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Posted by Bob on September 15th, 2007 under History

Some quick thoughts on self-selected impotence:

Everyone that does the “me combat veteran! me TOUGH” is automatically announced their moral EQUALITY to everyone else, and their moral SUPERIORITY to most others, as the tool that compensates for their subsequent failure in virtually all other areas.

It is easier to moan, than it is to actually DO SOMETHING, no matter how small or trivial it may seem.

What we see as the most militant of those near to White Nationalism/Western Nationalism, the “Militia Movement,” is people who realized the game is rigged. They then went about exactly the wrong way to change the game, declaring their debts to be illegal (unConstitutional currency), and dressed up in camo “uniforms,” waved their old squirrel rifles in the air, and talked of overthrowing the government with force.

ALL of them were men who spoke of their great deeds during WWII/Korea/Vietnam, the great glorious deeds of a glory-filled youth.

In their impotence, they adopted the Forms of a Glorious Past that never was, without adapting the Forms to the Substance of a new day, a new world.

They accepted the Terms and Definitions of their implacable RACIAL Enemy, without realizing it, and fell into traps of their own, unwitting, devise.

Their impotence is projected outward onto us, and our situation, saying, in effect, “Don’t try, Son. I’ve established my moral credentials and superiority, and I KNOW it can’t be done. After all, I couldn’t do it, and for me to admit that it is possible would place the balme for failure on me. If you were to succeed, even slightly, you would be seen as my better, and my excuses would be removed. I can’t have that.”

This is called Human Sacrifice.

  1. #1 by Lord Nelson on 09/15/2007 - 6:27 pm

    Coach, I am starting to think you have supernatural powers.

    Quote by Bob:

    “They will divide us by CLASS, with our present leaders soaking in the sunshine of Big Name approval”

    Recent anti thread on Stormfront:

    BTW. AFKAN, Great comment.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 09/16/2007 - 9:54 am

    Having dealt with the ethnics from Chicago and their sometimes backwards cultures of worshipping the “big man” I have had those lectures about not trying, that is the way it is all my life. But I’m a patient man I’ll give even a loser a minute to blab, and then I ask them point blank “They really scare you don’t they?” And that is it all “moral authority” gone and I mean gone.

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