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SUB Urban, Chapter 4

Posted by Bob on March 7th, 2008 under History

— SUB Urban, Chapter 4

What REALLY happened in Rome?

Our history today presents us with a British Empire type of Rome where barbarians were tamed and civilized by the legions and a sort of British upper class ruled until Rome “fell” and the legions withdrew and the barbarians went back to slaughtering each other and everything stagnated until the Renaissance revived Classical Learning and we began to crawl back to the heights.

Our history says the monasteries preserved all real learning through that stagnant millennium or so of NOTHING.

This is as true as the idea that the Capitol is Classical Architecture. All this looks ridiculous if you STATE it SIMPLY. But if you get lost in details, and they will try HARD to get you off on proving your historical knowledge, their whole house of cards is irretrievably damaged from the get-go.

Let me give you another example of how desperate history is to keep this image.

The Romans didn’t have soap. Since accepted history implies that they invented bathing, this is potentially embarrassing. Just as Egypt got the wheel from the Hyksos and iron from the Hittites, the Romans got soap from the Gauls. This implies that the barbarians were familiar with bathing.

One history I was reading mentioned this once. It said that soap “originated in ROMAN Gaul.”

Things jump out at me that others don’t even notice. The Gauls had had soap long before the Romans got there. Why specify ROMAN Gaul? Because that preserved the myth. Only under the leadership of Rome, this implies, the Gauls started bathing and developed soap.

When the white mummies were founding China, they were wearing a weave which professional history had declared was invented a thousand years later in the Middle East.

You can’t build any decent world view on nonsense like that, and history is what our world view has to be based on. This is not theoretical stuff, it is critical.

Our discussion of history must be an attack. We must cut out the ingrown cancer our thinking starts with. You must present this as laughable and you must keep it SHORT.

First of all, the whole structure on which both Enlightenment atheists and Christians have built is hogwash, just as the whole Wordist viewpoint on which Marxists and evangelical “Christians” base their world view is hogwash.

In the midst of the quiet, civilized, consistent life of Rome on which Gibbon based his view, Wordist “Christians” built THEIR historical myth. They were a tiny band preaching a religion which lived entirely in the Holy Land. Paul preached that this Jehovah person was the unknown god they had a monument to in Greece.

Anyone in Rome who had not heard of Jehovah was on life support. After I had been pounding for years on Brown’s estimate of seven million Hellenic Jews in Rome, a TV documentary actually mentioned that about a tenth of the Roman population was made up of Hellenic Jews.

These seem to be the “Greeks” discussed at such length as fighting “Jews” in the New Testament. “Jews” are no longer the heroes in the New Testament. Josephus, the famous historian of the first century, was a HELLENIC Jews.

But all of those six million Hellenic Jews, a tenth of the entire population, simply disappear from history, WITHOUT COMMENT, as Christianity rises.

The disappearance of THAT six million Jews is not discussed. There are no memorials to them. But there could be a very important connection between the two disappearances of a major portion of the population which was Jewish.

It turns out that Madeleine Albright’s parents were Jews who, under the Nazis, simply stopped being Jewish. It turns out that gubernatorial candidate Allen’s family were also Jews who decided, under the Nazis, not to be Jews anymore.

Let us make an observation no one else is allowed to make. Statistically, it seems improbable that the only Jews in Nazi Europe who simply decided not to be Jews any more were the parents of the American Secretary of State and a candidate for governor in Virginia.

What happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany is probably what happened to the Hellenic Jews when THEY disappeared from history. To protect the Holocaust Industry, you have to lock up a historian in prison if he says the Nazis only killed three hundred thousand Jews.

History interrelates.

History is IMPORTANT.

  1. #1 by Tim on 03/07/2008 - 12:37 pm

    “African-Americans are rejecting the wife of our “first black president”—for the real thing.”


    Where in the hell did ole’ Patrick J. Buchanan get the above quote. Thought I read that on here a week or so ago? Most people would be insulted. I was flattered. Though, he could have put a link to BUGS along with the article online. People could get properly educated. Better late than never???!!

    Then again. Maybe you are ghost writing things for folks again?

  2. #2 by backbaygrouch4 on 03/07/2008 - 2:42 pm

    In your previous post you mention that the priestly caste develops its own interest which it uses its position to exploit. The same thing happens with a professional military. It is inevitable. Once the Roman state grew so large that it could no longer rely on a citizen army with a temporary dictator leading it, the Republic was doomed. The army took over. He who has the sword rules and rules for its own benefit.

    This phenomenon is not unique to Rome. Modern Turkey and Israel are extreme examples. Latin America is drifting from this model which had been in place since the break from Iberia. At that point the Creole class could no longer rely upon the central government in Madrid to provide back up to control the native population.

    The Creoles, who still had the benefit of additional immigration from Europe, being a minority, built a government system in which the professional military stepped in whenever civilians became too responsive to the natives. This golpe de etado was usually bloodless and a comfortable exile was often provided. It was all done with a wink and a nod. The Latin American country that least fits this scenario is Costa Rico which is the most Caucasian nation, more so than the United States. It did not need the system. In passing, as recently as sixty years ago Blacks were not allowed to stay over night in San Jose.

    The point is that Rome did not ‘fall’ to Christianity as the Enlightenment’s Gibbon would have it. Rome evolved structurally. The military bureaucracy needed to administer the Empire took over. The ‘fall’ of Rome was a decentralization of this state machinery. The various armies, individual generals, decided that they were satisfied with their regional commands and ignored the Pentagon (read Rome). One view of the roots of European nations could the as regimental histories of the Roman Empire, and not the natioanlism story concocted in the 19th century to justify a new class of overlords.

    This explains why so many European nations were multinational. They really were not tribal. Ethnic nationalism is a 19th century construct. It is a response to the electoral opportunism of vote seekers willing to exploit whatever worked to help them climb the greasy pole. The rise of democracy created nationalism which caused the great European civil war, that is, WWI and WWII.

    Hopefully the passions released by the rise of nationalism have been sorted out by the territorial and tribal reorganizations since 1914. Maybe it had to happen, but the price was horrific in blood, treasure and self-confidence. Our role is to rebuild that spirit. This is crucial. This is where mantra thinking finds its niche.

    The only major institution presently headed a man who understands this is the Catholic Church. Pope Benedict is laying the intellectual and spiritual groundwork for a rejuvenation of the European civilization. The Jew controlled media is striving to impede this. Some of his worst enemies are and will be the bishops in place in his own church.

    He has a hard hand to play because his institution has non-White constituencies, but he is useful to the White Race, but only up to a point. Institutional self-interest will assert itself in the Church and it is not co-equal with ours. For now his efforts to reinvigorate Europe with its unique heritage, block expanding its institutions to non-Europeans, and to destroy the culture of death advocated by the Jew controlled cultural establishments forms an important front line in our struggle. Some main line Protestant groups are stirring as shown by their growing post holocaust evaluation of Israel.

    Democracy, as in electoral government, is likely the end product of the industrial advances that caused a vast increase in population and information availability. The printing press was a precursor to the computer. The railroad was similar to the optical fibers’ role in the Internet. The explosion of printing and transportation modes destroyed the military/royalty model of government. The electoral system that replaced it is dominated by press lords cum media moguls who now face extinction from the Internet if they cannot control it. They are terrified of us..

    A good question to ask then is, why did this take place in Europe and in European settled areas? Parallel institutional adjustments have occurred elsewhere. They led to stagnation and caste societies, examples China and India. It was the unique genius of White genes that made the difference. That is the obvious answer. Can it be proven by logic? No. But evidence over several thousand years demonstrates this. It is a constant in the discovery and growth of new technologies.

    Who are you going to believe? Yenta Professor or your lying eyes? Real knowledge is based on observation and data gathering. Logical strings can start anywhere and go even more places. The evidence is in. The White Race must assert itself against the institutions that have grown out of the various industries that its genius has created. These institutions now have their own self interest apart from the good of the White Race just as the Roman Legions came to exist apart from the Roman Republic. It is an oft told tale: now that I am a member of the yacht club, let us restrict membership and save the coastline from the too many marinas. Slam the door.

    All is change, as Heraclitus observed. Whites embrace change, create change, rejoice in change. Other races are indifferent to it. They can adapt to it very well, but they cannot engender it. The evidence is in. That is the operating hypothesis until further evidence is forthcoming that disproves it. My two dollar bet is on the proposition that no such evidence will emerge.

  3. #3 by shari on 03/07/2008 - 5:39 pm

    If Benedict is trying to lay groundwork for white survival he better be making his own tea, I would think. I’m not saying that I don’t believe it. I’m just saying that would put him in a very precarious position.

  4. #4 by mderpelding on 03/07/2008 - 6:29 pm

    The real problem here is that “History” is considered a legitimate subject of objective inquiry at all.

    Modern history is that which is approved by the New York Times.
    Why should any other era be any different?

  5. #5 by Pain on 03/08/2008 - 5:48 pm

    Our history says the monasteries preserved all real learning through that stagnant millennium or so of NOTHING.

    No real historian I know says the Middle Ages were stagnant.

    The real learning was indeed preserved in the monasteries because they were the only places with a full time of staff of scholars. They had the resources, the manpower, and the books. The monasteries were the universities, which is why Oxford and Cambridge still required their full-time tutors to be single into the nineteenth century; they were still de jure monasteries.

    On the Jews.

    First, Jews did not disappear under the Nazis. If you read statistics from the Jewish Encyclopedia, you will read that the Jewish population INCREASED by two millions during the war.

    Second, the reason the seven million Jews of the Roman Empire disappeared is simple: they converted to Christianity. The New Testament describes this in some detail and the book of Revelation prophesies in 2:9 and 3:9 that there will be those who “call themselves ‘Jews’ but are not and are the synagogue of Satan.”

    The big mistake that some otherwise bright men (such as Pierce) made over and over again is assuming that modern Jews are the same as the ancient Jews.

    They assume this without any evidence.

    If that assumption were tested, it would be an extraordinary claim. And all extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

    But here, no proof exists and all the evidence points the other way: modern pseudo-Jews are not related to historical Jewry.

    One chunk of such evidence is that the ancient Jews disappeared, as you say.

    Another is that the vast bulk of those same Jews were gentile proselytes to Judaism, and then became Jewish converts to Christianity.

    A third is that from 65% to 85% of modern pseudo-Jews have a proven descent from Khazarians, and this is accepted and studied by pseudo-Jews themselves.

    The second point above is important because that is how they “disappeared.” In Christ there was no longer the Jew, but a new creation.

    For Shari I say that this is an important point since the ancient Jews received salvation through faith in Christ who was to come. They were the people of God because they worshipped the Son of God. Today, the people of God are those who likewise worship Christ, and he has already come. Thus there was no longer any role for the ancient Jew as a Jew. To remain part of the people of God, the ancient Jews had to worship Christ not who was to come but who had come. They did and by definition there was no longer a Jewish religion. The Son of God had come.

    Adolf Hitler summed the problem succinctly: there can be but one people of God.

    To this can be added what my pastor says: anyone who does not believe in Christ is an enemy of God.

    Thus the modern pseudo-Jews cannot be the people of God, and they cannot prove any genetic relation to them who were and are.

    Therefore, to equate the modern pseudo-Jews with the Bible is silly and doubtless wicked.

  6. #6 by shari on 03/09/2008 - 10:48 am

    I know all about this Peter. It’s called amillenialism. My brother preached this for years, although he never quoted Hitler. Now he seems to have given up and doesn’t care about race.

    I really have no strong opinion, but there are lots of other things in the bible too. I do think that we are living in a watershed period. So I have a wait and see attitude. But I have no problem seeing that there is an ongoing attitude of genocide against whites everywhere and this is not from Christ.

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