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Lord Nelson and Anti-WHITE

Posted by Bob on March 29th, 2008 under Coaching Session, Mantra

Lord Nelson says:“I am happy to see the term “Anti White” taking hold on SF. Lets make it spread across the whole world.”

It’s important to give Old Bob credit on this one. It shows our method works. I have been slamming people for using the term “anti” and THAT is why anti-white is catching on on SF.

I used the term “anti” myself and FINALLY realized what I was doing and apologized for it on SF. Then, as I advocate, I started hitting “anti” every time I saw it.


I have not seen anybody else once correct anybody on this. But I was alone on the Mantra for a long, long time, too.

But one person can hammer and hammer and hammer and REFUSE to be discouraged and it can be done. I even hammered at Prometheus just now.

As I said, I am not getting sweeter, you are getting better.

But when you slip, Coach is still the same mean old bastard he always was, no one spared.

Prometheus has done a terrific job standing by me and often leading the charge on SF. But he is not spared when I think he slips. Contrary to the whining that has mercifully died down, I do NOT play favorites.

And when I slip, I expect the same treatment.

This is WAR, gang!

  1. #1 by Z on 03/29/2008 - 3:07 am

    I have another suggestion. I thought I’d try it out here and see if it makes any sense so please feel free to critique me.

    Whenever we’re writing and we use a Jew name, we place a [J] after it. The reason for doing so is the same as when the news places a [D] or [R] after a politician’s name. Here’s an example:

    “Sal Rosenberg[J] is a strong advocate of interracial marriage.”

    This alerts people to the person’s allegiance and biases. The same as a member of a political party. When people watch the news and hear partisan statements they look down and say “oh, well of course he’d say that he’s a Democrat.”

    Well, its the same thing here. People need to be alerted of the same thing. That way, when people are reading a post or article where a member of gods chosen is speaking with a genocidal tone, the person reading can say “oh, well of course he’d say that he’s Jewish.”

    I guess the only problem I have with this is it makes us look Jewish-obsessed. And if there’s one thing I can’t stand is someone who blames all or even most of our ills on Jews. Jews are just doing what they evolved to do. All blame must be put on White (We should also always capitalize the word “White” when it describes White people) people.

    So it may be a bad idea? As I belive there’s already too much credit given to Jews for our current movemnet torwards genocide. But I thought I’d run it past you all.

  2. #2 by Z on 03/29/2008 - 6:15 am

    One more thing. I was looking at SF and it said something about Bob being interviewed on SF radio. I looked all over the place for this but can’t find it? Does anyone have a link to this? I think it was in January but I’m not exactly sure?

  3. #3 by Z on 03/29/2008 - 6:48 am

    You guys got to see this article written by a girl at Kent State. Make sure you read the comments too. Its another sign that times are changing.

  4. #4 by Z on 03/29/2008 - 7:14 am

    Never mind on the above article. I re-read it and was terrified to find out that this girl was a race mixer and only asking “to just get along.” Perhaps I should of known better?

  5. #5 by BoardAd on 03/29/2008 - 8:52 am

    Yes, Z, I have the interview. Email me.

    If anyone has a copy of the interview from march 6th, where Bob filled in for Lord Nelson, I would be very appreciative if you could contact me with a link.

  6. #6 by Z on 03/29/2008 - 9:45 am

    OK, I sent it.

  7. #7 by Z on 03/29/2008 - 10:37 am

    Thank you.

  8. #8 by Bob on 03/29/2008 - 2:20 pm

    Z says,

    “so please feel free to critique me.”

    Don’t sweat THAT.

    We are training here to be like sharks who smell blood in the water, but without their reticence.

  9. #9 by Bob on 03/29/2008 - 2:32 pm

    Z, we in BUGS are FEW and ORIGINAL.

    Let the professional anti-Semites worry about stuff like that.

    Suggest it to THEM.

    There are NO professional PRO-whites.

    We have a more important mission. After you make your suggestion to the professional anti-Semites we need you to come back to US.

  10. #10 by Prometheus on 03/29/2008 - 9:28 pm

    We need to stop this trend of people supposedly representing the white race, who do nothing but disappoint whites.

    They should be proud that they have people like us fighting for them.

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