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Posted by Bob on March 28th, 2008 under History

A tip from Andrew Sullivan. Got Youtube a find a video titled:Building Stonehenge – This Man Can Move Anything.
Mommy Professor is mystified by Stonehenge. Supernatural powers cannot explain how primitive white men could have moved the stones and set them up. Ditto, Easter Island.
This guy is no PhD. He is a retired construction worker and he has done what happened at Stonehenge and Easter Island that Mommy Professor has intoned, It is Impossible.
Furthermore he has done it as an individual, without machinery, animal help, or even a small tribe to help him. He moves stones the size and weight of those at Stonehenge. He does it by the sweat of his own brow and the White man’s brain.
Mommy Professor could not have figured this out in ten thousand years. He moves a several ton rock pillar a goodly distant and then implants upright in the ground, solo. He is not a young man. He uses pieces of wood and small rocks to do it. Not high tech, Very primitive. This tells us more about the history of Northern Europe and White genius than any major university history faculty knows.

  1. #1 by Z on 03/28/2008 - 9:20 am

    I sew this on the news and thought the same thing. This is the epitome of living white. White people tinker around with stuff like this. Its the Faustian restlessness that must be satisfied. Its the result of cold, dark, post ice-age living on the brain.

  2. #2 by shari on 03/28/2008 - 10:36 am

    How did anything EVER get learned or done without PHD’s?

  3. #3 by Z on 03/28/2008 - 11:27 am

    “How did anything EVER get learned or done without PHD’s?”

    Bob has a great audio show that addresses this. I can’t remember which one though. He talks about how smart the educated classes in Europe thought they were compared to the country folk.

    Bob can correct me if I’m wrong but he went to tell how the ordinary folk realized that people got weaker when the “doctors” bled them while the educated people who read Aristotle insisted on this practice when people got sick.

    Well, here we see this again in 2008. A construction worker figures out Stonehenge while the archaelogial community has more conferences.

  4. #4 by Bob on 03/28/2008 - 5:53 pm

    Z, no correction here.

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