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The UN Third World Shows Jewish Genius at Work

Posted by Bob on March 2nd, 2008 under History

When the first Israeli Knesset met, they had a problem. It was suggested that seating be right to left, as in some European assemblies, but no one would sit on the right. The right was associated with fascism.

Jews were good leftists. The Jewish-led left led the fight to end colonialism. They were the enemy of the white goy, and they made no allowance for the colonial powers that had beaten Nazi Germany and liberated the concentration camps. A white goy was a white goy, period. As Franz Boas put it, any enemy of the white goyim was an ally of the Jews.

Today the only group that keeps Israel in the UN is a shrinking part of the white goyim which, due to Jewish leftism, is itself shrinking. The vetoes of Permanent Members of the UN have been essential to blocking overwhelming votes to condemn Israel for racism.

These vetoes once came from France and Britain as well as the US. But Jewish leftism opened Europe’s borders to the third world, so France and Britain are becoming overwhelming Moslem, who have an attitude toward Jews which resembles that of Goebbels with a hangover.

Ah, the Jews! Those GENIUSES who control every facet of life in their Superhuman Wisdom!

Ah, the Clintons, those political GENIUSES who knew just how to get the Faithful Colored Companion vote. Bill Clinton gloried in having blacks refer to him as the first BLACK president.

Until a BLACK candidate popped up.

Just six months ago, though everybody has forgotten it, Hillary Clinton was the juggernaut that could not be stopped after the Bush disaster.

The Clinton and the Jews and their ilk are not doing well.

Hey gang, wake up and smell the way the wind is REALLY going.

  1. #1 by shari on 03/02/2008 - 2:05 pm

    White fence sitters, who would rather talk about culture etc. had better hurry and get off that fence, or they won’t be believed when they get BLOWN off.

  2. #2 by Lord Nelson on 03/02/2008 - 2:15 pm

    This is a good point. I especially find the Clinton situation to be hilarious.

  3. #3 by Pain on 03/02/2008 - 3:01 pm

    A couple years ago, I was working part-time in a local high school. There was a group of boys that included a Jew. They called him “Jew” and liked to say, “Hey Jew boy, get over here.” I asked them what his name was. Answer: Jew! Then they said, Watch: “Hey Jew boy, get over here now!” He did. I asked him if he minded being called Jew boy, he said, “No, I AM a Jew.”

    Two days later, I went to see my favorite Jewish professor. I told him the story. His eyes grew wide and he said, “Oh my God, it’s just like the 30’s!” The look on his face was worth a million bucks.

    He asked for the details of where this was and it turned out that he had taught shul in that area. He asked me for the boy’s name, but all I could tell him was “Jew boy.”

    On my way home, I treated myself to Krispy Kreme.

  4. #4 by Dave on 03/02/2008 - 4:28 pm

    Yes, it is just amazing how it all comes around in a circle and the end is the beginning.

    I have watched this among the West Coast privileged, champions of the working class they are, where it has long been fashionable to denounce Jews. In my hometown, a state capital, there is a very popular and busy coffee house solely devoted to the denunciation of Jews. The theme is “opposition to the Jewish entity within occupied Palestine”.

    I haven’t failed to notice the unembarrassed appearances at the coffee house of local municipal officials, sundry state representatives and senators, and professors and administrators from the local colleges and universities.

    And how could Obama have happened if it weren’t for the Voting Rights Act? And hasn’t South Africa long been on board?

    What is this atavistic “State of Israel” with its exclusivist conceits anyway?

    If Obama is elected, look for fraying around the edges. His job will be to repair “America’s tarnished image” as already promised in his campaign and he fails to point out specifically that America’s “tarnished image” is most “tarnished” with the Islamic publics of Israel’s most devoted enemies.

    A loose cannon State Department official will slip up with the phrase “Jewish entity” and will not be punished. Official verbal posturing will begin to contain phrases alluding to “Palestinian voting rights” while phrases alluding to “the occupied territories” and “the peace process” will gradually diminish.

    It’s baked in the cake, just as Israel’s failure to defeat Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon was baked in the cake two summers ago. To accomplish that, Israel’s young draftees would have had to be willing to attack committed and seasoned fighters fighting them from well-prepared bunkers and other fortifications. These draftees would have to be willing to attack them on the ground with today’s versions of concussion grenades and mortar guns in old style frontal infantry assaults.

    Israel’s young men declined the invitation to root out Hezbollah despite the adamant orders of their superiors, wholly unlike previous generations of Israeli soldiers.

    It all interrelates.

  5. #5 by mderpelding on 03/02/2008 - 10:23 pm

    Actually, this is the most interesting election in years. The Clintons have been mugged.

    But think about the Democratic electorate for a second. Hillary still has just under one half of the democratic vote. I think that Hillary gets votes not for her but against Obama. I may be wrong, but I believe that white racial identity in voting patterns is directly related to the percentage of blacks in the schools those white voters must send their children to. In fact, I’m sure of it.
    As far as the Jewish vote, who cares?

  6. #6 by Simmons on 03/03/2008 - 8:56 am

    Speaking of Obama, who will the Democrats choose for their vice president now? The white and jewish libs are totally unprepared for this moment because they probably never thought it would happen. This ought to be fun to watch.

    As for the Jews, while the stormfronters sit down in their basements shrieking about the end of the white man let us be productive. The question to the Jews is, “Why would you want to be white anyway?” In reference to their century’s old obsession of denigrating white men in every conceivable way such as Jared Diamond’s wildly popular hate screed. The white traitors that chain us to the current wordism are for another post.

  7. #7 by Bob on 03/03/2008 - 11:52 am

    Dave, I predicted that the New Left might turn on the Jews on September 11, 2001 in the old WOL.

    I had been predicting the Obama phenomenon for a long time. If I hadn’t kept hitting on that lately, SF would still be at the Wailing Wall about it.

    As Simmons says, shriek and retreat.

  8. #8 by Simmons on 03/04/2008 - 9:47 am

    Not to belabor the usual worthless tidbits of news like any other site, but it seems the Jews are cracking up over Obama. The gentile revolt in the left is progressing nicely, soon they will be marching in Arab garb on campuses or the DNC convention. I guess the left was tired of meeting the zionist ceiling with their heads so they revolted. Now it seems the GOP is going to pick up those wastrels. So what does this mean for us unreconstructed white men?

  9. #9 by shari on 03/04/2008 - 11:01 am

    If leftists think they will save themselves just by being anti-jewish, they have another think coming.

  10. #10 by mderpelding on 03/04/2008 - 7:36 pm

    If Barack Obama is elected president of the U.S., he will constantly have to prove his “multicultural inclusivist ” credibility with the dominant moralists who control “fashionable opinion” in the U.S.

    I suspect that old Kenyan “Barack” will in the end have a hard time living up to the heights of pure liberal virtue expected of him by such purveyors of white “holy goodness” as Angelina Jolie, Bill Gates(my wife actually held a real African!!!)and the true savior of the caring world…
    The Holy Bono.

    The devil hates to be mocked.

    Start laughing.

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