Archive for August, 2007
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, Comment Responses on 08/31/2007
“The Tough Guy approach is to learn “both sides,” to aggressively Question. But he is already into step two. His big concern is LOOKING doubtful, not in analyzing reality.”
I always thought that meant he knew who was wrong and was protecting him. So when he puts on the tough image, I’m thinking “What a wuss,” and he can tell he’s not fooling me, so he gets pissed.
You got it!
All my life the people who chickened out did so by sayng they were just being “realistic” and “experienced.” No member of the Masturbatin Generation said, “I’m not going to go out there and get my butt beat with you,” they said, “I was IN World War II, and I MADE my REAL sacrifices.”
The Masturbation Generation never said, “I had my butt kicked into line and was taught to obey without question.” They said, “I learned out in the REAL world that you just have to settle for things as they REALLY are.
Tough Guys Versus Reality
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 08/30/2007
I keep asking you to consider WHY any information is PRODUCED.
This is very different from asking you to DOUBT. It goes deeper, and should take MORE time. The Tough Guy approach is to learn “both sides,” to aggressively Question. But he is already into step two. His big concern is LOOKING doubtful, not in analyzing reality. If you “study the question,” that means YOU know all about it.
And for the Tough Guy, everybody seeing that you know it all is where the process stops. What good does any Wisdom do if it doesn’t show how wise YOU are?
Please note that I began here by analyzing WHY the Tough Guy says what he says, not by casting doubt on it from my endless fund of information about all aspects of the question. Why do ***I*** use this approach? Because the Tough Guy is aiming to look tough. I, on the other hand, am interested solely in power in the real world.
Look at that word “real.” Do you think it is accidental that whenever we hear the word “reality” it means something awful? But you could do this for YOURSELF: WHY does the word “reality” always mean something awful? It is because the person using that word is saying,
1) ***I*** really know what reality is, because of my virtues.
2) ***I*** have “been there.”
3) ***I*** am tough and experienced.
In other words, the person who defines “reality” is talking entirely about HIMSELF, which is precisely what reality is NOT about.
The most Tough Guy things I have ever done were a COVER. If you have papers to show you are working with a sewing machine company and someone figures out that you are actually a combat merc, they stop looking. To look any further would be like finding someone is covering up an armed robbery and then saying, “Well, this must be a cover for something SERIOUS.”
Like acting the Dumb Southerner in DC, this analysis of reality has a very, VERY practical side. That is WHY it is REALITY. That someone may be using being a merc as a cover simply doesn’t occur to people. Why?
Because the information people are used to from Tough Guys is aimed at making Tough Guys look TOUGH. Merc is the toughest so merc is the end of the chain.
In other words, “reality” begins and ends with his being a Tough Guy.
Is That BUG Copyrighted?
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 08/30/2007
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 08/29/2007
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, Comment Responses on 08/31/2007
This is a coaching session from Dave.
I left out his final comment on marijuana because I think commenters would obsess on that one paragraph. I hope this is an undeserved insult, but I hope it is useful cautionary one:
TV is an irrelevant thing because of the Internet. The real minds on the Internet show through like a cop’s 500-lumen flashlight. It has been fascinating to watch the Internet’s influence on the markets. The whole market commentariat evolves together with lightening speed based upon the highest IQs. I can trace the influencers with complete transparency and immediately detect those who have failed their homework or whose intellectual horsepower isn’t up to snuff.
This is a new world with its speed and access for those with IQ horsepower. The blocking intermediary has been flushed out and passes to elite clubs have been made much easier to obtain.
This process is in early stages. Take a look at is yet another incipient engine of conspiracy, a fabulous tool in intelligent hands for loyalty coupled with a conspiracy is a badge of social class.
For example, I remember as a kid the Patty Hearst saga: These “revolutionaries” calling themselves the “Symbionese Revolutionary Army” sold each other out in the less than 5 seconds flat. Revolutionaries indeed! They were double-digit IQ mutt niggers pretending to be revolutionaries.
Pretending is something we do profusely as kids and we don’t usually drop the habit in adulthood. The kid who put together is a revolutionary. He is not a pretender. He puts to shame all Wordists.
Responsibility is there for those willing to shoulder it and pretending comes to an end when you realize our world is far more deterministic than our “rising expectations” culture dares to acknowledge. Fear takes the driver’s seat, ebbing and flowing over great secular eras. It has been so long since America has known the flow, the mass of Americans have forgotten it exists, yet the competitive struggle deepens and the consequences for delusion become ever more onerous.