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Posted by Bob on July 12th, 2008 under General, Political Correctness

I see that Bob has used an observation of one of our own, Dave, in his reply: “More blacks have come to America since 1965 than in the entire slave trade previously.”

– Pain

“Plagiarism is stealing from ONE source. Research is stealing from several sources.”

I do this so well you don’t recognize that almost everything I say nowadays is directly from the comments. If I could get the process across to you, a major lesson our seminar should be teaching would be learned.

I seldom give you a stream-of-consciousness reply. I write for a bit and then do the hardest thing any writer has to do: I start over. I WORK on what I put here.

As I go along I realize, “Come on now, THIS isn’t what you want to say. What is the POINT here?”

By the time I finish you don’t RECOGNIZE the piece of your comment that I am EXPANDING on.

That is why the Alex Haleys and DOCTOR Martin Luther Kings (his dissertation was plagiarized) get caught plagiarizing and I say things the original writer wants to read.

It is real victory when you realize that what you originally wrote as a comment has been worked on and thought out so much you have to put it in General Comments. It becomes a whole new outlook I want to see separately.

No one teaching any version of Political Correctness or any other version of theology wants to see his seminar members doing THAT. I LIVE for it.

  1. #1 by Dave on 07/12/2008 - 12:52 pm

    I learned this item recently about immigration from Africa in a personal conversation with Quintard Taylor (I ran into him at a 4th of July party thrown by some local politicians), a Black Studies Professor at the University of Washington.

    He was in Nigeria at the tail end of the Nigerian Civil War (the Biafra fiasco). He explained to me that the war was over Biafra’s claims to oil rights and how the Nigerians themselves wanted the British to come back fearing they could never self-govern.

    He then reminded me of the size of the African Diaspora in America and how that impacted the identity of those blacks in America that are descended from slavery. He then said, “Look at Obama’s bio”. That is where I got that information.

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