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Posted by Bob on October 9th, 2006 under General


I see, the “Sauron Problem” = keeping all your eggs in one basket.

Hitler said it was the German Army that ruined Germany in 1945. They had put him in power and the Germans put too much faith in them, but they were loyal more to themselves than to Germany, and so proved unreliable when the going became rough.

Comment by Pain


I would think the Sauron problem is the opposite of keeping your eggs in one basket. If Sauron had kept his eggs in his own basket, and not sperad them into the Ring, he would have been better off. Even movement whites put their being into their race but also into their party or their church.

Here is the process:

1) Whites decide that racial survival must be JUSTIFIED in Higher Terms. So they start sayinghow the Bible or something demands white survival;

2) They stop viewing their institutions as a means to the end of racial survival, and begin to take the survival of the institutions themsselves as a goal in itself. So When the Democratic Party betrayed whites, when the National Party deserted whites, the whites inthose parties still stayed loyal to the Democrats and the National Party;

3) Wordism either shares importance with survival or replaces survival entirely. The church came to look upon genetic suicide asthe highest virture, just as Political Corectness does today.

Stage 3) is the natural growth from Stage 1).

The only alternative is simple but not easy. This is to declare immovably that survival is not MAIN priority, it is the ONLY priority. The second you begin to take the survival of anything but your genes seriously in the name of any Book, you are on the road to suicide.

  1. #1 by Alan B. on 10/09/2006 - 1:59 pm


    The problem “IS” we people have been conditioned to rely on goverment, churches and experts for solutions to all our problems. Theses organizations are rackets they make money and they are in business to stay in business so they intentionaly inflame the problems or institute solutions that favor the ststis quo. Real power rest with the people but the people of today are lazy and weak, they have a nanny state mentality.

  2. #2 by Dave on 10/09/2006 - 2:34 pm


    On sweltering August evening in 1968 I was standing in a liquor store parking lot in Watts, California. Accompanying me were a mob of colored hoodlums. The moon mission was on their minds.

    A fiery mutt was standing on the roof of a car in center of the parking lot haranguing the mob.

    This is what he said: “Da white man is racist! Dey don’t send no nigger to the moon! Da white man is always pickin on us poor coloreds! Dats why they ain’t one, not one nigger dat is an astronaut! Dey is always tryin to humiliate us! You’ll never see a nigger walk on the moon till we take da white man down!”

    That is when I realized how ridiculous, how utterly profane nonwhites are. What this mutt was really saying (but was too utterly stupid to realize it) was this:

    That our success at adaptive specialization in our economic life and our ability of produce surpluses to support Herculean technological achievement meant nothing.

    That our centuries of applied science, chemistry, and engineering involving sustained strenuous intellectual and laboratory effort consuming countless thousands upon thousands of lives meant nothing.

    That our entire history of obsessive curiosity meant nothing; that our ancient demand to unravel the secrets of nature through experiment meant nothing; that our genius of devising logical systems to describe the world through chains of logical reasoning meant nothing; that our brilliance at devising mechanical aids to computation and navigation meant nothing; that our harnessing of electrons, and the whole cloth of the fields of chemistry, materials science, engineering, telemetries, and rocketry meant nothing.

    In other words, the entire fabric of our white existence and white heritage meant nothing.

    The only thing that meant anything was the EVIL RACIST WHITE MAN was unwilling to CONFER THE CREDIT for his achievement to a SAINTED BLACK ASS.

    The meaning of profanity is that a lie is pretended to be true.

    Nonwhites are inherently profane: Anyone who grants them the slightest authenticity is a fool.


    They can’t help it. They are born profane, will live profane, and will die profane with the certainty that sun will rise in the east and set in the west.

    IT IS ETERNALLY TRUE TO THEM (they are hardwired to accept) THAT A LIE IS AS GOOD AS THE TRUTH.

    BW says he is a teacher of the basics.

    I say, by God, there is nothing but the basics.

    The dramatics of the world’s moral order play out in the racial arena for a reason: It is in the racial arena that the gradations of nature’s continuum play out.

    We whites started down this terrible path of “racial equality” over five hundred years ago when the Catholic Church decided to classify the indigenous people of the New World as humans.

    It was a stupid classification based upon the belief in the talismanic power of words, without regard to the difficult nuances of the natural world and the facts contained therein.

    It has been hell ever since and we white people have stewed in confusion ever since.

    It is long overdue that we end that.

  3. #3 by kane on 10/09/2006 - 6:15 pm

    “2) They stop viewing their institutions as a means to the end of racial survival, and begin to take the survival of the institutions themsselves as a goal in itself. So When the Democratic Party betrayed whites, when the National Party deserted whites, the whites inthose parties still stayed loyal to the Democrats and the National Party;”
    The worst example of this is Zell Miller of Georgia, who spoke for Bush at the 2004 convention, opposes high taxes, opposes abortion, supports the death penatly, supports the war, opposes race-based affirmtive action, supported segregation in his day but now reversed his position…and still wouldn’t leave the Democratic Party because it was a “birthmark.” I mean seriously. How can you be more loyal to a name than to principles?

  4. #4 by Al Parker on 10/09/2006 - 9:23 pm


    Pain, please contact me at yearning1000x [[at]] and I will send you what you are looking for.

  5. #5 by Dave on 10/09/2006 - 10:02 pm


    “Whites decide that RACIAL survival must be justified in higher terms”

    But why?

    Pretending knowledge of a “higher truth” does not dispose of any fear, nor does it dispose of the reality of any threat.

    Consequently, the motive for wordist justifications for white survival (“higher terms”) must lie in the need for consolation, an act of self-deception.

    There is no difficulty in doing the right thing. The way to survival is easy to access. But there is no consolation in choosing survival. After all, you are choosing life with the whole cloth of its issues.

    To me, entire nations (the Boers) who choose defeat at the behest of some sort of consolation are beneath contempt. Let them pretend the reality of their extinction, their humiliation, and their dereliction. Let us see how far their pretending goes.

    I’ll be there happy to assist in drowning them, pushing their heads under water for a few minutes, letting them bob up to grasp a desperate breath of air, pushing their heads down again, and doing over and over again, just to enjoy it, just to enjoy watching them die slowly and in agony.

    Now that may sound pretty crazy. But it’s just to let you know the contempt I have for the crap of people who choose consolation ahead of making sense.

    BW is addressing very serious subjects here. There is a lot to what he is saying.

    Let us pay attention to it. Let us really understand it. It’s important.

  6. #6 by Tim on 10/09/2006 - 10:55 pm

    The Vlaams Belang in Belgium just had a good victory. I think the left might be starting to get scared. The non-white population is growing and the left is getting slaughtered in the voting.

    What happens when the damn breaks and the Europeans start rolling out the red carpet for White Americans to migrate? What will the Neocons do? One thing the Ruling Class is not considering is that it just may face massive competition for it’s WHITE gene pool. Can you imagine the Neocons having to roll out the red carpet and dismantle the racial socialism and end affirmative action TO SAVE ISREAL?!!!!! heehrehhehh LOL.

    Without whites agreeing to be slaves in America or willing to stick around to go through tough times America is over. I wonder if they see this? Given the Jewish proclivity to act without foresight, I doubt it.

    Right now there are NO countries in the World coming after White immigrants openly (Ireland is now openly coming after Whites in America if they are Irish and not facing alot of heat). This will change and this is going to be comedy to watch. For someone like me that has had to endure way to much nonsense just for being White in this country. This is going to be good stuff.


    You wrote that clever piece about New Amsterdam and how a nation of immgrants has no loyalty. Well imagine if Whites start leaving. Plane tickets are very cheap. If just a million young whites left it would get attention and be a total hissing party for the Neocons. What happens when the next spy case involves young White males who are pissed off handing over major tech or defense goodies to Russia. I bet this is already happening. The future is going to be ALL RACE…..and the Neocons are going to come kicking and screaming. I want a front row seat.

  7. #7 by Alan B. on 10/10/2006 - 12:42 am


    Pain feels the German army let down Germany, it was the German infrustructure that let down the entire German people. Bismark united the Germans in 1871, but the buracracy that came with it remained for the most part. In the modern age of high efficiency, Germany was still slow to adapt,she was a victim of her own inefficiency. Mass production and the free flow of material are essential for the modern army , Albert Speere was give the job of armaments minister in 1943, he cut throught most of this red tape and German out sored at the very time man power was waning, to little to late so to speak, in some ways the army did play a role in her defeat, but the Army did adopt a few modern concepts.
    Blitzkrieg was one new concept that was hard fought to implement but was hamstrung by the old school of warefare. Only three men believed in it, Hitler, Manstein and Gurderian, considering what was accomplished with what they had at their disposal, there is little doubt that had the infrustructure been clean up by some one like Speer in 1939, German would have one the European war.

  8. #8 by Lord Nelson on 10/10/2006 - 7:59 am

    Thanks for making this point Bob.
    Here are couple more examples of eggs (NEEDLESLY) thrown away:

    Whites are the most inventive race. (even if true so what?)

    Blacks are less evolved than Whites. again: (even if true so what?)
    Etc. etc. ………………!

    Can you imagine an Asian being reduced to this, just to justify the right of Asians to keep their own Asian countries??
    Personally I believe people who do this are almost as brainwashed as White antis, and are our enemy’s wet dream.
    Our situation is TOO, serious to get tied down in such irrelevant arguments.

    Taking every White country and turning it into a NON, White country is “GENOCIDE” and its “GENOCIDE” that we should holding in our opponents faces.
    We don’t have to prove (zat vee are der master race) just to resist “GENOCIDE”, against our race, no matter how much our TV. would like us to.
    Now I am getting so angry I cant type anymore!

    Sorry if I ranted a bit. Just want to say thank you for this blog and its commenter’s.
    Lord Nelson.

  9. #9 by Mark on 10/10/2006 - 8:18 am

    Not Spam
    NOT SPam

    Dave’s piece just blew me away. I’ve watched blacks during my 41 years and their only recourse to life is a proclivity to profanity and an inability to create new thought. They are a profane, near iliterate, repeater of words. And when that doesn’t work, they burn down their own neighborhoods. Dave needs his own blog. He’s way ahead of the pack.

  10. #10 by Lord Nelson on 10/10/2006 - 8:29 am

    Sorry I forgot. for above message:



  11. #11 by Trager Smith on 10/10/2006 - 1:36 pm

    Bob, You should not have told the Premise Checker about your blog unless you want your Premises Checked!
    This whole debate over the rationale for White survival goes back to Richard Swartzbaugh in the my race vs. the race debate in the mid-1970s. A White my race racist urges the survival of the White race because it is his race. A White *the* race racist urges the survival of the White race because it is *the* race, the only race that matters.
    Okay, there a plenty of White race racists who maintain that the White race is the creative race, that the world would stop moving forward if the top race were the Far Easterners and would move backward if the top race were one of the dumb races. (World IQ is 90.) This is support and would think that other races should support the survival of *the* race, since they benefit from having the world move forward, too. If the White race becomes explicitly racist and argues this case, maybe the other races are not so stupid or stubborn that they would not stop trying to kill of the goose that lays the golden egg. Actually, it’s only Whites that want to solve the race problem by eliminating Whites!
    Now other White racists focus on admiring the things the White race has created in the past. Now, I’m no Roman Catholic, but I do admire the depth of the theological system that Whites constructed. Not that other races haven’t put out lots of theological rumble-bumble, but it’s not systematic. I was just browsing the web to find the texts of “Big Wheel Buddhism.” I found that the texts made little sense and was referred to articles by a professor who trys to put them in order. His name? Ronald Epstein! Since you are doubtless curious, here a link:
    Hey, this is fun! If you want to find out about the 31 planes of existence, you’d have to tease them out of the sacred texts, but Susan Elbaum Jootla (it would seem a White person so enamored of this business she decided to upgrade the Buddhish gene pool by marrying one Jootla) has done it for you at
    Okay, so I prefer our race’s products, maybe like I thrill whenever someone from my high school or from U.Va. makes the news (Katie Couric had a room on the Lawn, in case you didn’t know, Bob.) and have not taken a Buddhist as a wife. (Actually, though, the woman I would have most resonated with at work was a Buddhist. Strange, highly intelligent. Her name: Lois Peak, that is before she changed it.) What’s important is not the products, as you so rightly insist, but the capacity to make more products. Conservative gloomists say this is not possible, but they never read the scientific news. They don’t shave either: razor blades have improved immensely in my lifetime, one of the little things that the White race does that go unnoticed.
    Point is that my race racists have to be the race racists as well. Another reason is that racism itself is a White invention. You once wondered whether it was invented by the Slave Power to justify slavery. Had we been Papists, it wouldn’t have gotten off the ground, since in a stupendious act of rent-seeking, the Roman Catholic pope decreed in the early 15th century that American Indians had souls and hence missionaries should go there to keep them from going to Hell. Besides, racism is indeed a social construction, or learned activity, since our instincts are mostly to identify with those in our hunting band. This instinct was in place in the Olden Times. To identify with a whole race takes a society advanced enough to find out about the race in the first place. And even my race racists have to decide on the boundaries of White and non-White. Do they do this on my race or these race grounds? Probably both, which shows that it’s both the and my not one or the other.

  12. #12 by Pain on 10/10/2006 - 6:09 pm


    Pain does not know if the German Army let down Germany or not. Pain was thinking aloud. There are statements attributed to HItler that say so, but most of what we hear about him is fiction.

  13. #13 by Al Parker on 10/10/2006 - 10:24 pm


    From Pro-Israel former Bush speechwriter David Frum:

    “There has been much anguish over whether to describe the new European anti-Zionism as “anti-semitism.” Judt, for one, evinces no animus against Jews as individuals or as a community. Indeed, he reports on the rise of anti-semitism in Europe in tones of sorrow – even as he makes clear that he believes that the Jews have brought this scourge upon themselves. “Today, non-Israeli Jews feel themselves once again exposed to criticism and vulnerable to attack for things they didn’t do. But this time it is a Jewish state, not a Christian one, which is holding them hostage for its own actions.” His intentions are high, his conscience is clear, he hates nobody. His solution, however, is one that would expose millions of Jews – and not just those living in the Middle East – to persecution, expropriation, political oppression, exile, and murder. We cannot describe this outlook as anti-semitism. We need some new term. Here’s my nomination: genocidal liberalism.”

    Somebody like this could have been useful to South Africans:

    There has been much anguish over whether to describe the new Western anti-apartheid sentiments as “anti-white.” Most political figures evince no animus against Whites as individuals or as a community. … Their intentions are high, their consciences are clear, they hate nobody. Their solution, however, is one that would expose millions of Whites – and not just those living in South Africa – to persecution, expropriation, political oppression, exile, and murder. We cannot describe this outlook as anti-White. We need some new term. Here’s my nomination: genocidal liberalism.

  14. #14 by Quent on 10/10/2006 - 10:28 pm


    Regarding Germany in World War II, the ultimate example of putting all the eggs in one basket was Hitler himself. He was a genius, but a flawed genius. He was a bad general, a bad manager of the war economy and a bad planner. If falling in love with institutions and ‘wordism’ is a bad idea, it is also a bad idea to become infatuated with a Maximum Leader.

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