Archive for March, 2008


Just in going through the compilations on NationalSalvation.Net I marvel how the content there in and of itself is sufficient to guide a revolution.

And I compare our clear-cut and logical content with the “axes” our opponents grind in their fervent incoherency.

Our enemies are so unfocused, so misdirected, so distorted in their views, and so unaware of their lies, that I know I am looking at nothing other than the true face of social chaos.

And chaos is the real name of “politics” in our time.

No real leader lies. And a real leader is an important source of news.

We have no real news in America today. The lies are so rampant the only way to detect the real news is through conscientious Internet research.

This is where people like Robert Whitaker come in. Robert Whitaker is an important source of real news. And access to real news and the kind of information sufficient to make sound judgments on the future is critical.

People need to know who is lying and why they are lying.

And the multitudes that have been duped need to be dragged into recognition of reality.

And we desperately need a handle on what to expect for the future.

This will happen. The real leaders will emerge.

They have to for there is no escaping the largely unrecognized and potent forces bearing down upon us. Accordingly, our major job is to get these largely unrecognized but potent forces recognized.

The advent of BUGS, the advent of the propagation of the Mantra view, is all part of this process.

It could not be more important


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Brutus in General Comments


I had been ignoring General Comments because nobody was posting there. Now that I checked I am joyfully suprised that I am WAY BEHIND.

Keep it up!

I will be quoting these here daily.


I noticed this BASIC thinking jewel on a SF thread. It was posted by an unregistered Jolt4444.

It is in fact a masterpiece.

It is short and very, very POWERFUL.

It is so basic that EVERYONE on Earth knows it but ALWAYS fails to state it out loud and with force.

An anti-WHITE (Bob’s addition) made the usual observation that some Whites are low class and some live in trailer park, some even in “trashy trailer parks.”

we hear this a lot from anti’s (anti-WHITES, damn it!).

Jolt4444 responded with the following:

“Nobody ever went into a panic if they made a wrong turn and wound up in the middle of a trailer park at 2:30 in the morning. The same cannot be said about taking a wrong exit and looking up and discovering you are on Martin Luther King Boulevard.”

FINALLY, some White man has said what NEEDED to be said and put that anti argument down for the count!

“Nobody ever went into a panic if they made a wrong turn and wound up in the middle of a trailer park at 2:30 in the morning. The same cannot be said about taking a wrong exit and looking up and discovering you are on Martin Luther King Boulevard.”



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I am not Getting Sweeter, You are Getting Better

I am handing out an unusual numberof compliments right now and it is a pleasure to do so.

I still come down hard on commenters, and you have to EARN a good word.

But I don’t come down hard to maintain an image as a Tough Professor. You know what I think of Greatest Generation “tough guys.”

You now know how deifficult it is to understand our “simple” approach. That is what our seminar, BUGS, is all about.

Dave, Simmons, Pain, Z and the rest are staying Focussed on OUR approach and EXPANDING on it. When you do that, it is pleasure to hand out some congrats. I hope you are happy to have EARNED them.



Richard and ShakaZulu

Before making his excellent observation about the power of term “military-Israeli Complex,” richard was kind enough to say this:

Bob, I was reading your Stormfront thread aimed at ’shakazulu’. Although I think you demean yourself by trying to ‘debate’ with the likes of him, I’m glad you did, because you produced a little gem of a phrase –
“The Military-Israeli Complex”.

Richard, My latest entry in the “debate” with ShakaZulu may explain why I engage in what seems to be an argument with HIM:

Shaka, I do not actually debate with programmed anti-whites. What I say is to emphasize how programmed you are. You want to shift it all onto whites are responsible and how I am insulting the white race, like you give a damn.

The Cultists will nod their heads, but those whose minds are open will see how you twist and you turn but you are always trying to sell one thing. I am aiming at them.

I am called prejudiced because I lived in Africa, was raised in rural South Carolina, and have lived around worked with real blacks from laborers on our brick plant to Senior Executive Service in DC, not to mention squatting against the walls in kraals in Africa.

I know who Shaka Zulu was, from Bulawayo to Natal, because I heard it from BLACKS. He was a warrior, not Mommy Professor’s Good Little Boy like you.

ShakaZulu didn’t want to get white women. He wanted to KILL whites and get them off the land he claimed. I respect an outright enemy like that. I don’t respect black white supremacists in Mommy Professors Cult.

Note I said the land he CLAIMED. Zulus were wiping out the NATIVE population of South Africa, relatives of today’s Hottentots. Zulus were taking their land from t hem and they were NOT providing gambling casinos and reservations. Zulus were Congoids, driving the Capoids before them.

Cape Colored are descendants of Capoids who got a heavy intermixture of white blood from Dutch men. They REALLY hate Congoids. I could tell you some stories about what I heard from THEM. The Boers came north just as the Zulus were conquering southward. The only reason Capoids survived at all was because the Boere stopped the Congoids.

Afrikaners are the only group who ever SAVED another race.

I know all this, so I am ignorant and prejudiced.

Only a suburban white is not PREjudiced. His judgment comes from Mommy Professor, and is therefore objective. A Cultist does not question his Pope.

Your white blood comes from the male side. Of course.

I remember a guy here in SC was about to talk about his family history. I said, “You’re Scots-Irish with some Indian blood, right?”

He was astonished. He said, “That’s right! How did you know?”

I replied, rather tiredly, “Everybody says that.” The people around us laughed, and he remained puzzled.

That is the line ALL young white suburbanites here follow. Every one of them thinks he thought of it, just as you think you cultists are really convinced that you are being original.

Of course your white blood came from the male side. It is a matter of instinct. Men don’t much are if other men plant their seeds in another race. There is an endless supply of sperm.

What you are desperate for is the reverse. You want black men with white WOMEN. Next best is for white men to MARRY white black women. This is the battle cry of your Cult. It decreases the white population, which is exactly what all the old “hypocrisy” of white men being allowed to seed black and Indian women was all about.

Racially conscious white people would complain about white men screwing non-white women, but it didn’t really MATTER.

Everything I address to you is lesson in simple reality. You give me the opportunity to say what people, if they think about it, already know.

I do not expect you to get or even to READ it. You give me the chance to bring it to what is called “the level of theoretical awareness.”


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Speaking of the Israeli-Movie complex I watched “Legend” last night. All in all I would say it is a decent movie updated in PC fashion by the use of a black actor to play the starring role. One thing I noticed that in their “raceless” world the producers did not include any race mixing like they did for Heston. What does this mean to the BUGs crew? Only that Bob is our Omega man, in a world of 7 billion basic non-entities going about their banal existences there is the last free white man leading a small group out of the wordist deathtrap.

Where white racial consciousness is kept around so that hundreds of millions of cubicle sitting whites can be terrorized like the whites were on “Planet of the Apes”, by the meaningless yet somehow powerful phrase “racist.” Yesterday I wrote what probably seemed a head scratcher to anyone here. If wordism is so correct, so powerful and white racial consciousness so bad and so illogical that it would be easy and moral for the priests to concoct a ceremony where whites renounce their “whiteness” like its a baptism or something. Fat chance of that happening though, because who would benefit from that?

Speaking of the last white man, Potato Head McCain is due for a white lashing from the Dark Lord of Equality Obama. Potato Head will be desperate to deflect the race card so I bet that the lash will fall heavy on whites. Most will grovel, but a few will head our way.

I like these shrewd observations of the ONGOING scene. Notice that in each paragraph Simmons is keeping a cold, hard eye on what he says from OUR BUGS point of view, not wandering off onto pet peeves.

The original “Men in Black” movie started with there white guy welcoming o\illegal aliens into the US. He was the Greatest Generation type, he dealt with REAL aliens, ETs, and he waived all US laws.

More important, the original Men in Black had a white girl telling Will Smith what beautiful eyes he had and ending up as his new assistant. Obviously the sequel was being set up for interracial romance.

BY the time of the sequel, the white girl dropped out and Smith fell in love with a black girl. No mention of US immigration laws.

The best acting you will ever see is Vincent Price in the original, low-budget version of Legend, “the Last Man on Earth


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