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The PC “Trump System”

Posted by Bob on July 20th, 2008 under General

“Environmentalists” have a problem of Political Correctness. I described it in my last book. It is the “trump” system that is essential to PC.

We are familiar with the PC Trump System, I just give it a name here:

Nonwhite trumps white.

Female trumps male.

Animal trumps human.

Politically, left trumps right.

Bureaucrat trumps businessman.

Foreigner trumps American.

And so forth.

The specific problem environmentalists are running into is that it is not Evil Whites who are cutting the forests and putting the orangutans and other animal out of business. It is not Evil Whites who are hunting down animals in Africa for food who were preserved under Evil White Rule.

The Holy Coloreds are driving out and killing the Holy Animals in terms of our established religion of Political Correctness.

What we see of environmentalism is the self-advertising Luddites and Modern Amish denouncing Evil White Capitalism in the West and growing organic foods. But nothing would destroy Mother Nature faster than an attempt to abandon all “artificial” agriculture and raise nothing but “natural” organic food.

The only reason the West has any forests LEFT is because we went on to coal and oil. We can AFFORD forests. The third world can’t.

  1. #1 by Dave on 07/20/2008 - 2:53 pm

    It takes major long-term investment to clean up a lake, a sound, or a river.

    For example, Seattle’s Lake Union clean up project is so expensive the project timeline is 100 years.

    Out on the Hanford Reservation in Eastern Washington where the plutonium was made back in the days when it was made, the Cold War pressures led to careless attempts to contain radioactive waste in steel containers, which leaked into the ground water.

    Here’s the cleanup arithmetic of the long term Hanford clean up plan: 15 thousand full time employees working for 100 years.

    Meanwhile, we have a future problem in that the Grand Coulee dam was designed for a service life of only 100 years, leaving a onerous capital commitment for retrofitting it, and this is in a river that runs clean!

    In contrast the Chinese, in misguided attempts to copy white men, have installed flood control dams on the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers, rivers that run pure mud, with the consequence that it is widely supposed that the service life of these dams can only be 30 years or so.

    Then all the followers of profound sounding horseshit tell us China will dominate the 21st Century. China will dominate it all right. It will dominate it with cat chasing its tail water control projects.

    People suppose that all China has to do is get its environmental act together and everything will be fine, forgetting that when you soil your own nest, it takes 100 years to dig yourself out, even if you have the money.

    The only people paying attention to the real arithmetic of the environment (I’m not taking about the global warming lunatics, they are enemies of the environment) are white men.

  2. #2 by Pain on 07/20/2008 - 4:08 pm

    The PC people also try to cut white people up: Irishmen trump Englishmen and everyone trumps the German. Within the English-speaking world, the lowest form of Anglo-Saxon is the Southerner; some respectables have invented a new identity for the South, that it is really “Kelticke”, but the Left whom they are trying to please just says “See, I told you you were racist.”

  3. #3 by Prometheus on 07/21/2008 - 4:46 am

    Race trumps sex
    Socialistic ideals trump race.

    Oppressing women and making them wear full body burqa’s is OK if done by non-whites/non-christians but NOT OK if done by a heirachical/elitist/patrichal society.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 07/21/2008 - 11:41 am

    I keep telling you the left is rigidly segregated cults all of its followers playing the trump whitey card one way or another.

    This game survives because the cults are never set upon one another, but thrives on Limbaugh/jackal yipping and shrieking at some monolith known as “liberalism.”

  5. #5 by Dave on 07/21/2008 - 3:36 pm


    This trump whitey stuff is easy to overcome. What I come to realize is that all nonwhites ride in the wagon of white capability. But how do you make this obvious?

    The question, then, is the language the nonwhites speak. If they speak a white language, and can’t speak or write their own indigenous language, then THEY are trumped.

    Any nonwhite who makes a claim of equality to me, a white, has to do it in his own people’s indigenous tongue.

    If he makes his claim in a white indigenous tongue, he has no refutation of my claim he rides in the wagon of white capability and is therefore inferior.

    This is a game over argument. If the nonwhite makes some sort of play to get around the obvious fact that it is language that determines who the conqueror is and who conquered is, all you have to do is dismiss it for it is not refutation.

    There is no way a nonwhite has around the determinative facts of language.

    He can only claim he is owed something. In the alternative he can become belligerent (Black Panthers). And in doing that, he is supporting the fact that he rides in the wagon of white capability.

    Could you imagine Limbaugh making such a simple and obvious point?

    Limbaugh’s arguments depend upon ignoring facts, as you point out.

  6. #6 by shari on 07/21/2008 - 7:48 pm

    I never thought it was non-whites that we were trying to convince. It’s white, anti-white racists. Most don’t know it, and some do.

  7. #7 by Dave on 07/22/2008 - 12:45 am


    The real problem is that we have all become Lord Jim’s.

    Lord Jim in an effort to save lives negotiated with the enemy, an enemy that had no claim to right, and therefore should have been attacked ruthlessly and given no quarter whatsoever.

    Later, and only in complete ruin, did he realize his error.

    Nonwhites are the enemy. Don’t lose sight of it.

  8. #8 by AFKANNow on 07/22/2008 - 1:39 am

    Bob has made an interesting observation, and Dave made some good points in elaborating on the observation.

    When you review the reports of the civil engineers on what is needed to simply maintain our own crumbling infrastructure, you see that one of the first things Others cut back on when they take over is maintenance, in general, and preventive maintenance, in particular.

    Simmons, the energy banker, who wrote “Twilight in the Desert,” just did a great piece on his website concerning our energy distribution infrastructure – pipelines, in particular.

    He said the whole thing is rotting apart, and will need to be totally replaced much sooner than anyone guesses.

    (I thought depreciation allowances were supposed to take care of this!)

    The Lesser Races follow us on matters of Form; they can not understand the deeper matters of Substance that these reflect.

    This ties in with Dave’s observation concerning Lord Jim.

    I have been watching the tv series “Smallville” with my nephews – reaching them where they ARE – and have been using the series to draw examples of the importance of Race, and Duty.

    I emphasize to them that every time Clark Kent refuses to do the difficult thing, it is because he is demonstrating he has accepted the values that worked, when he was a Child, but do NOT work, in the world of the Adult.

    They work even less for the Racially Superior Adult.

    Clark chooses not to “do the difficult things”(Nietzsche’s phrase), and the consequences of correcting this error grow exponentially – the Child Values in the Adult Mind.

    This is true for us, and what we have let happen to what was OUR Nation, in what was OUR Country.

    The price to recover our former greatness grows daily, and it will be the work of several generations to catch up to where we were.

    I’m doing my part.

    God, but my feelings of anger just grow by the day…

  9. #9 by Marwinsing on 07/23/2008 - 12:54 pm

    “The Holy Coloreds are driving out and killing the Holy Animals in terms of our established religion of Political Correctness.”

    Whooa! You mean the elephants of Southern Zimbabwe, us whiteys, or both?

    (between the lines: Mugabe is the best thing that ever happened for The Globalists, he merely reinforces the reasons for their drive for this NWO; ditto the capture of WN Serbian ‘bad-boy’ Karadzic et al…)

  10. #10 by Marwinsing on 07/23/2008 - 12:59 pm

    …and Karadzic is rounded up chop-chop; BUT Mad Uncle Bob (He, of the 2.2 million Zimdollar inflation rate; He, genocider of Zimbabwe’s white population…) they still leave him alone, he hasn’t quite fulfilled their needs… yet.

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