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Practical History: The Wheel

Posted by Bob on March 15th, 2008 under History

I have the usual problem with this subject. Things jump out at me that others don’t even notice. The problem is that when I point it out, they STILL don’t notice it. Things like “Asia for the Asians, Africa for theAfricans, White countries for Everybody” that they parrot every day suddenly become totally alien to their thinking.

Then they go back to asking whether Eastern Europe is “ready for immigration” yet.
So I have to explain WHAT the basic assumption about the wheel is and then, while they are trying to digest that and gromming each other for fleas, I have to explain what is wrong with it.

This is VERY frustrating.

I say, “People take it for granted that the wheel was an early invention.”

Those around me give me that bovine look. Their eyes go dull, and they don’t seem to understand my words.

So let me begin at the beginning. If you ever saw B.C. cartoons, you will notice that the cave men there are selling each other wheels. On Married With Children, Peg makes fun of Al by comparing him to an especially unintelligent Neanderthal: “Me no understand wheel thing.”

Everybody down to the meanest level gets the joke in B.C and Married With Children and everywhere else. But when I mention it they go bovine on me.

Please, gang, it is ASSUMED that the wheel was one of Mankind’s first mechanical inventions, if not THE first. “The wheel was Mankind’s first mechanical invention.” I’ve hard it dozens of times on TV and read it more. PLEASE, gang, get with me here.

It is hard to explain why basic assumptions are wrong if everybody goes chimpanzee on me when I MENTION an assumption. So let us all assume that we all know about B.C. and the standard line abut about the wheel.



NOW, having realized what history keeps saying, let us take a look at Planet Earth.
All documentaries tell us that everybody was “incredibly sophisticated.” Watch any documentary. We think the Bushmen are primitive but they are really incredibly sophisticated. We think American Indians were a stone age culture, but they were really incredibly sophisticated.

The Mayans, all the documentaries gasp, were incredibly sophisticated. But they didn’t have the wheel except on some children’s toys. The Egyptians, founders of everything, were incredibly sophisticated, and surely space aliens came down from the heavens to teach them how to build those pyramids.

But they built the pyramids without the wheel. The men from space had not invented the wheel! On it goes. Incredibly sophisticated civilization after highly sophisticated civilization is described, but none of them had the wheel.

If anyone has forgotten why this is odd, please reread paragraphs four and five above. I don’t have the enrgy to repeat it.

The rest of us will proceed.

In fact, there are only two Civilizations that DID have the wheel. Those from Europe did. The Hyksos came down from there and introduced the wheel to Egypt by running over them in chariots, Little is known about them. They were one of those “Northern invasions.”

Asians also had the wheel. It so happens that we found Caucasoid mummies in China wearing clothes with a weave that history told us were invented a thousand years later in the Middle East.

Acupuncture tattoos were found on the man who froze in Alps about the time of the pyramids. You know, the acupuncture the Chinese invented.

Turns out the Great Chinese Civilization had the wheel, too.

I think the wheel is altogether White Man’s Magic.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 03/15/2008 - 5:38 pm

    Stop whining like a like a liberal professor. Yes you can score a point or two against a lib or a respectable by pithy statements, but you can absolutely destroy them by asking the right questions. You know this because even you have said make them explain themselves.

  2. #2 by Prometheus on 03/15/2008 - 8:29 pm

    It is pretty basic. If the wheel had indeed been invented very early, we would expect everyone to be using it. Especially since we all according to anti’s were one race in Africa.

    People didn’t like it much when I didn’t appreciate the black Africans carrying large jugs of water on top of their heads. I still refuse to use chopsticks.

    When stupidity and intellectual lazyness causes a much adored group to go through hardship, the standard response is to appreciate their struggle and adorn them with praise. You see, they have it tough. This poor woman has to carry litres of water on top of her head to and from the well miles away. The fact that they could use a wheel or simply move closer to the well hasn’t occured to them. They keep going at something the hardest way possible, as we are supposed to appreciate the suffering.

    It reminds me of those who went with little during the depression. Despite the fact that there was still labour to produce goods, and the land was still capable of producing food, people still went hungry and with little. They had it tough because their financial system failed them, and they stuck by that system and suffered to support it. That we are supposed to appreciate.

  3. #3 by AFKAN on 03/16/2008 - 12:14 am

    Prometheus made an excellent point that those of us who are trying to “WAKE UP” from the hypnotic spell of Wordism should keep in mind in the years to come – Hell, in the MONTHS to come, for some of us.

    Prometheus wrote:

    It reminds me of those who went with little during the depression. Despite the fact that there was still labour to produce goods, and the land was still capable of producing food, people still went hungry and with little. They had it tough because their financial system failed them, and they stuck by that system and suffered to support it. That we are supposed to appreciate.

    in reply:
    Classically, the difference between a recession and a depression is that a recession is a working off of excess inventories, while a depression is a major restructuring of the financial system.

    By reducing things, as much as possible, to physical economics, we can see a lot of intermediary layers in all of our systems are open to disintermediation on a scale only the Internet could provide.

    If the Greater Depression is as bad as I think it will be, people will ignore the Form, and limit their demand, and Creative Powers to Creating, the Substance.

    Take public education.

    If there was ANY system that is larded up with incompetents, and which essentially produces low quality products at very high prices, that is it.

    Many, many people will need to go around “the financial system” as it is currently structured, if they are to be anything more than easily expended serfs, in a new social order.

    Damn, but the Dark Races are in for an exciting future, and this time, I think the White People will stand up for themselves, and their Families, in a very forceful manner.

  4. #4 by Dave on 03/16/2008 - 1:06 am

    White people are tethered to the Wordism of racial equality (and Wordist histories that support the doctrine of racial equality) for reasons that support our need for emotional consolation regarding the possibilities for peace in the world and harmony among the races.

    This need for emotional consolation turns a blind eye to nonwhites’ dependency on whites, a genetically hardwired dependency, for nonwhites really do possess a different and lower kind of consciousness than our own, but it is heresy to mention it and certainly so in a Wordist history.

    Popular and unquestioned notions about the advent of the wheel support wish fulfillments in currently popular religious doctrines, golden oldies that actually sprang into popularity only when the white man’s industrial and technological progress had proceeded to the extent it became possible to sell the idea of a beneficent God, clouding also our thinking about the mechanisms of racial descent.

    It is a heresy in our time to consider these darkening admixtures that result from racial intermarriage, while decreasing the relative numbers of racially pure whites, might serve also to preserve the racial purity of the white race.

    No one dares point out that nonwhites have adopted this notion of “near whites”, or gradations of mulattos as being “near white”. That’s because for the nonwhite, becoming white is not achievable, while the light skinned mulatto is achievable through intermarriage.

    We are also not allowed to consider that this may be a telltale sign at the biological level about how nature preserves the racial purity of blond and blue-eyed people in descent. As a blond and blue eyed person, you just cannot waiver from taking a blond and blue eyed spouse, if you want blond and blue eyed children, although the genetic sciences might change that aritimetic in the future.

    Nature, however, isn’t in the business of insuring our survival, regardless of hardwired biological mechanisms, and it has always been a part of white consciousness to grasp that.

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