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Dr. Duke Reports That Europe Now Has a Champion of FREE SPEECH!

Posted by Bob on October 29th, 2006 under Coaching Session, General

“Switzerland’s justice minister has called on the Swiss government to reverse a law which makes historical revisionism illegal.

Minister Christoph Blocher is on a campaign to change the law, according to the Neue Zuercher Zeitung (NZZ) newspaper – even if it will impinge upon the sensitivities of minority groups, including the country’s Jewish communities.

Blocher claims that freedom of _expression is more important than protecting the sensibilities of minority groups, NZZ wrote.

Blocher just returned from a trip to Turkey where a public discussion of the Armenian genocide is de facto punishable by a court of law. Upon his return home, Blocher said that he believes that Swiss laws needs to be a beacon for other nations.

As far as the minister is concerned, a ban on free speech in Turkey has made an effective public discussion of the Armenian genocide and Kurdish issues there impossible. In effect, he claims that widening the possibilities for freedom of speech in Switzerland might entice other countries to do the same.

  1. #1 by Elizabeth on 10/30/2006 - 12:40 am


    There’s a lot of misunderstanding about Switzerland’s neutrality. They’re not a nation of
    peacenik pushovers: they’re a nation of people with guns — and a big investment in

    btw, I’ve been following the Kurd issue for thirty years. It’s a long and bloody story
    that involves getting sold out by other powers — repeatedly.


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