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Posted by Bob on September 14th, 2007 under Coaching Session

Got this today from amazon, a new book by Victor Davis Hanson, outlining this neocon thought leader’s solution to the immigration problem… intermarriage with non-white immigrants. Yes that will return America back to its glory days. Turds like Hanson can make a great living today getting paid NOT to think and publishing volumes like this to prove it.

Review excerpt:
In this revised and updated edition, Mexifornia examines the predicament of those vigorous, ambitious Mexicans that make California strong but who are hurt by inadequate policies that damage them and this country. Ultimately, Hanson hopes that our traditions of assimilation, integration and intermarriage can yet remedy the immigration crisis that continues to grow and shape America’s future.

  1. #1 by Tim on 09/14/2007 - 3:37 pm

    I hear ya. I always make suggestions to all Neocons in regards to Israel’s Palestinian problem …….integration, assimilation and marriage ………..will end Israeli problems in regards to Palestinians.

    Of course, I get accused of GENOCIDE. I immediately agree and say—-it takes one to know one.

  2. #2 by Ian Santiago on 09/14/2007 - 4:30 pm

    Hanson is just another clown trying rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic. Rates of intermarriage amongst WHITE and mainly Christian Serbs and Croats was over 25% and they slaughtered each other over petty ethnic differences. Rates of intermarriage amongst arab, muslim Iraqis wre over 20% and they are killing each other over trivial sectarian squabbles.

    Just under 3% of White Americans marry non-Whites and those numbers have started to stagnate. Mixed marriages end in divorce over 70% of the time so it is obvious that race mixing, despite the propaganda is still rare and dysfunctional because it is not natural. Rcaial differences are real and profound and the coming backlash will make the conflict in the Balkans and in present day Iraq look like schooll yard shoving matches by comparison!

    Viva La Raza Blanca!!

  3. #3 by Pain on 09/14/2007 - 6:32 pm


    It’s always great when you don’t even have to say “Gotcha.”

  4. #4 by Back Bay Grouch on 09/15/2007 - 4:02 am

    It would be interesting to do DNA samples on successful, upwardly mobile Mexican Americans that Hanson cites. By eyeballing it my reaction is that Mexicans from Spain, that is, Creoles (which means native Caucasians there), would far out represent the Indians and mestizos. To wit, filtering Europeans through Latin America without interbreeding them produces Europeans in the United States should they migrate here. The class structure of Latin America is a paean to the ability of the White race.

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