too late, as the rest of the world, roughly 5.5 Billion, are sitting on the edges, waiting for that sign, which the vulture in nature awaits, but these vultures, will NOT wait for the final sign of death, they will take us and you, while we are still moving.

    The Boers are only weak, due to the rest of the RING, being ignorant of the truth.

    The northern hemisphere will probably become a wasteland, and the Germans for one, will surely send many of their woman and children to the south, as we, the Boers, are in blood from German ancestry, not the historical lies that we are from Dutch and some French.
    Immigrants were – 1,000 Dutch, 300 French & 6,500 Germans.

    Please, do not in future, refer to us Boers, as Afrikaners, we are not one and the same, we want to be Separated from the Ring, or we will surely perish.

    NEVER has a BOER and Afrikaner been the same thing, ONLY in the minds of the ENEMY of the BOER, ie the politicians and their company they keep, those who will enslave even themselves for pesonal gain.

    The question, will help now arrive for the Boers as the Afrikaner(so-called) and the ANC got their help ?

    Yes, there are signs of the Boers getting together again, but this time we will make sure that NO Afrikaner gets on the wagon, nor share the ring of Sauron, as we have always known that by doing that we wil vanish, only we had no means, now their is more hope with the Afrikaner NP etc, out of the way.

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