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Posted by Bob on July 22nd, 2008 under General

I keep telling you the left is rigidly segregated cults all of its followers playing the trump whitey card one way or another.

This game survives because the cults are never set upon one another, but thrives on Limbaugh/jackal yipping and shrieking at some monolith known as “liberalism.”

— Simmons

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch4 on 07/23/2008 - 10:10 am

    “Rigidly segregated cults,” is operationally unproductive. The left is societal disaffection. The reasons are various. Blacks don’t like Whites. Jews hate everyone. But they vote together, the two most monolithic voting blocs. They are not segregated. But they can be turned against each other. Divide et impera,

  2. #2 by Bob on 07/23/2008 - 12:52 pm

    “They are not segregated. But they can be turned against each other. Divide et impera,”

    That is what Simmmons is aiming at. The Faithful Colored Companions phenomenon is part of it.

  3. #3 by Tim on 07/24/2008 - 3:05 pm

    I actually think there is a massive amount of infighting going on among Jews. One of the ADL crewman stated on the record that the last few times they all got together with the various Jewish (non ADL) organizations it was very shaky with a lot of tension and arguing. He had never in all his years seen so much tension and hatred among Jews. Conservative practicing Jews blame the Liberal Jews on all their problems etc.

    Steven Spielberg wrote that he was “shocked speechless” when a young inner city African American boy told him that Amistad was NOT an accurate portrayal of the slave trade. Because Spielberg forgot to mention in the Amistad that Jews were responsible for a lot of it. He nearly fainted when many of the lil black kids (none over 14) started clapping.

    Think about what I just wrote above and think of the future. Simmons is correct. If you get off Stormfrontish ‘all hope is lost’ nonsense—u started paying attn to the above like facts/quotes/stories.

  4. #4 by Dave on 07/25/2008 - 1:12 am


    “Societal disaffection” doesn’t get at it either. Here’s why:

    English speaking nonwhites can only represent the interests of socialism. Socialism regards Obama, and the absurdity of a black President attempting to represent a national interest in America, one of the crystal clear contradictions of history.

    Time and again socialism proves to be the road to nationalism. Look at the descent of Turkey and Pakistan into Islamic states, if you think otherwise.

    And as America descends into nationalism which it can only do upon the heels of the crumbling ability of the US Treasury to finance government operations through seignorage, just where are all of these English speaking nonwhites going to go?

    The finance just isn’t there to float their boat, exactly the facts that are prevailing in South Africa.

    The only place they have to go is to get out of the boat of white capability and all benefits that go with it, or into open belligerence against whites. And open belligerence against whites in 180 degrees opposite Obama’s policy.

    The whites on the left are simply a bunch of idiots and Simmons is quite right about it.

    We can safely disregard them.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 07/25/2008 - 3:01 pm

    Why disregard them use them against the other holy charges. PETA kids and Global Warming Warriors versus blacks, browns and in betweens, I can see it now. These cults never communicate and yet the respectables think the left is some monolith that Limbaugh tries to outshriek.

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