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Posted by Bob on March 9th, 2008 under History

What is going on here is what no one wants to come out and say:

White “elites” are eliminating the white underclass. After the second world war, the Jews never had any lower class to speak of. Today almost all of them are upper class and elite. A large underclass is like having a 500 lb weight strapped to you.

Whites understand this too. What you have seen over the past one hundred years is the means to carry this program out. Only the inferior stock is going to mix it up and leave the gene pool. Only the inferior is not going to survive the market. Only the inferior is not going to make it.

Liberalism was merely the mechanism.

No intelligent man falls for “Left Wing, Right Wing” politics, nor does he let any “ideology” distort his thinking. No, that is only boob bait put out for suckers.

The non-Whites that are left here? The invaders, you ask, what are they going to do about them? Hitler and Stalin rounded up and moved tens of millions out of their territories by way of railroad. That was decades ago.

For all the talk on Stormfront and elsewhere, White power is overwhelming. If desired we could exterminate every non-white on this planet and lay claim to every continent. No power on Earth could hope to stop us. Never lose sight of this. Our science and technology is simply awesome vis a vis all other races.

Despite all the misdirection, White elites are firm believers in Might Makes Right AND eugenics! Only a fool will believe otherwise. Do you really think Bill Gates loves blacks? Do you really think that people like Bush and Chaney have any intention of allowing Mexicans or Asians to be dominant? Do you think they really intend to let the Jews come out on top in the end?

This may be distressing to some. But we did not design the universe. This is how it works.

  1. #1 by Dave on 03/09/2008 - 4:43 pm


    What is vastly misunderstood is that the competitive game is baked in the cake balls to the wall. And we have a huge industry in the public schools and the MSM that is absolutely devoted to indoctrinating people into the fiction that pretends that fact ain’t true.

    It is a form of brutality.

    I am around nonwhites a lot. I know them well. I have many nonwhite friends (blacks, Mexicans, and Asians) and have had them as friends and coworkers for years. That’s why I know nonwhites are well aware of their vulnerability should they lose white good will. And the posture of nonwhites in racial matters is actually effeminate.

    It just kills me that there are so many WNs who do not see this. They think the images they see in the MSM are real. That’s because they do not actually live with, work with, and befriend nonwhite people.

    And then it gets worse and we have Nick Griffin of the BNP complaining that the high tech economy is just “too demanding” for our “working class lads”. Even niggers, as effeminate as they really are, would be embarrassed to say that. At least niggers have some pride in basketball.

    And I say to Nick Griffin: White people have NO CHOICE but to be sober, disciplined, and ON THE BALL, especially when it comes to excelling in mathematics, computer science, materials science, basic research, weapons development, surveillance, military and commercial intelligence, martial skills in general, diplomacy, and business and entrepreneurship. ON THE BALL!!!!

    And the whites that don’t get that, who think they have a “right to a life” can go to hell. And they can burn in hell. They deserve it.

    We are white people. It is OUR JOB to run the show on planet earth. No matter what.

    It’s like the old saying: “If you don’t want to be whiney, keep your goals tiny”.

    White people have no business keeping their goals tiny, or being whiney. Neither should be allowed.

  2. #2 by shari on 03/09/2008 - 7:56 pm

    Did Bush, Cheney, or Bill Gates design the universe? Are they really the ones who are the most fit to run things?

  3. #3 by Brutus on 03/09/2008 - 11:20 pm


    You missed the point.

    I did not say those men were ideal. And my question was do you really believe these men intend to subordinate themselves to any non-Whites, and do you believe Bill Gates really loves blacks?

    So your two questions make little sense. Control your initial emotional reactions. I’m not here to provide quick emotional relief to distraught persons.

    However, it should be noted that each of these men are totally ruthless, and they are on top because of it. Moreover, they would most likely be on top in ANY society or time you may wish to contemplate.

    This crucial fact is a point in itself.

    The society envisioned by many WN’s is not likely to ever come about, at least not anytime in the next thousand or so years. We must work within the framework I have described.

    We must not let ourselves be deluded that the men of our race are ever likely to be motivated by anything but egotism or a desire to make it to the top no matter what they must do. This is indeed the outstanding racial characteristic of our race. This is what has developed the extremely powerful political force that is in place today.

    Trying to work outside of this framework, like so many Stormfronters imagine we can do, is the equivalent of trying to build a perpetual motion machine.

    It may be deplorable, but it is the way things are.

    Ask yourself one question: What is the one thing that MOST every White around you is responsive to?

    THAT is what we MUST work with.

  4. #4 by Tim on 03/11/2008 - 11:08 am


    Great BUGS post. It reminds of what we hear about the Iraq war. Everyday I hear what a disaster it is and a failure etc. I am sure you have heard the same thing. I don’t like the Iraq war because it was not for OUR RACE. With that being said, it has done one thing very clearly. And it is this one thing which worries the World.

    The Iraq shows the world that we are so damn military dominant that we can have NeoCons screw up and screw up and still stay in there and do whatever we want. That is why the world is really upset.

    The Arabs are asking the Russians to counter Western Power. But lets face it. Right this minute some Russian Generals are sitting with some brown folks and the browns are saying to the Russians:”we are together in this right?”. And the Russians are thinking to themselves —“who is the WE brown man –we are just selling you Russian weapons to remind the West that the Russians are also Aryans.”

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