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Mderpelding: Simple is not Easy

Posted by Bob on September 1st, 2007 under General

What Bob has done is up to Bob.
What Bob has said is open to discussion.

Do you see the essential genius of our race?

  1. #1 by Dave on 09/03/2007 - 11:30 am

    Political power rests upon the unseen. This is why BW says: “I don’t want fame, I don’t want credit, I just want to rule the world”.

    Do you get it? Do you get the lesson in political power?

    For example, consider this: The foreign workers in the United States are demanders of US dollars and must supply goods and services in order to obtain them. Many of these dollars are sent to support families “back home”. Like any settlement of exporter’s claims, these US dollars are then circulated back in the form of demand for US dollar denominated assets. The system is an economic driver for political correctness and the façade of multi-cultural democracy and a force for racial and cultural mixing.

    The mass of American whites will unintentionally defend this system, even though they say they oppose it, by believing that America is suffering from a “trade deficit” and in “dangerous debt”, having no understanding that they are being played by real political power, the thing that is perennially unseen.

    American whites have no understanding that all imports are fully paid for (there is no trade deficit) and that the US Treasuries in the hands of foreign central banks represent the recapture of US dollars by the US Department of the Treasury and hence the extinguishment of the demand for the US dollars connected to US imports. It is true the foreign central banks can sell their US Treasuries, but they are forced to sell to holders of US dollars, having no effect whatsoever on America’s financial position as there is endless demand for these instruments, instruments that are in effect a welfare benefit.

    Accordingly, American whites will defend what is directly contrary to their interests believing they are patriotically defending their country and their racial interests not understanding that they are being played. Libertarians are cheerleaders in this deception, being not one wit different than Democrats, Republicans, or Neoconservatives.

    This is why a revolution has to proceed through intellectual development and why the Internet is of central importance. White people need to understand how they are being played in order to get a grip. As long as we are off in “balloons” our enemies are happy.

    Any “balloon” will do.

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