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Now I’ll Explain What the Article Below MEANT

Posted by Bob on September 14th, 2007 under Coaching Session

There is PLENTY of room here for copy and paste and how it affects what we are doing. But I really like thought within our framework, putting together seemingly unrelated ideas.

The “No Compomise” articlebelow is an example. Before you copy and paste Covington or Hitler or somebody, take a look at what it ACTUALLY says.

We all hear people say “I’ve got a life.” But we ONLY hear that as discouragement. The SF grumps sit around and talk abut how HOPELESS everything is because everybody isn’t our therein a torchlight parade.

It is a REALITY that most people don’t spend their lives concentrated on saving our race. So hatis our reaction? We can do what we always do when we lose, and moan and dribble and cry over it, or we can take that reality into account.

We can quote Hitler and wait for the whole population to come out with their torches and sob abut our disappointment iwth everybody else.

Or we can do what successful revolutionaries always did and GET REAL..

Nobody is going to RECOGNIZE that the article below, n how revolutions succeeded, is another take on the same “I’ve got a LIFE” reality. I pointed out how Lenin, Hitler and Mussolini all took power because most people wanted someone to come in and end the chaos.

I will now reveal to you that that was why I corrected the earlier wording from “planning for victory” to “planning for the other side’s FAILURE.” Nothing like the Perot phenomenon of 1992 ever came close to happening any time before in American history, when Perot said he would be wiling to run and was soon leading the candidates of the entire electoral history, power, and machinery of a sitting president and his opponent.

People on our side mostly remember only that he had big ears and then go back to their Death Watch and competing with the Professional Mourners.

The Western world has chaos. It is growing daily. We need to plan for THAT, before the neoconservative types take us over the way the neocons did the conservatives.

  1. #1 by Mark on 09/14/2007 - 4:42 pm

    Ok Bob, I get it! You hate cut and paste. There is a special place in hell for cut and paste! I get it — I get it!

    But keep in mind our minds work in “cut and paste” format. Memories are scrapbooks full of cut and paste. And lest you haven’t noticed, your good pal, David Duke, utilizes cut and paste for his blog and it’s one of the most interesting white nationalist blogs on the net, wouldnt you agree?
    (Set you up there, hee hee…)

    Wile I’m glad WE dont cut and paste on here, I do appreciate cut and paste when it’s done well — and that’s ALL I said about the South African website. Nothing more. Nadda.

    Bob, I’m glad we’re not related. I’d be tempted to send you a lump of coal for christmas. Sheesh!

  2. #2 by mderpelding on 09/14/2007 - 10:22 pm

    All major historical events were a complete surprise to contemporary experts.
    They all went against “current trends”.
    All those past experts believed that tomorrow would always be an extension of yesterday. With today as a midpoint.
    In hindsight, we can all sift through tons of facts to provide a rational narrative to explain what was inexplicable to our ancestors. We then pronounce ourselves as smarter,savvier,better educated, and more evolved than those poor fools caught flat-footed in the past.
    So, with our better understanding, through hindsight of world events, we know what’s going to happen. Not only that, but we know what was done wrong in the past; so of course those mistakes will never be repeated and the future will be ours to control.
    What hubris!

    It’s like a man walking.
    He approaches an intersection. He looks at his watch and says to himself,”Well yesterday at 9:31 AM I crossed this street and there were no cars. It is now 9:31 AM. Historically, there have been no cars. Therefore, I can cross safely”.
    You might view this example as silly.
    But this type of causal reasoning is endemic to western white people.
    The most dedicated “aryan” superhero marching around playing Nazi is the natural enemy to a “Semmelweise”.
    Can’t anybody think for themselves anymore?

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