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Arguments on Chapter 5

Posted by Bob on March 9th, 2008 under History

Brutus says that he introduced me to Brown’s book recently.

I knew Lawrence Brown. I read The Might of the West for the first time in the 1960s. I have two copies here and have read it over a dozen times. I helped get it republished in the 1970s BY MY LITERARY AGENT, Joe Binns.

Bill Rusher, who wrote the Foreword to my first book, helped Brown get Might of the West published in 1963.

Pain apparently thought I was talking about another Brown, on which Dave corrected him, which is what people do in seminars.

Backbaygrouch gave us some solid history I am grateful for. He corrected me.

I’m winging it here. I present my own version, not as a tablet of stone, but as a possible substitute for the laughable crap our whole thinking is based on. This is very strange thing to do in our present world, but it is the nature of a seminar.

Pain says he never met a historian who thought the middle Ages were stagnant. In my world, the word “Renaissance” always meant a rebirth of learning when the writings of Classical Society were rediscovered. The Classical Writings were essential to the rebirth True Civilization.

These matters are much ore disturbing to Pain and Backbaygrouch than they are to the rest of us. It is essential in a seminar that each participant let everybody know exactly where he is coming from. Pain and backbaygrouch make it clear up front that they are dedicated to different versions of Christianity, and each version of Christianity is rooted in a specific understanding of history. They do not appreciate my seeming to march roughshod over it.

If I expected to be believed, I WOULD be marching roughshod over it. After all our training by priests of the varioud persuasions, including the one of Political Correctness, the idea of someone giving out propositions with the full awareness that many if not most are wrong, and expecting corrections, is a concept that died with the Anglo-Saxon Moot.

Another point: a lesson here for US is a PRACTICAL understanding of how critical it is to carefully consider WHERE A PERSON IS COMING FROM.

So some in the seminar are bored sick by this recitation of a version of ancient history, where as others are offended by it. In every area of discussion, you are going to run into this all the time.

My dog in this fight is to try to look back over our silly history and see how we can make Political Correctness, based on Mankind History, laughable.

  1. #1 by mderpelding on 03/09/2008 - 7:30 pm

    How can anybody truly think that they have any real grasp on “History”.
    Firstly, how can we define it?
    A factual representation of the past?
    Old stuff dug up that we interpret?
    The output of “trained scholars” who are fluent in classical languages?

    And how is all of this interpreted?

    Note the term “dark ages”. Awful subjective, ain’t it? It brings to mind a society of dirty mindless animals, just like the denizens of the Congo.

    Our history is/was populated by our families…
    people just like us. They weren’t nut-cases nor any more taken in by “snake oil salesmen” than our contemporaries are. They lived and worked and loved just as we do today.

    All those people in the “dark ages” did…
    lets see…
    Preserved all writings of Greco-Roman civilization.
    In spite of attacks from non-westerners.
    Laid the foundation for a homogenous civilization that would take the idea of the created world and develop what is known as modern science and perfect the scientific method, based upon it’s worldview.

    Now we obsess over owning the latest gadgets and our peoples definition of true virtue is to worship savages.

    Of course, seeing as we have HD-TV and believe in gay rights, we are eons ahead of those dark-aged Catholics.

    Nowadays we know that the divine is best represented by some Elvis-clone in a sparkle suit rolling around like a retard on a stage blabbering and frothing at the mouth for the edification of the mindless hordes who have been conditioned to believe that “progress” means the ability to buy the latest novelty at prices that are less then they were just a little while ago.

    Oh…in those dark ages they burned people alive in the name of Mercy.

    And when one hundred thousand women and children were incinerated in Dresden in less than a day what was the excuse? What modern enlightened rationale shall we advance for justification?

    Our times are the true “dark ages”.

    We are all a part of history. Right here. Right now.

    A thousand years ago, our ancestors were a part of their history, also “Right here. Right now.”

    The question is, what are you going to do about it?

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