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Posted by Bob on September 22nd, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

Racial purity is the next big trend because competition forces it. Few see this reality, but BW made the call early on.

The resurrection of chattel slavery through debt obligations has been made possible through computer technology, information sharing, and low cost surveillance. Before the advent of the Internet and low cost computing, the controls necessary to make debt slavery work were simply too expensive for the present era. This is a big unheralded change in our lives. Our Asian clients are learning quickly of the advantages of a credit card enslaved populace as the best forms of coercion are those forms not perceived as coercive. Getting sucked into debt does the trick nicely.

But government can blow this all to hell through excessive taxation. It is bad enough to be in debt, but worse if the level of taxation prevents you from ever getting out from underneath your debts regardless of onerous bankruptcy laws.

Slavery is an art. Lay on too many restraints and be too transparent in the application of force and you kill hope. That invites rebellion. This is exactly what is happening in Europe.

BW has been very prescient about this. The European policy is absolutely ridiculous. They are inept at running slave societies, yet they invite the darkies in. Now they are left with the stark choice of kicking the darkies out, or letting the whole thing blow to hell.

This can happen in America too. If the Feds respond to the next big government-financing crunch by upping the level of taxes, they will light the fuse for a real shindig on the racial and ethnic conflict front.

BW has said it and it cannot be truer: Free society and multiracial society are incompatible. You can’t have both.

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