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Suggestions for Bob’s Best Blogs

Posted by Bob on March 3rd, 2008 under History

When I am asked for specific examples of the most obvious things, my mind jams. That is happening with our newest resource.

But two entries jump into my mind. One is I the old WOL and is called, “When the Wagons First Rolled West.” The other is the September 11 -12, 2001 pieces where government, I predicted what would happen in terms of our fanatical pro-Israeli actions and our “allies” peeling off and no one getting punished for letting that disaster happen..

  1. #1 by Tim on 03/03/2008 - 1:34 pm

    “The other is the September 11 -12, 2001 pieces where government, I predicted what would happen in terms of our fanatical pro-Israeli actions and our “allies” peeling off and no one getting punished for letting that disaster happen..”

    Yes, and don’t forget the one were you said a new holocaust had began against the jews and no one will be worried about holocaust denial because everyone will have watched on Al Jazeera. It may have been in the same September 11 entry. I can’t recall at the moment but it sticks out in my mind as classic BW stuff.

    By the way, it has been a long time since I have seen so many jew posts on BUGS. Kinda surprised. You must have either listened to DR Duke over the weekend or been around Stormfronters lately or something. I actually started to forget about them–thanks to you. Generals always fight the last war. GREAT Generals look to the next war.

    IMO, Jews are history. We got a billion Muslims fighting them by proxy and reading the Fuhrer. We got ole DD plugging away at em. We got Stormfront hammering them. We got whole news reeders on the net all the world hammering away. Everyday I read the liberal/libertarian news reel and they slay the hebrews with news…..etc….etc. In fact, we could sit here and type all day about the global anger directed at the Jews. And not even mention anyone European! Strange days. Hitler may not have killed them all—-but he did kill their souls. The Hebrews made themselves into little godlike victims. And they are not equipped for godlike status under the spotlight. It is ironic, if the Jews had NOT moved to Israel—they probably would still have a LOT more power. Now everything is eroding around them.

    Now that I wrote all that it just occurred to me that you had another brilliant posts about the Jews being Angels and anytime someone assumes you are an Angel—you are bound to be made into a Devil.

    Now unto the next war.

  2. #2 by Sys Op on 03/03/2008 - 8:00 pm

    Are the above suggestions actual posts on this blog starting in MAY of 2004?

    Remember… the entire point is to expose the BEST of the blog posts to the Web. We have been forced by the continuing, rather bizarre technical anomalies to remove the blog from ANY search engine on earth, which means one could not ever get a blog post URL from a search because the engines/indexing bots no longer know that it exists.

    This will take a specified amount of time to test, so the above is the only solution.

    Actually it’s a good solution for increasing the entire site in the view of the engines — we’re now deploying better page techniques. The jury is out. But the pages are prepared by hand and added to the site, so we will have more work — just one more warrior task.

  3. #3 by Brutus on 03/05/2008 - 4:00 am

    ***The Rot of the Greatest Generation***

    This was printed Just a few days ago in Britain.

    While White “men” (I refuse to consider these creatures men) from Britain were storming the beach at Normady THOUSANDS of their wives were back home storming something else:

    “The problem began to emerge in 1944, when increasing numbers of US servicemen [Blacks} were stationed around Britain.

    Many of the women they fathered children with were wives of British soldiers fighting abroad.

    At a conference on the matter in December 1944 John Carter, of the League of Coloured Peoples, said: “In several cases they are married women whose husbands are in the army, usually overseas, and they usually get letters from their husbands saying ‘Well, I am very sorry to hear about it. If you can get the child adopted everything will be all right.'”

    Can you imagine that? Just think about this for a few moments.

    “Well, I am very sorry to hear about it. If you can get the child adopted everything will be all right.(!)”

    What kind of diseased being would say something like that? No power on Earth would have been able to stop me from leaving the moment I received such a letter from my “wife” that she had given birth to a Black’s baby while I was gone off to that kind of a war. What kind of a man would not walk barefooted if necessary and swim around the globe just to reach her and kill her?

    The article said thousands of these mixed race kids were then sent back to the U.S. They called them “War Casualties.” The article even has a picture of a large group of Black men in U.S. military uniform. It’s sickening to contemplate.


    Racial degeneracy can go no farther.

  4. #4 by Brutus on 03/05/2008 - 4:07 am

    Here is the URL for that story, if anyone wants to read and see the entire article:;jsessionid=AIJUTA1OBEZTBQFIQMFCFGGAVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2008/02/04/npro104.xml

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