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Memo to National Review

Posted by Bob on March 18th, 2008 under Bob

In its issue dedeicated to William Buckley, National Review beagn by its obligatory grovelingover National Review’s evil position on civil rights inthe 50s and 60s. That prompted this rebuttal.

Don’t hold your breath awaiting a reply.


William Buckley was never a segregationist, but he allowed me to be one and to say so. He published Ernst van den Haag’s criticism of integration – sorry, de-separation – using an argument which is being rediscovered.

It is not a coincidental that today, when the Propositional State is accepted, Europe is imprisoning people for questioning the NUMBERS killed in the Holocaust and the Canadian Human Rights Commission is becoming an embarrassment in its monomaniacal crushing of all dissent on the subject of multiracialism/multiculturalism, and National Review apologizes for allowing any questioning of the de-separationist mentality.

A Propositional State cannot allow free speech or freedom of thought. A society whose sole basis is a proposition cannot allow any thinking that will lead to dissent from that proposition, as I hope this memo demonstrates.

Segregationists are laughed at because they were so right. A Doonesbury cartoon showed his characters discovering a list of student infractions in a 1950s high school. As they were read out, everybody laughed: “Chewing gum, talking in class…” What a bunch of bumpkins!

In the 1950s .drug use was and illegitimacy were considered out-of-control problems confined to blacks and Puerto Ricans. As we predicted, the drug and illegitimacy rate among whites is now higher than either was among blacks back then, and the black rates have gone out of sight.

What was laughed at then as alarmism is now regarded as naiveté.

Liberals were right about one thing: America, like every stable society, was based on hypocrisy. Segregationists said that a society that was REALLY based on non-racialism would lack the cohesion necessary to survive. If you don’t see the truth in that assertion, feel around you. Maybe you’re still in bed.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 03/18/2008 - 1:04 pm

    They are an embarrasment, a joke really. They should be treated as the infamous “Capos” of jewish lore, they have earned it.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 03/18/2008 - 1:32 pm I hope my meager skill set gave the right page Bob.

  3. #3 by Bob on 03/18/2008 - 2:32 pm

    Simmons, as usual, I can’t FIND your comment! I juat get the main page from the url you provided.

    I am NOT good at this stuff!

  4. #4 by shari on 03/18/2008 - 5:17 pm

    Well, the “solution” is MORE education. It’s great, MORE problems, MORE education.

  5. #5 by Bob on 03/19/2008 - 11:27 am

    shari, to buttress your point, the doctors insisted that the solution to George Washignton’s pneumonia was MORE bleeding.

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