Archive for November 26th, 2006


I remember when President Carter was talking about the “fact” that “scientists had proven”
that there was an over 99% similarity between the genes of humans and chimpanzees. He
stated scientists had proven there was a percent of a percent difference in genes between

I remember when “Modern anthropologists have proven that all races are the same in inherited
abilities” was repeated everywhere. I know that the doctrine is that races do not exist,
but I keep repeating that, in order to be a professional forensic pathologist you have to be
able to do two things:

1) Swear on oath that you have been able to determine the RACE of a murder victim from a few
desiccated remains and

2) Swear on oath that race does not exist.

To repeat, I remember when President Carter was talking about the “fact” that “scientists
had proven” that there was an over 99% similarity between the genes of humans and
chimpanzees. He stated scientists had proven there was a percent of a percent difference
in genes between races.

So now we have

Genetic Breakthrough That Reveals The Differences Between Humans

The differences between human INDIVIDUALS are one to several percent, at this last count.

So now we can all begin to e-mail each other that they were wrong.

They are ALWAYS wrong.

Oh, God, Bob, you are going to get us into TROUBLE. They are right sometimes, and I will spend the next week finding out where they were actually right.

That makes a monkey out of YOU, Bob! YOU something said that was not correct and nobody will ever believe you again!

Oh, whoop-de-doo!

Fifty years of this crap and counting.

Now let’s get back to breathlessly telling each other that the Great Scientists were wrong!

Oh, whoop-de-DOO!

Joe O’Rorke told me learnedly that I shouldn’t say the Great Scientists were SILLY. No one would take ME seriously if I did that.

I remember when the Nazi Death Camps were I Germany. I remember Andy Rooney being shocked at how many young people didn’t believe in the Holocaust so he said he had been in Germany and he had SEEN them.

Well, it turned out later that none of the DEATH camps were in Germany. They were all carefully placed behind the Iron Curtain by the Nazis where no one after the war could examine them.

Can anyone understand why I am so SICK of this game?

EVERYBODY is a respectable conservative now. When yet another piece of pure bullshit like this, which was the Scientific View a week ago, everybody starts searching to see if it was JEWS who faked it.

Or they give us some halfass quote from the Bible or they some philosopher.

Or they make some general observation on the incorrectness of scientists or learned opinion or whatever.

Mainly they are trying to keep up with today’s headlines and forgetting everything that happened yesterday. That is RESPECTABLE opposition, no matter whether it is about Jews or the Book of Ezekiel or the latest breakout book.

And it all goes away.

I am DESPERATELY tired of trying to get a few people to simply write the Mantra down, to remind people of what is happening right out there in plain sight all the time, in our faces.

No, I am NOT going to thank every person who writes a two-sentence report about where he put the Mantra. I got sick of being the only one on that a long time ago, and when I was silent a few days here, only one report came in. I am SICK of being the only person who NOTICES, in yet another example of even the University of London publishing a study that says that intelligence is important in human beings, and having no one notice the Oxfam point.

I am tired just thinking about this Iran trip. It reminds me of so many others. And I am still BEGGING a FEW people to wake up and look around.

For each one person who must be begged into noticing reality, there are a hundred who are chomping at the bit about how there is evidence that somebody in the news is a JEW.

Whoop-de-doo! WHOOP-de-doo! Whoop-de-DOO!


Man, if that don’t bring on the revolution, what will?
