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Iran or Not?

Posted by Bob on November 24th, 2006 under How Things Work

I probably will not go to Iran.

But the problem with reading what I write is that one must read what BOB WHITAKER writes, not rush in with all the information you have on a situation and use me as a sounding board for you to disgorge it. That is why we use the Mantra.

I have talked to people about it, and they pour forth all the information about the crisis with Iran that I can see on any news network. They are not listening to what I am saying. The fact that there are big problems with where I am going is routine.

Now, here is what MY problem is.

I would not go to LONDON on am e-mail that was signed “The Secretariat.” I am getting a government runaround. “The Secretariat tells me to call the Embassy, in this case the Iranian Interests Section at the Pakistani Embassy since we have not had diplomatic relations with Iran for a generation.

For all the shouts of terror about having my head lopped off on TV, what concerns me is that I am a former government employee and professor who is dealing with a government aqnd a bunch of professors.

You will recall that the invitation said:

“Dear Robert Whitaker,
You are cordially invited to attend the Conference in Tehran on 11-12
Dec. 2006.
We would provide you with visa, round ticket and accommodation.
Please contact the embassy of I.R of Iran for the arrangements.
You are kindly requested to confirm your attendance in conference and
inform us about your flight details as soon as possible.

Conference Secretariat”

I figured that I would contact the Interests Section and someone would take responsibility for this guest. But so far they want me to contact the “Conference Secretariat,” which is like trying to push a string, a string halfway around the world.

Gang, I have already done that far, far too many times when I was younger and stronger. This is a very practical matter. I need to be treated as a guest. I have spent far too many miserable days and nights half in and half of countries while waiting for some bureaucrat to come through. More to the point, nothing is accomplished.

I could have trouble getting out of Iran, not for some dramatic reason, but somebody simply isn’t at the office.

The interests Section is supposed to call me back Monday. If I get nothing but cold type, I’m not going anywhere.

  1. #1 by Shari on 11/24/2006 - 2:09 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    You know, I actually did notice that and thought that it sounded funny, but didn’t know!

  2. #2 by Alan B. on 11/24/2006 - 3:25 pm



    Now that you mention it Bob, this invitation does sound odd, your caution and experience in goverment gives you an edge that a slup like myself lacks. I got the impression that they, the ones spnsering the conference would handle the technical details for the trip, then the invitation goes on and request that you provide your travel arrangments ahead of time. This sounds like the notice one recieves that you have won $2,000 vacation to la la land but then requires the winner to make the travel arraingements etc, the zero liability thing. In Your case Bob the hurdles are huge, we have this war on terror, what ever the hell that is, and no diplomatic relatios with Iran and your expected to see things through, this is to much BS to make it worth the risk. Ither way we can get the message out right here in the comfort of home, I wouldn’t hassle with it.

  3. #3 by Mark on 11/25/2006 - 12:25 am


    Hell, with those damned head to toe coverings, you can’t even eyeball the local hens mulling about the marketplace. And when you realize the Muslims would like to destroy our White-Western heritage as egregiously as the Jews, I’d say staying at home is an easy decision.

    Besides all that, who the hell wants to eat baked camel when you can opt for KFC in the comfort of your own home?

  4. #4 by PeterGene Budarick on 11/26/2006 - 2:16 am


    Quite appart from all this Islam bashing and defeatism i see from the team here, Bob, can you get some of your contacts to fix this for you? Are other people – revisionists from the USA – going? They must be! What about IHR? Germans have been banned. Their government took their passports. The US governement has not taken you passport! You buy the visa at Teran airport, God damn it!

    You are not entering a communist dictatorship!

    Can you get advice from DDD?

    A man of your callibre must have lots of advisors you trust.

    I tried to contact Toeben but could not get through to him.

    His website says it is all go go go…..

    The ONLY question is why would YOU want go there?

    If it is important form YOUR point of view then don’t give up on it.

    I mean why write a speach and go through the motions?

    Else drop it now.

    It is that simple.


  5. #5 by Al Parker on 11/26/2006 - 2:17 pm



    When the National Review says “Conservatives must find a way to maintain their principles while abjuring wishful thinking,” does wishful thinking refer to unrespectable conservatives, and does “maintain their principles” refer to not maintaining their principles?

  6. #6 by Mark on 11/26/2006 - 9:43 pm


    Peter gene, I also bash christianity and judaism, so get over yourself please. Perhaps you are
    tolerant of a religion that cuts people’s heads off for disagreeing with them. If you have a daughter or two, I guess youre okay with them being circumsized in the Islamic fashion? How about stoning — is that okay too? If so, can you intelligently explain why are you here — or is that too intolerant on my part to ask?

    BTW, how often do you post the Mantra — when you’re not being an armchair blowhard, that is.

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