Archive for November 30th, 2006

Comments Needed

One of the mistakes I made in the last month or so was to emphasize the Mantra so much that it made observations and comments seem unwelcome. I think it’s time I got back on track. This is a place of discussion and comraderie.

I sidetracked myself the same way. Writing is work for you, too, so I appreciate it.

Let’s try to get back on track.

The Mantra project should have given us more to talk about. Experience in the field is useful and could be interesting. Bt one thing we must always do is see which sideof a thing works and which doesn’t. We need to keep up our discussion while those who wish can go on with the Mantra and I hope the “buddy” approach works out independently.

But writing is in itself critical. It is an art we will have to develop, and this is a special opportunity to develop it. I get a lot of your ideas and they lead me to think in areas I would not have gone without the stimulation.
