Archive for September 8th, 2007

marwinswing, the Lesson is NO WORDISM!!!

Afrikanerdom has failed.

After 350 years, it’s gone – forever.


Hail Jan van Riebeeck! You did well brother. It’s a pity your forebears… through their God-forsaken vanity and silly ideals… colonial Africa has OFFICIALLY collapsed. Resigned. Ask me. I’ve monitored it probably more closely than anybody else alive on this planet.

Bye-bye Africa. You’re doomed.


Marwinsing heads West.



Like the Plymouth Pilgrims, the Afrikaners built their identity on Calvinist Wordism. Western Europe called itself Christendom. The words a tribe subscribes to begin by embracing the tribe. So Christendom also meant white Europe. The Calvinist Kirk of Ply mouth began as a white man’s church. Laws prohibiting blacks from striking whites called them “infidels,” Charles Martel was said to be defending, not Western society, not our race, but Christendom.

Eventually you begin to BELIEVE that.

The REAL Olympic Oath included the words, “I am of pure Hellenic blood.” The REAL Zoroastrian faith excluded all non-Aryans, but the last Zoroastrian shah was a mulatto.

Afrikanerdom ended by asking, “Why are we separated from OTHER Christians?” A WHITE Afrikanerdom would have seen that the rest of the race is very sick right now, and it is separated from THEM. Five million dedicated white people could have helped a LOT.

They’ll be sitting in their church building this week, reading from The Book.




Why Does Bob STILL Write for BUGS?

One thing people do not do enough of is asking, again and again, “WHY was this information produced?” The question applies to this blog.

Why should Bob, who has already published books and articles, do all this work at his own expense on a blog? On Stormfront many say I am egotistical to call myself a coach. In the Traditional Christianity, I was told that GOD is their coach. I got a lug hut of that one.

Can you imagine what Christians of ay stripe would say that a college should not have a football coach, that each player just gets out there and depends on God’s Inspiration? But the absurdity of the proposition is lost in the personal insult to me, which seems very important to a lot of people.

In fact, my ego is more important to others than it is to me.

But my reason for doing this blog SOUNDS like ego, and you can cover up what I have to say with shallow concerns like that. The reason I do this is because I think it is UNIQUE, and anyone in our society who thinks he is unique is considered an egomaniac. By the time he gets through dealing with that charge, his unique pint is long since lost.

So I don’t deal with it.

One of my top people sad that a cut-and-paste site was in the same league with this one. I WRITE all this. Myself. If a cut-and-paster can do the same job, it will make life a lot easier for me.

Then another commenter wrote in that “Well, I don’t do that Mantra stuff no more. If I’m already in a conversation, I’ll use it some. But the novelty done wore clean off.”

Which brings us back to WHY I do this.

First of all, I’d rather not. The ONLY reason I feel OBLIGATED to do it is that 1) what I have to say is unique and 2) you will begin the chain of filter-down we now have on the internet.

But, as my circuit-riding grandfather used to say when he had to ride around and give four sermons in a day, “The mid can only absorb what the seat can endure” and, “If you can’t say it in half an hour, you don’t KNOW it.”

But the question is WHY did he say that?

He said that because it was true, but also because he was TIRED. Back then a congregation wanted the preacher to preach MORE.

A new preacher would always want to build a new church to show he was a success. My grandfather said, “If you fill up your church until you need a NEW one, your congregation will build it without your asking.”

The bishop kicked him our f the South Carolina Conference TWICE.

If I’ve done my job, BUGS can go on without me without a hitch. But BUGS is not the reason I DO this. I do this because I want some UNIQUE ideas out. If they are not unique, or if my new ones are on a cut-and-paste level, then I will follow the one good piece of advice Thurgood Marshall ever gave out.

When Marshal announced his retirement, a reporter asked him what he was going to do. Marshall replied, “I’m going to sit on my ass.”

There is PROGRESS here toward that high ideal, i.e., Bob on his posterior. I didn’t write anything for several days and the discussion went on without me.

But BUGS tend to die out when there is nothing UP HERE, OUTSIDE the comments section. Unfortunately, this is not purely the result of my irreplaceable brilliance. IT is the division ITSELF. This page sets the tone for the discussion.

More and more often I put comments up here without comment or simply making a reader comment of my own here. This is how we are developing, and I need more pieces from YOU that are written to SET THE TONE.

Take this idea of asking WHY people write things. So far, it is generally viewed as common sense and restricted to certain areas. So an ad is obviously not objective truth. But if you go as ruthlessly into WHY as Adam Smith did into making a world rule of supply and demand or as Newton did of gravity, you will find this rule can cause a revolution on is own.

Why re things SAID? WHY are things NOT said? YOU can build on that.

And ***I*** can just cut and paste.
