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Dave in General Comments

Posted by Bob on July 9th, 2008 under General

The Internet has put the kibosh on the culture of mastery of texts as the differentiator in the “I am more educated than you are game”.

This has been very hard on Mommy Professor. Academic journals, peer review, and all those credentials just aren’t as cool as they used to be.

But what people don’t get is that mastery of texts has been replaced with mastery of English because that’s the most valuable language on the Internet and where global commerce is conducted.

Bilingualism is a sideshow. English has meaning because the whole nonwhite world wants to master it.

This was true before the advent of the Internet, but the Internet turbocharged the whole process.

What is unseen is that the demise of texts as a means of uniting disparate races and ethnicities into national polities has not only overthrown Mommy Professor, it has demolished the national identities of the 20th century multiracial and nonwhite societies in general, and left them only with the differentiator of the English language as the marker of educational attainment.

Supreme irony. At the very moment white nations are ceasing to exist, the white man’s culture is being elevated to the skies. The entire world is literally tumbling into it at breakneck speed.

Nothing is left but race because there is no uniter other than English in the educational arena. Texts are no longer relevant. And the white man is left without a country in a world that has elevated him beyond anything pre-PC 19th white men could imagine.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 07/09/2008 - 11:47 am

    I think the white supremacists of that era were well aware that the white man would rule supreme. Perhaps some of the structures have changed such as we no longer bow to men with feathered hats and such. I have found nothing snobbier than a non-white who has learned English to a fine degree which makes Dave correct, but makes it another form of Wordism.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 07/09/2008 - 12:26 pm

    Our semi respectable side will write a billion words for basically the same expression, and while it is useful information it will become useless if it is used as a counterpoint to some well funded mommy prof trained talking heads addled headed reasoning.

    But once all of that is researched, written and peer reviewed then it is time to distill it down into the next set of questions. And those questions will be to the crazy white anti-whites and their FCCs.

    I’ll start with the first quesion (many more to follow); Why would you want to speak English? Let them explain its like letting any crazy cultist answering questions about his/her spaceship religion, embarrasing.

  3. #3 by Tim on 07/09/2008 - 1:59 pm

    English will go the way of other Aryan languages. The rest of the planet will master it and hundred years from now no Aryan will still be speaking it. Whites will be speaking some totally different language and the same cycle will start all over again.

    Aryan numerals become Arabic numerals……….

    I am guessing there will be X many hyper-ethnocentric Aryans packed into some northern paradise speaking and……translating BUGS into Gaelic.

    (what did u think I was going to say? Norse? lol)

  4. #4 by backbaygrouch4 on 07/12/2008 - 7:50 am

    “What is unseen is that the demise of texts as a means of uniting disparate races and ethnicities into national polities has not only overthrown Mommy Professor, it has demolished the national identities of the 20th century multiracial and nonwhite societies in general, and left them only with the differentiator of the English language as the marker of educational attainment.”

    No, but yes. Nationalism is still the defining ideology of contemporary society, however, you are ahead of the curve in identifying its replacement. Mommy Jew Boy Professor thinks that it is money/globalism. No, it is the means of communication which is English. The Tower of Babel is within the walls of Jericho and the trumpet is blasting. The trumpet is he Internet.

    History’s generations are shrinking. Yesterday’s centuries are today’s decades and tomorrow’s seasons. The quickening pace exhausts us old timers.

    The demise of lingual differences will accentuate race. Down the line we will no longer be Anglos, Germans, Celts, etc. We will be Whites. Ditto, our competitors. The dividing line will be stark. Cohesion will set it.

    The next battle line will be texts. The Bible or Shakespeare? Locke or Marx? Christianity or Jewry? The Common Law or Rationalism? Greece/Rome or the Orient?

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