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Posted by Bob on July 12th, 2008 under General

“Jews are in the same boat. In the wake of Iraq, the media are turning against them, too.”

A demurral. The jews are the media. The erosion of the media by technology, that is, the Internet, may help turn the tide but the cancer of jewry is very persistent and lethal.

— backbaygrouch

This is a combination of the standard “All is STILL lost” and the “Jews are the All-Knowing Enemy” bit.

This term “Jews” refers to a group which is presently doing a better job of destroying itself than Hitler ever imagined. The crash in Jewish birthrates makes them jealous of JAPAN. Alan Dershowitz is almost as desperate about Jewish disappearance as he is about getting rid of whites.

What backbaygrouch is talking about is the one thing we associate with the word “Jews,” a millennial hatred of whites. He is NOT talking about what I call pigtail Jews, REAL Jews like the Hassidim.

His Judaism consists entirely of self-pity and hatred. That makes sense, since that is what concerns US. But I was not referring to that definition. I was talking about JEWS, not the only legacy Jews are going to leave.

In their desperate drive against whites, Jews have fouled every nest they have. When Europe loved them dearly and paid them money after WWII, they turned it into a Moslem continent to which they can never return. Their Communist revenge cost hem Eastern Europe. Their Israel made enemies in the entire third world.

In fact, the only country Jews have left is the USA. And here their friends, the left, is turning against them in the wake of Iraq, as I said.

If this is success, it is the kind of success I wish all our enemies.

  1. #1 by Dave on 07/12/2008 - 12:33 pm

    Another proof this is that so many Jews are resigning from being Jews, or a taking great care not to mention it publicly.

    It is a terrible thing psychologically to be despised when your identity is ostracized genuinely.

    The whole thing is a vicious circle. This drives their contempt and the same time they just want to escape from it all. Do you know how many Israeli kids run away to other countries and change their identities? Jewish kids in New York do this to.

    Their whole identity is just too conflicted and rent with extremes. There is a viscous and ruthless status game going on among Jews where you have these cocky and hard barked winners (lawyers, bankers, real estate and business tycoons, etc.) prancing around reminding the majority of losers how intolerable their lives are.

    Then they try to dispose of that issue by wrapping it up in a Jewish identity the whole world has dripping contempt for.

    Then there is the long-standing association of Jews with the suffering and horrible plight the mangiest group of Egyptian Arabs in the world, the Gaza Palestinians. Americans don’t realize how mangy the Egyptians are in general. In a world of sad bunches they are one of the saddest bunch anywhere on earth. I live on the West Coast and I swear I can smell the stench of Cairo even here. Why anyone goes there as a tourist is beyond me. Eqypt is a stinking loss beyond any kind of repair ever. In Gaza, Egyptian stench and ruin sits in microcosm under the glare of the world media. The Israelis deal with the situation by intermittent butchery that is almost always captured on film for worldwide consumption.

    Meanwhile, young men, soldiers from around the world, press down upon the Israelis, each and every one of them a shining hero in their own eyes.

    If you see the world as a place of cadences, Jews could not be more out of rhythm. I fully understand why so many of them want to resign from being Jews.

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