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A Serious World View Must Take Into Account What We Don’t Know Yet

Posted by Bob on November 18th, 2008 under General

I discussed the piece on The Family Guy where the girl used the old hippie, “Only Man has wars,” and Death made an idiot of her, “What are you talking about? Animals kill each other all the time!”

Today the entire audience of Family Guy, including the YUPPIE college grads, know that border wars are routine and merciless among all social animals. It is a ruling theme in the wildly popular meerkat saga.

But in the 1960s, no one had any idea of this. Even the chimpanzee lady in Africa would then have SWORN that chimps did NOT patrol their borders and kill alien chimps who violated them. Now even the most brain-dead college grad knows it.

The problem is that people get only one lesson at a time. This is why a continuing theme here is “obsessing on examples.” Yes, the fact that all the experts were unbelievably wrong about war being only a man-made institution underlay all 1960s thought. Yes, that particular discovery made those particular hippies–Marxists–ideas laughable.

But there is a repeat of an old lesson here, one that no one EVER takes into account. It is more general than an obsession with taking The Latest Thing into account. It is that you must not build your world on ANY Latest Thing.

Which is why I keep hitting “News and Jews.” The lesson here is that there will be another Latest Thing that will make your present Latest Thing yesterday’s news. This is so obvious that no one SEES it.” Another theme I beat to death here.


Back when I was still semi-respectable, I made this obvious point and was listened to. It was a generation ago when the discovery of early man’s predecessors was going full tilt. in reaction to Ardrey’s African Genesis. Each time a new, older predecessor was found, articles would say, “The earliest human ancestor has just been found at X,” and there would be cluster of Expert Opinions based on the Latest Thing fact that all mankind came from Spot X.

Everybody wanted to be The New Ardrey. His concept that man’s advance began with his dining a shinbone as a weapon began the hit movie 2001. It was all the rage. So each time a new discovery was made, it was supposed to rewrite the whole of human evolutionary history.

This happened over and over. It got comical.

Finally I pointed out in Science News that this was silly. After ten articles reporting “the earliest man,” any reasonably intelligent person would cut the crap and write about “the earliest ancestor SO FAR FOUND.”

I was astonished at the result. Those article not only changed in Science News, they changed in Time and US News and World Report! The whole phenomenon STOPPED. That is a lot of power for one person. The reason I exercised that power was that nobody but me even noticed it.

I have utilized this kind of power my whole life. We have this kind of power precisely because it is not a power anyone else WANTS. Outside of BUGS, people do not want power, they want to RECOGNIZED as the person who exercises power.

I have made fundamental changes at the top of the chain of ideas all my life. I have exercised more raw power than ANY expert in ANY field.

I had the field clear to exercise this power precisely because no one NOTICED it. No one but us BUGS types wants REAL power, which is the ability to change to change the ideas that make the world of the future. They do not want this power because it does not lead to fame or a full professorship or even a footnote in anybody’s book.

Which is why I keep repeating, “They can have the titles, they can have the money, they can have the fame. I just want to rule the world.”

I keep emphasizing the general point that all the frontline Movements are based on the Latest Thing, but nobody builds his world view around the fact that there will be NEW insights, NEW developments. No Movement, no professor, has even TRIED to build his world view on this most obvious of realities. If you don’t believe me, go back and look at the cries of articles in the1970s about “the earliest man has been found at …” and the whole New World views that were based on each one until my Science News bit appeared.

To understand this, you have to THINK about another point I keep making, “Why do people SAY things?”

I have been interviewed by a LOT of writers and I know what they want. The one time my picture was on the front page of the New York Times I got it there by practically writing the guys’ article for him. I knew EXACTLY the quotes a working newspaper writer needed and I had them ready. When he left my office, he was practically dancing on air.

With that experience, I can picture a writer doing an article on The Latest Scientific Discovery when I say, “the real lesson here is that MORE new discoveries will be made.” He would be on his way out the door.

This leads directly to another lesson I keep hammering at ’til you are sick of it: “Why do people SAY things?” A writer, whether he is writing for a scientific publication or the National Inquirer, needs quotes that emphasize the IMPORTANCE of the story he is trying to publish about The Latest Thing. Above all, he does NOT want someone putting his rave news into “perspective.”

Unless you understand “Why do people SAY things?” the idea that ten articles in a row said that, “It has just been discovered that man’s earliest ancestor was in…” seems incredible, not just coming from a science writer, but from any adult who is not actually retarded.

No one would have written what I wrote in Science News if he didn’t understand, “Why do people SAY things?” I wrote it because I understand that when people write silly things there is a reason for it, usually a reason that has nothing to do with Jews or some other obsession.

The lesson of “News and Jews” has nothing to do with news, and nothing to do with Jews.

That is the POINT.

  1. #1 by Dave on 11/19/2008 - 10:35 am

    The real question for any institution or organization is whether or not it is part of the organic process of society.

    Take the US automakers. It is not possible for them reintegrate into society’s organic process simply because what they need cannot be purchased. Hence, they are incapable of restructuring.

    Political Correctness has the same problem. The central premise of integration is the abolition of the wage differential between whites and nonwhites. The organic process of society says no, racial wage differentials are integral to the organic process of society and will not be abolished and not only that are central to how the present is structured and how the future will be structured.

    The institution never recognizes its debt to those factors that cannot be purchased. Hence, it always asserts that money is the solution and is always looking for unrealistic solutions to its problems.

    Getting to the heart of the matter, this is where it largely goes wrong.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 11/19/2008 - 1:33 pm

    The logical fallacy drives the herd into a stampede, Bob Whitaker cracks the whip and turns the herd so it is manageable once again.

    I could go into so many examples of the logical fallacy that affects us today it would make even my impressive cognitive abilities wilt. But perhaps the most nefarious is the use of the words “racist” and “racism”, invented out of whole cloth by an evil man of the left yet the herd of the right runs on and on never ever questioning the validity of them, cliff dead ahead. Its like a herd of Cape Buffalos being stampeded by the long shadow of a mouse, never once turning around, observing, diagnosing and calculating a plan, just keep running we are safe so far. Why? because they accept the logic of the crackpots who want their genocide.

    Anyway if you figure out a logical fallacy in investments that is where the real money is. Japanese now want USTs denominated in Yen, so even they can figure out logical fallacies.

  3. #3 by AFKANNow on 11/19/2008 - 11:59 pm

    in reply to Simmons:

    you wrote(in part):

    But perhaps the most nefarious is the use of the words “racist” and “racism”, invented out of whole cloth by an evil man of the left yet the herd of the right runs on and on never ever questioning the validity of them, cliff dead ahead. Its like a herd of Cape Buffalos being stampeded by the long shadow of a mouse, never once turning around, observing, diagnosing and calculating a plan, just keep running we are safe so far. Why? because they accept the logic of the crackpots who want their genocide.

    in reply:
    I have noticed the addition of strong emotional controls being used with the terms “racist” and “racism,” and have seen people literally – LITERALLY- shut themselves “down” from addressing the issues in anything more than the most cursory, Politically Correctness approved manner.

    I suspect this is largely due to the training and indoctrination systems of the public indoctrination education system, which has worked with ruthless and relentless skill in making this the current state of affairs.

    I suspect the actual practice of this system has been to render our Children emotionally incapable of acting as Adult, with Individuation, outside of the herd.

    As I listened to the comments of the younger members of the electorate, I was horrified at how many were voting SOLELY out of an emotional perspective.

    The importance of this for our Race is this:

    They are not open to the idea that they must take into account things they don’t know.

    They are motivated by the goal of group approval in problem solving, and even that is mostly a series of emotional responses, easily manipulated, and easily conditioned.

    In short, they are damn near perfect cattle, with no room for the TRUE independent, abstract thinker, who at least is AWARE of the existence of Unknown Unknowns.

    I saw a show from Britain’s Channel 4 by Derren Brown, called “The Heist.” Much of it is probably available from YouTube.

    It was absolutely amazing, as it demonstrated how suggestible some people are, being virtually totally controlled without being remotely aware of it.

    I suspect something like this has happened in the public fool system, and, as a result, the vast majority of our public school graduates are virtually incapable of holding a “serious world view.”

    Worse, their reactions are so dictated by emotional forces that they are, well, cattle.

    And THIS is what I have been fighting with in the case of my Nephews.

  4. #4 by Prometheus on 11/20/2008 - 4:17 am

    The real test of any scientific model, is its ability to predict and how this model correlates with reality. The model always changes as new information and ideas become available.

    The “Latest Thing” however, is fixed. Like in 1984, the new truth has been that way, and will always be that way.

    If we didn’t build our perception of our world on “The Latest Thing”, but instead kept our minds open, then that would invite questions that wouldn’t otherwise be asked. There are people who would lose power over us if the future was known to be open to anything and to any discovery.

    Casting doubt on what our descendants world view and knowledge will be, in turn, casts doubt on our worldview, and our own sacred truths.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 11/20/2008 - 8:43 am

    In deference to Bob and the Mantra. I think that a large portion of whites would accept their genocide willingly, even if they were told point blank to their faces that independent existance for their race was not possible. They are worse than cattle, they rationalize their death. My guess at least 75% would, especially if they were told that it would help propigate a fantasy wordism escape for them.

    I’m not sure the Mantra exclusively will “wake them up” it is not what they want they want a pill that puts them into the sleep. The “Pain” is too great for most. The “Pain” though is our secret weapon for mass election success to mask a remnant population who will make passage thru the evolutionary bottleneck forming ahead of us.

    My idea I get from all places Yugoslavia circa 1989 and Slobadan Milosovic. An itinerant bumbling commie hack uttered a sentence (by mistake) that perhaps saved his people, “I will not let them hit you ever again.” “I will not let them call you ‘racist’ ever again, or bully you ever again!” My words.

    Now I know I’m writing on a tough guy’s forum and that last sentence seems laughable to tough guys, but sparing and shielding the bulk of our population from the bully words is a winner. I want to stop their “Pain”, I want to punish those who bully our race.

    Laugh tough guys, but then go out and call the average white person a “racist”, and watch the emotional meltdown that person has, and then come to understand the power I said POWER that comes from lifting that pain off their heads.

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