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Excellent Disciplinary Reminder from CL

Posted by Bob on September 16th, 2007 under Coaching Session

Inresponse to the articlebelow, Flanking Arguments, CL brings me up short:

The corollary to this is when you abandon what works.

One of the great banes of baseball managers everywhere is the pitcher who is throwing one pitch the opposing player/line-up can’t hit, but who inexplicably decides to “diversify” to his less stellar stuff. He’s often seen looking over his shoulder 2 to 3 seconds after making the change.

It’s called being “cute,” and it invariably kills the perpetrator in sports, business, and war.

The mantra is the unhittable fastball. Your curveball is crap. Don’t be cute.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 09/17/2007 - 11:05 am

    I’ll disagree. Mantra is a school of logic not a precise recital of words (wordism). Its about the why of PC and the results of such a religion. For ex; Cultist shrieks “racist” at me, me being a mantra trained thinker I do not respond with my own shriek, but instead dissect the cultist’s line of thought.

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