Archive for October, 2007

Thanks, Back Bay Grouch!


BobW disappeared for several days. Was concerned for his health. But he is back, ornery as all hell. That is the Bob I want to hear from. This seminar. We are looking for truth, not balm. If Bob sh*ts on me, he’ll find that can diarrhea back. We are among friends, pour a little bourbon & branch. Have a laugh. And stay on message.


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Cut the Patty-Cake Crap!

By the patty-cake crap I mean the stuff you would address to a kid. For instance, “You only favor those who agree with you because you can’t stand criticism.”

Where the HELL do you think I’ve BEEN the last fifty years? I value your thoughtful criticism because many times you represent a unique point of view. But most of it is what I have heard – LITERALLY – hundreds of times before.

I am looking primarily for extensions of my thinking. This “constructive criticism” and “devil’s advocate” horseshit I do not address. I am not in this for money and I am not in this for my health – ask my doctors. I am in this because I have something to offer.

NO ONE takes criticism and apologizes for his mistakes more than I do, but there is a LIMIT.

Someone asked me to give sources for my Che quotes. That was covered in Stormfront – by others. That is covered in Google. I WILL NOT DO YOUR RESEARCH FOR YOU. That is patty-cake crap.

I am bad at remembering examples, so I’ll pick on Simmons’ latest comment. The second I saw he was saying we should get the liberals first I knew he had missed my whole point. Why? Because that point has been missed a hundred times before the same way.

Then there are bitches about my attitude. If they are novel and important, I’ll pay attention to them, but usually it is same old stuff.


Cut the patty-cake crap.



A Repeat on Stormfront

I expanded somewhat on the point below on SF.

I am realy upset that you missed the point so completely:


I did not get ONE comment on this!

Everybody wants to talk about whether things are hopeless or not, not what to do if we succeed.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is doing more to convince people of our possible success than we do.

Someone on my blog DID comment on this, an anti, and my reply is important:

— Hpfeffer

Wow! You fellas are truly drunk with power! Where did you get these ideas as to what you are going to do?

– hpfeffer


As a matter of fact, this is exactly the kind of thinking we have NOT been doing.

I mapped out a sixty-year program, and one comment got back to whom we should have vengeance on FIRST.

No commenter pointed to the PRACTICAL aspect of what I said.

Everybody feels a groundswell, and the desperation of the ruling class shows it. That means we should take ADVANTAGE of it. Instead, the comments are generally the same old same old.

If we make it clear that we will have the same mercy on genocide that Jews had, it adds a whole new dimension to the equation. First of all, unlike anything anyone else has said, this is a direct threat tot eh superrich, who are already our enemies. Right now they can safely look on their going with the flow as costless.

Secondly, a lot of people will benefit from this ruination of the traitors. All this is more important to me than anything any commenter has discussed. This is PRACTICAL POWER POLITICS.

What is NOT PRACTICAL POWER POLITICS is sitting around asking each other, “Is it all HOPELESS?” The only PLANNING we seem to do is planning when to surrender. Surrender is not a complicated process. Winning IS a complicated process.

For God’s sake, let’s PLAN for WINNING.

Lenin never spoke to more than a small roomful of people before he arrived in Moscow in 1917. What gave him the Soviet Empire was the simple fact that he hit the ground running. No one else had PLAN for revolution. hpfeffer have made fun of this little man making such grandiose plans when he was an exile in Switzerland.

Lenin won precisely because he would have given hpfeffer the finger.

We get a revolution or we don’t. The ONLY discussion that makes sense for us is to plan for when it happens.

I am not advocating anything illegal. I am advocating what is being done. The idea of being chased and punished FINANCIALLY with the enthusiasm Jews and the US have put into chasing down reparations will put the necessary dread into more and more of our enemies as the SPLC and others convince that our takeover is a real possibility.

As it is, they have nothing to lose by being our enemies.





Wow! You fellas are truly drunk with power! Where did you get these ideas as to what you are going to do?

— hpfeffer


As a matter of fact, this is exactly the kind of thinking we have NOT been doing.

I mapped out a sixty-year program, and one comment got back to whom we should have vengeance on FIRST.

No commenter pointed to the PRACTICAL aspect of what I said.

Everybody feels a groundswell, and the desperation of the ruling class shows it. That means we should take ADVANTAGE of it. Instead, the comments are generally the same old same old.

If we make it clear that we will have the same mercy on genocide that Jews had, it adds a whole new dimension to the equation. First of all, unlike anything anyone else has said, this is a direct threat tot eh superrich, who are already our enemies. Right now they can safely look on their going with the flow as costless.

Secondly, a lot of people will benefit from this ruination of the traitors. All this is more important to me than anything any commenter has discussed. This is PRACTICAL POWER POLITICS.

What is NOT PRACTICAL POWER POLITICS is sitting around asking each other, “Is it all HOPELESS?” The only PLANNING we seem to do is planning when to surrender. Surrender is not a complicated process. Winning IS a complicated process.

For God’s sake, let’s PLAN for WINNING.

Lenin never spoke to more than a small roomful of people before he arrived in Moscow in 1917. What gave him the Soviet Empire was the simple fact that he hit the ground running. No one else had PLAN for revolution. hpfeffer have made fun of this little man making such grandiose plans when he was an exile in Switzerland.

Lenin won precisely because he would have given hpfeffer the finger.

We get a revolution or we don’t. The ONLY discussion that makes sense for us is to plan for when it happens.

I am not advocating anything illegal. I am advocating what is being done. The idea of being chased and punished FINANCIALLY with the enthusiasm Jews and the US have put into chasing down reparations will put the necessary dread into more and more of our enemies as the SPLC and others convince that our takeover is a real possibility.

As it is, they have nothing to lose by being our enemies.

What could be more practical than that?


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Tim: Traitors, the Denazification Approach

Bob has wondered out loud on this blog on what to do with the traitors. I have a solution. Many of the rituals in Christianity are taken directly from the Druids. Baptism right through to Excommunication were Druidic long before they were Christian.

I say we bring back Excommunication……the full Druidic deal. It is a tad more brutal than the Catholic variety…….but it will be unforgettable to the transgressors.

— Tim

If you will THINK about what I have said here repeatedly, that is my recommendation.

I have said, REPEATEDLY, that when the age of the liberals’ Faithful Colored Companions ends, we will divide racially. Liberals and respectable conservatives will come crawling back. But they will try to be neoracists, with reservations, with David Horowitz as their spokesman. See below, “David Horowitz: Genocide with a Smile.”

We wouldn’t be in this position if Jews didn’t know what they were doing.

How do THEY handle people who were Nazis back when it was the only thing to be in Germany?

They NEVER forget. They NEVER forgive.

You can’t execute today’s traitors, nor do you want to. But the government should have a permanent bureau, as it does on getting Nazi Germans from sixty years ago. But THIS one will pay off our national debt.

Full-time people will go back through every ad and donation foundations and private corporations ever did during this period. They will FINE them tens or hundreds of millions of dollars — not the weak race traitor laws of Nazi Germany — for every genocidal, criminal thing that is discovered.

It will RUIN their heirs. It will make discovering old race treason a major industry. Every day in every way people will be reminded of what was done in the name of fashion because it will COST THEM MONEY.

It will NEVER end.

It is a form of excommunication, but I am a practical politician, and it is a PRACTICAL one. The money will KEEP coming in to reverse the damage earlier people did to us.

Get off the soapbox, LISTEN to what I say, and let’s do what has WORKED.
