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Posted by Bob on October 28th, 2006 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses


Bob, an update that might help some of our comrades out.

As I’ve said before, I look for different places to post the Mantra. Actually ANY place is a good place as far as I’m concerned because people will read it and have to think. I like online news articles because there are usually places to discuss the article at the bottom of the article. Any article is good but a race-related article is a breeding ground for OUR kind of people, and I’m finding there are MANY MANY people who think along our lines out there posting commments. It’s those people I try to target as my audience.

If you choose to post the Mantra in the discussion areas of news articles, I reccomend you have 3 or 4 email accounts. Most of the news articles require you to log in, using your email, and since I try to hit 5 – 10 news articles in a sitting, and 3 -4 Mantras per article, the news board watches for repeat postings. You can get around this by adding a period or two or by taking the quotation marks out or putting a long dash between the end of the Mantra and WOL”s address line, but eventually the news board will catch on and you will be shut out. This happens to me every day. Thus the need for 3 or 4 email addresses. You have to trick the boards into thinking youre not a spammer or a corporate poster.

Also, it helps if you post the Mantra in response to an eye catching comment. Many posts are repeatedly replied to (RE: Name of Comment) and it’s these that I prefer to post the Mantra on, since your chance of getting people to read it are better. I don’t waste time arguing with anyone, in fact I don’t even look for a response. I’m just shotgunning the Mantra at as many people as I can. If one person takes the time to read, think, and check out WOL, my task is complete.

Hope this helps!

  1. #1 by Antonio Fini on 10/29/2006 - 1:37 pm

    Thanks for reminding me Mark. Here is something I’ve been meaning post, but I just had a wedding and funeral back to back.

    Respecable Conservative newsblogs are an excellent theatre of operations for us. They are frequented by people who think Rush Limbaugh is the man, because Rush tells it like it is.

    These blogs have names like “My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” and explain why it’s really Ok for us to torture captured Iraqis.

    While these folks are skewed, they are far from hopeless. If you paste the mantra in the comments section of an appropriate blog entry you will get a reaction. Sometimes the mantra and the whole blog entry will be erased by next morning. Other times people will line up to call you “racist pig.” This is better than being ignored. Rage is often the outgrowth of fear and fear preceeds change.

    You can access about 50 such blogs at this site:

  2. #2 by Papillon on 10/30/2006 - 10:35 am


    Mark makes some excellent points. I used to worry about how I would debate with my target audience, since I don’t think that is my strong point. Then I realised that I don’t need to worry about debating, all I need to do is post the mantra followed by HERESY! when the inevitable replies come along. Sometimes I would even run into other readers of your blog, who would supplement our message. That sure was exciting!

  3. #3 by Papillon on 10/30/2006 - 10:39 am


    My comment needs clarifying. I also realised that my target audience was NOT those who would argue with a point like Bob’s Mantra — screw them! We are out here for our undecided kith and kin.

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